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Everything posted by MOARdV

  1. That must be it - I grabbed .18 tools some time ago, looked at Unity for 5 minutes, and never bothered updating, since I'm not a modeler.
  2. Nazari1382 - thanks for the pointer. I'm not clear how to do that (I have Unity installed, and part tools 18, but I can't seem to load the .mu file into a project). However, that's outside of the scope of this thread, so I'll go poke around elsewhere on the forum and see if I can get clues on where I go from here.
  3. This isn't specific to the plugin, but I would like to add some monitors to the KOSMOS VA capsule interior. I have the module manager stuff configured right, I can get something appearing inside, so I know that much of it works. I'm guessing the rotation is a quaternion, and I'm dusting off the brain cells that used to know how to convert angles to quaternions. But how do I determine the position and rotation to position it, besides guess-and-check? Is there a tool I can use to do this visually / interactively, or do I need to iterate placement and rotations values in a text editor and restart / reload in the game until it looks right?
  4. I still see the roll. During launches, I do see that a counter-roll is being applied, but it is very small (maybe to the first 'tick' on the gauge). I can tap the roll key and correct it manually, so I have plenty of roll torque available. Likewise, I still see drifting rolls in orbit if I don't use Kill Rot after changing facing. FWIW, the roll seems to be restored after time warp (I thought warping negated rolls). Once again, I can tap the roll key and MJ will kill the rotation. The UI placement in compact looks better, but MJ doesn't apply it at the start. If I open the Settings window (to select the UI), MJ suddenly remembers that I had selected the compact UI, and it changes before I have to press anything.
  5. I can manage the roll in orbit, but I'd like to suppress roll during ascent (or, allow a "Force Roll = " option during ascent) I don't know what you mean by "is ASAS better", but maneuvering towards a direction (such as prograde) seems better. No large circles. It looks like it is taking the shortest arc to the desired heading, which is good. I don't use jet engines, so I can't provide feedback there. I like the more compact skin, although some GUI elements still need adjusting (specific example, on the Maneuver Planner window, the text between the left/right arrow buttons for selecting the maneuver type, and the scheduling, is top justified, not center justified). EDIT: Warp helper window also needs some UI elements adjusted to line up nicer.
  6. I am aware that the ship does not snap to position. That is not I am talking about. If I select "Prograde", the ship will swing to prograde, slowing its yaw/pitch rate as it approaches, like it should do. However, once it is on prograde, the ship has a definite roll of a few degrees per second around the prograde vector. I have let it roll for a minute or more and it does not stop, even as it keeps the nose pointed to prograde. However, if I tap one of the roll keys, the roll stops. The behavior looks like what happens when I turn on SAS (the ship quickly counter rolls to reach the same roll orientation it had when I tapped the key). Same thing if I press Kill Rot for a second before switching back to Prograde: the roll stops, and it does not return. I have noticed on launch a similar thing - I typically roll the ship 90 degrees before the gravity turn so that the crew are oriented with their heads "up" relative to the surface once I reach orbit (like would happen if I could "Force Roll = 0" during launch). With the current build, I see the ship drifting through a roll during ascent such that it is oriented at least 45 degrees off of the roll=0 orientation by the time I reach orbit. With the 2.1 official release (build# whatever it is), I see MJ suppressing rolls both while holding orientation and during ascent. That behavior does not seem present in build 115, with no other changes to my vessels or the KSP environment.
  7. With build 115, I notice that roll is not always stopped when using Smart ASS to face directions (prograde, for instance). It seems a slight roll persists until I tap 'Q' or 'E', and then it suddenly stops rolling. I was previously using 2.10 official version, and it did not have this behavior.
  8. This has been my observation as well. The Fustek/SDHI station using IACBM that I had in orbit since 0.21 became dangerously wobbly in 0.22 (R0.03.5a parts). Other stations using different parts did not. I would also suspect KSP 0.22 for that reason - I have problems on the launch pad due to a change in the transition to the launch pad that forced me to raise the breakingForce and breakingTorque on launch clamps, so I would not be surprised if something's been done to affect joint strength elsewhere, too.
  9. Here it is (in PNG format, 256 x 256px - wasn't sure if imageshack could handle tga). I am using x=90 and y=45 for the scale on the bump_texture to get that appearance. Feel free to use it. http://img198.imageshack.us/img198/9259/shc7.png
  10. I tweaked the bumpmap again on my installation. Instead of computing the normal of a heightmap generated with Perlin noise, I am computing the heightmap using fractional Brownian motion, and then computing a normal map off of that. (sorry for the solar panel being in the way - I wanted to capture those clouds in the screen shot).
