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Everything posted by satcharna

  1. Granted, but all the other dimensions are Adam Sandler films. I wish Jupiter was a second sun instead of just a boring gas giant so we could one-up those Alpha Centaurians.
  2. False. The person below me has accidentally gotten a rover into "orbit" around Gilly.
  3. Most definitely not. I expect it will run into similar problems as the Ice Planet from Firefly. Problematic nourishment indeed. Person below me has at some point gotten caught up posting forum games for ages.
  4. False. This is the first I've heard of it. Looks neat. The person below me has at some point driven (steered?) a boat.
  5. Granted, your entire college is now cryogenically frozen. I wish struts were stronger and also had built-in SRBs.
  6. Det är samma sak för mig, Murchadh. Bara låtsas som att du passar in så brukar det gå bra.
  7. Airships would make quite decent transports, but only within an atmosphere. They can carry more weight than a comparable plane, making it possible to have both cheap budget flights with lots of people packed into a single airship, or luxury "air-cruising" for those with a bit more money to spend. They're not practical for space launches though, as the envelope needed to encompass the lifting agent (or lack thereof) would have to weigh more to not rupture, but that would make it too heavy to get far enough away. They could have a lot of potential for probes and landers going to places with a thick enough atmosphere, working essentially as very low-flying satellites, potentially avoiding surface problems a conventional lander would have (such as cold geysers). One idea would be a probe suspended below a balloon, which could explore gas giants up close, bypassing some of the magnetic field effects that make it difficult to examine gas giants from a distance. The Hooligan Airships parts are not particularly realistic, by the way. I still like having a blimp-probe on Laythe.
  8. Some optimization. After that, clouds, and after that some lightspots on the dark side, to look like cities.
  9. Heya, I'm the Sat. I make insanely large things and then spend hours failing to put them in orbit.
  10. Hej! Skaffade just Kerbal, efter att ha upptäckt det av en slump på reddit. Hur kul som helst ju!
  11. Granted, but the snow is real. I wish to be able to end sentences with prepositions.
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