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Everything posted by Fractal_UK

  1. Impactor data transmision is now working and you see it collecting up in the archives. I've had to keep the reports for each impactor seperate in the science archives but I think that's an acceptable compromise. Ignore the bit I scribbled out, you won't see that. I was just experimenting with different approaches.
  2. If you beam power via a microwave transmitter you can convert solar power into Megajoules. Be careful if you're beaming solar power to add an RTG or something so that the ship doesn't lose power.
  3. It's just extracted from seawater with the large refinery. Remove the following section of rapier.cfg. Don't remove the precooler part because you can't remove the overheating from thermal rockets. You'll need to make a similar edit to B9aero.cfg if you use it. @PART[RAPIER] { MODULE { name = ModuleSabreHeating } } @PART[turboFanEngine] { MODULE { name = ModuleSabreHeating } }
  4. I think you're missing Helium-3 for the reactor as well, that's probably why you're having problems. It certainly doesn't start with any.
  5. Since you ask so nicely... I have succesfully hacked the stock science apart and now it does my bidding.
  6. The big fusion reactors require a lot of ongoing power so if you just spawn one on the pad, it won't have anything to fill those power requirements. The small fusion reactors are rarely affected by this because the fusion reactors will try to draw ElectricCharge if they don't have enough power to keep going normally. The big fusion reactors require an inconceivably large amount of ElectricCharge so you will need something to start them up with.
  7. That's the point, they're done by mass but the units that you see in the resource bar are not mass units, they're volume units so you have to convert to mass units before you can make a meaningful comparison. Sorry, but I don't have time to go back and reread your post from earlier right now. Remember though that mass of the sail isn't the only part, there is all the structure that actually supports the sail as well.
  8. Not really, usually monopropellant is Hydrazine because it is a propellant that will decompose against a platinum catalyst without any ignition source needed. You could use cold gas thrusters, e.g. with Nitrogen but the Isp produced by KSP monopropellant is far too high for that type of thing. That'd be more the sort of thing that your EVA Kerbals would use.
  9. Not exactly, no. You also need to account for the density of the different fluids, 1 unit does not equal 1 reactant. That said, you are right, the rate is much too low and there is a bug here.
  10. H2O2 production is the anthraquinone process, it just requires water. CO2 is needed for the sabatier process, which produces methane.
  11. My general assumption with respect to resources is that if they exist on the planet, they exist in large enough quantities that you can't mine it all out. The abundance only affects the time required and thus the total energy. The problem with monoprop production on Kerbin is not hydrogen peroxide, it's the ammonia. That could conceivably be made on Kerbin using the Haber-Bosch process with atmospheric nitrogen and hydrogen.
  12. On the mun, ice is contained in the polar craters but there isn't water anywhere else on the surface. On minmus, there is ice everywhere in at least small quantities. I'm going to add a Dynamic Albedo of Neutrons detector to allow you to rove around and find what the concentration is in each area.
  13. Ah, it's because you have no generators so there is no thermal source temperature to worry about (I guess it's therefore displaying float.MaxValue). That part of the display just needs hiding when that is the case, I guess, it's giving you the right information, it just looks a bit messy. It definitely can be done in flight with some work, I guess it could be useful when you're docking things together to build large ships or bases.
  14. You've spotted my trick. I just reduced the thrust slightly so that the amount of energy they are drawing shouldn't ever endanger the ability to actually maintain fusion, this way you'll always see the same value too, rather than having the thrust drop as you start to deplete resources. It's not that, if I can find get a decent bug report off one person, I'll obviously look at it. It's just that in this case the "problem" he is reporting is the correct behaviour, in fact, it's the behaviour you'd want.
  15. I might be able to tie an atmospheric intake control to the standard intake one, then the open/close button would control both. That would be a useful change for other reasons. I will look into doing that.
  16. Every feature that people might not like is very easy to disable anyway, that is by design. These can be done either by editing the module manager configs or by editing the warp plugin settings file.
  17. Glad to hear that's finally got all the problems you're having. It's always a problem with big releases, it's almost impossible to test them to the level as is achieved by even half a dozen or so users playing for a few hours. I don't really want to get into Life Support, there are lots of good life support mods already but Eadrom has his KESA resource integration mod which integrates Interstellar and TAC water resources. That allows certain life support objectives to be achieved with Interstellar resources. Water is a very versatile resource though, it could conceivably be used for things like radiation shielding in future. I'd possibly like to make some larger storage systems for it too, having propellant depots full of water is a good storage format.
  18. I know it isn't the best place to put them but in many ways, it's the least bad place to put them, if you see what I mean? Those things don't require any technological breakthrough to unlock, it's just some materials that you might want to use. There are a few potential uses for those things and I decided that by putting them in a later tech node, it could lead to people missing them if they took an odd route through the tech tree. Basically, it's just to make sure they're available when people want them.
  19. Version 0.10.2 Released Hopefully this will resolve the remaining problems. Version 0.10.2 -Fixed thrust asymmetry issue with fusion and direct conversion generators -Impactor detection improvements -Improvement of Thermal UI handling of microwave receivers -Fixed Antimatter Initated Reactor cfg -Lithium comes with Lithium tank by default -Minor Antimatter tank ElectricCharge handling improvements Download links on the first page have been updated.
  20. I've already answered this as well. Only if the megajoules bar is full will the demand be what you need, if the bar is partially empty, the demand is the maximum the generators can produce.
  21. Delete the mod folders, redownload and reinstall. There is definitely no incompatibility with KW.
  22. That is not related to FAR/DRE. On re-entry, you are moving too fast to use airbreathing engines so you need to keep your engines off or intakes closed until you reach a safe velocity to switch on airbreathing engines again.
  23. This seems to have done the trick on the thrust assymetry issue, we just reserve a little power and keep it to one side to keep those plasma heating systems running:
  24. I already mentioned earlier, if you have nuclear reactors on saved crafts you may need to replace them with fresh copies from the VAB. KSP saves resource totals inside the craft files rather than looking up fresh totals and although there are mechanics in place to auto-upgrade reactors, it's difficult to distinguish between one on a saved craft and one that has just been placed in the VAB. Since both the amount of fuel on the reactors and the consumption rate has been increased by 1000x, you will run out of fuel very quickly if you have a reactor with an old resource total.
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