Updated. More Delta V. Two way trips: Mun Minmus One way trips: Duna Eve Duna Eve Download: Trueshot Lander 909.craft Still relatively new to the game. I build a lot... I like stuff perfect so, here's my first ship sharing. Simple 5 ton payload. Ascent stage tested up to 6.5T and down to .8T, TWR stays in tolerable ranges for the whole weight range. Ascent is targeted for 70k orbit. 5T to 70k leaves 450 delta V on ascent. Don't need RCS for ascent. Use RCS pulsing for bringing that fat nose around for the last 450 delta V or whatever you have left. Mun landing usually occurs with external tanks unstaged with a little fuel left, depending on the pilot You can stage the tanks while landed with no harm. There isn't enough fuel for a free return trajectory maneuver + low orbital injection around Kerbin on the return. You have to just put your periapsis into the atmosphere at or below 35k. This of course means you will not be really picking your landing location. Just depends on what you come up with I guess! If nothing else a safe capsule chute ride. The delta V budget on this might allow for a one way interplanetary, would have to check. Lander is good for about 23 m/s landings, though not recommended on Mun for bounce reasons Possible breakage at 24 m/s, most likely 25, and almost guaranteed at 26 m/s. Whee. Tested well I am having a blast, and build a ton of vehicles. If anyone has requests or needs help please let me know! I have up to a 100 Ton lifter that flies solid and straight to 70k orbit. Working on bigger, but might need a bigger processor first lol I would love to help fix, create, or tinker on people's stock stuff. Don't do planes yet. Tips: Mechjeb may not show delta V correctly until the lander is staged, have faith Don't miss the staging on the lander, since it's not obvious when the tanks run out of fuel