  11. The tanks don't fall apart. The launch clamps do. They can't handle the awesomeness of URM 125 tanks . I've launched 100+ URM rockets. The problem is that Squad gorked the transition to the launch pad, and the launch clamps fail because the ship is shifted in position due to a "ground contact error". Hack the launch clamps to make them stronger (1500 or 1750 instead of 150). That's what I did.
  12. I like it so far. Does the shroud around the engine eject? The earlier picture shows half a shroud, and half an exposed engine. Also, is it a 1.25m or 2.5m diameter design?
  13. A Hydra-3 99A lifter carrying a robotic Mun rover waits on the launch pad shortly after sunset as clouds roll by to the north. The clouds appearance from the ground is simply phenomenal.
  14. Nice. I went from 2.8 gigs to 2.3. Which makes me wonder how I got down to 2.8 to start with - I'm typically 3.5+. I must have pruned out a lot of disused parts recently. But still, a reduction of nearly 1/6 of the working set is nothing to sneeze at. Does this generate a full mipmap chain, or does it just convert level 0 to DXT? If it does the full chain, does that mean it's also making mipmaps for PNG files?
  15. Textures with high spatial frequency or high contrast will look poor when compressed, so keep that in mind. That's why Trigger Au found the problem - his icons looked like garbage because of the compression.
  16. Or does B787_300 refer to the roll problem? That is, sometimes, during launch, I've seen MJ want to do a 180 degree roll around the vertical axis for some reason or another. When it happens right off the launch pad, results can be pretty bad. It'd be nice if MJ would have a "dead zone" during rocket launch where all it does is try to keep the nose pointed up, and not apply rolls or anything else until there's enough speed or altitude to make the maneuver safer.
  17. I should have remembered PNG is compressed. Trigger Au found that with the Kerbal Alarm Clock, and he posted about it a few months ago. So the game / engine goes through the trouble of DXT conversion (somewhat costly, if it's quality conversion), and then skips generating mipmaps (pretty cheap if you use the graphics API to do it).
  18. Once I play with some of the parameters more, I'll send it to you, if you like. It's not too tough to generate a bump map like this one using Perlin noise and some slope computations, as it turns out.
  19. I think NathanKell said that TGA loading had a leak, so that might be the problem there (leaking the whole image?). Here's what I got right now for an alternative bump map: Same cloud formation, although not at the same angle, unfortunately. I changed the tiling to 90 x 45 instead of 90 x 90, under the assumption that the values indicate the number of times the texture is wrapped around a cylinder representing the sphere. 90x90 would effectively stretch the texture horizontally. The left one is the current bump map. If you zoom in by 2x or so, you can see a lattice effect in the clouds from JPEG quantization in the map. The right one is the map I generated today, post-processed by GIMP to de-tile it. I'm going to adjust some parameters to see if I can get something I like a little better.
  20. I ran that experiment about a month and a half ago on 0.21 - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/entries/982-File-Format-Effects-on-Memory-Usage-in-KSP-%28experiment%29 - and MBM used less memory than TGA (and PNG was even higher, despite the lack of mipmaps). Some of that may have changed in 0.22. I haven't bothered retesting (too time consuming, too boring, and there's nothing I can do with that information since I can't change the source code). Unrelated, but I've been playing with replacing the bump map with a different one and changing some of the bump map parameters. I think the effect is currently way too pronounced (it looks too much like snow on the ground to me), and the bump map texture shows what looks like JPEG quantification artifacts. I generated a bumpmap procedurally to see if I can get something I like better. If I get decent results, I'll post screen shots for comparison.
  21. Hmm. That wasn't it, then. Something to do with colliders? The IACBM has that capability of letting kerbals crawl through. The SDHI parachute / docking port doesn't do that - maybe see how that compares?
  22. I've seen that with the current release 1,25m IACBM, not just the engineering release version. I think it started happening with 0.22, but I am not completely certain. I suspect it has to do with the mass of the part (?), since I also have heavier docking ports that I made compatible with IACBM, and they don't show the wobble.
  23. I might have missed mention of this ... modified FASA Gemini 'chutes don't show up when they deploy when I use this mod. I made my own MM config (before I saw that you had them on the front page), and I tried making a separate config file. The sounds play, the drag effects happen, and the part looks "deployed" (versus "packed"), but there are no parachute models visible.
  24. It required rearranging the sensors, and putting them all on the port side of the ship, but the Athena SCANsat TKS is ready for its shakedown cruise to the Mun. Assuming the flight engineers don't recall the crew again to swap parts out.
  25. Just make sure the buttons are placed right next to each other in the capsule. It's the Kerbal way.
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