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Posts posted by lyndonguitar

  1. and so I was reading about this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antimatter_rocket and this http://www.dailytech.com/Earths+Dirty+Secret+Our+Magnetic+Field+Traps+Antimatter/article22375.htm

    and many other anti-matter related things and found out that it is very much plausible to do.

    However things brings me to a question, If we had faster propulsion techniques, how would we travel? What's the best method?

    1. Could we just burn straight up?

    2. Burn more delta-v and thus making a wider hyperbolic trajecjory, significantly reducing travel time?

    3. Just burn normally? and hope to conserve as much fuel as possible to reduce fuel mass but also increase travel time(or just the same as using conventional rockets)

    4. or what?

    In that wiki link it is stated that "Most proposed antimatter rocket designs require a large amount of antimatter (around 10 grams to reach Mars in one month)", so if they had 10 grams of antimatter and a capable rocket,

    what maneuver would they do to reach mars in one month? (normally it takes 8-10 months to go there)

  2. If I transfer to steam will I be eligible for the expansions when/if they come out?

    If you bought the game before may 2013, yes.

    Do mods work the same on steam?


    Have any of you had any issues with the steam version?

    Nope, I used steam from the start and actually find it more easier, it adds to your collection, tracks playtime, and sharing screenshots is very easy. also updates tend to come alot more faster

    edit: mod ninja'd

  3. I use time-warp for when I don't have to do anything like waiting for an inter-planetary transfer but I don't mind controlling a ship up the atmosphere for 15 minutes.

    A higher time-warp could be used for the up-scaling.

    And yes there is difference as you will notice a planet is bigger when orbitting it, just the scale could amaze you.

    I'm not begging for this feature, but I won't deny that I would like it either.

    I know the view, I was playing Orbiter long before KSP, but that's just it, once you go down, you would see a rather empty, lifeless planet, Kerbin is lifeless as it is now(no size of civilization, etc, at the moment), and if you go away, it would take minutes even at timewarp to get somewhere else.

    Like you, I don't mind playing 1:1 either if it was an extra feature or a mod, as long as they keep the scale of the core game untouched.

    Then It would be like Orbiter but you can design and build.

  4. As a dwarf fortress-player I'm used to long-term playing as everything takes time, there is a group of gamers who like to see slow yet steady process when they play.

    Do you use time warp? If yes then you are contradicting yourself.

    in other words you just want to add a few more meaningless minutes into the game because you "like to see slow yet steady process"

    There's no actual benefit or difference in adding lets say 30 more minutes of mid-flight boredom, with nothing to do than just stare at the ship and time warp to death.

    And kerbals and their rockets are about 2-3 the size of humans as previous posts say, so the scaled down solar system is just right.

    In fact if you modify the game to effectively double or triple the shown units size (1m will be shown 2m/3m) same with gravity (but actually change it behind the scenes, and the shown value won't change)

    It will almost become 1:1 without sacrificing anything. But what happened? nothing, you just changed the numbers

  5. KSP is a FUN video game and will stay that way.

    Isn't a FUN video game, a fun video game about space is for example Dead Space or Mass Effect this is a simulative game, the only thing that change is it approach with the player :P
    So KSP isn't fun?
    It's fun because it change the approach with player difference to Orbiter


  6. Isn't a FUN video game, a fun video game about space is for example Dead Space or Mass Effect this is a simulative game, the only thing that change is it approach with the player :P

    So KSP isn't fun?

  7. In all honesty, I feel that unless you're doing some kind of SSTO or "nearly SSTO" your rocket design should be operating at maximum (or near maximum) throttle at all times.

    wrong, There is a thing called terminal velocity, that's why mechjeb has a auto-throttle feature. if you keep max throttle at all times especially if you have a strong rocket and high TWR, you would just waste fuel

  8. Is necessary useless and flaming comment?

    Is necessary useless and flaming reply?

    I said orbiter because if you know it that game has 1:1 scale and has a much more realistic approach than KSP(and it has humans too!), you can also download more HD texture packs and make the graphics better

    KSP is a FUN video game and will stay that way. They scaled down the planets and distance to reduce boredom, so you would see more action than just sitting around there watching the rocket go up the atmosphere. Nothing would change by having a 1:1 scale, except for the fact that everything that you do will just take a lot more longer. and Kerbals are bout only 20-30% percent the size of humans, so it's completely useless to make it 1:1


    tell me one good reason why they should make at 1:1 scale? It's not even Earth to begin with, it's a completely different planet. so even If you make it the size of the Earth, It would look nothing like Earth

    Why is it "ten times more beautiful than now"? Graphics quality is determined by the detail and the quality of textures, not how big the planet is.

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