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Everything posted by Fractal_UK

  1. Yes, you're right, the problem is related to how ChargedParticles are converted into ThermalPower when a supply of ChargedParticles isn't needed. I have managed to fix the problem of thrust assymetry by changing the way that conversion happens, the fix basically stops ChargedParticles from being converted into ThermalPower and instead allows generators and thermal rockets to consume ChargedParticles directly if they have need of more power. The downside of this approach is that there is no preferential treatment of charged particles meaning that the generators can likewise run out of power to maintain the fusion reactions when in charged particle mode. At least this second problem is much easier to solve, I'm going to add a warning that will alert the user when fusion plasma heating power is getting dangerously low so they can take some action to prevent it (e.g. throttling engines down to 90%). I have some ideas for better solutions though, so I'm going to test those alongside this approach and see what works best.
  2. You can use any stock or modded stackable intakes, the b9 sabre intakes are the most appropriate.
  3. Nothing on the power management display has anything to do with solar panels, solar panels will not appear there, nor will they create either supply or demand on that screen.
  4. To be honest, that's a good approach. It's a very easy feature to disable if it doesn't suit you.
  5. I certainly take this point and I am interested in looking into switching over to this approach in the future. This is not correct at all though, I did very much consider radial intakes in the design process, I considered supporting them for a while but ultimately I think their inability to be precooled is an appropriate design trade-off. There is a big difference between a hypersonic intake and an essentially orbital velocity intake. On Earth, there is a big difference between Mach 5 and orbital velocity, on Kerbin, there isn't. Having no precooling requirement up to velocities where they would be required in the real world already makes things massively easier than they should be. The only way to remove the need for precooling in atmosphere is to have the combustion take place at supersonic velocity so you don't get all the friction heating from slowing down the airflow to subsonic velocities inside your intake. That would require a totally different engine design, no matter whether your intake is suited to hypersonic airflow or not. Additionally, this approach actually has meaningful tradeoffs. You can either have the convenience of radial intakes and have an easy time sticking them on your craft anywhere you like, or you design around having integrated precooled intake stacks. The first approach results in you having to pack a little more rocket fuel and the second results in an engineering problem. Neither are particularly challenging but at least it adds a bit more depth to SSTO aircraft design rather than simply flying up to orbital velocity inside the atmosphere and spending a piddly few m/s of delta-v to circularise. Adding the precoolers to radial intakes would mean it would have absolutely no impact on difficulty and might as well be removed entirely. What type of reactor are you using? If it's a fusion reactor, it'll eat the electric charge trying to turn the reactor back on unless you actually turn it off.
  6. Ah okay, thanks. I still don't undestand though, solar panels and generators don't provide compatible power supplies, there is no connection between the two whatsoever. If the generator has no power then the megajoules bar will deplete and resource demand will go to maximum.
  7. I don't know what you mean, when generators stop producing when exactly? Nothing significant with generators has even changed...
  8. If you're testing this based on a saved craft, you may need to delete the reactor part and replace it with a fresh one from the VAB part selector because KSP saves the resource totals in the craft file rather than loading them freshly. If you're seeing a resource total in your craft that's less than one, that's definitely the problem. The actual fuel usage rates haven't changed.
  9. It doesn't matter, only Linux has an x64 version of KSP at the moment, all other platforms are stuck with 32 bit KSP and that means crashes whenever you hit 4GB of ram used by the game.
  10. This is just the standard KSP out of memory problems, try to make sure you have texture reduction of some kind (either the packs for specific mods or active memory reduction) or just delete some of your least favourite parts from your mods and then it will load again.
  11. Just to confirm so I know the conditions fully, the generators are in direct conversion mode, right?
  12. If you get the update, I switched the key over to "I". Toolbar integration is something I'll look at in the near future.
  13. Are you loading a craft with an Antimatter Initiated Reactor? If so, you'll need to delete the Antimatter Initiated Reactor from the craft in the VAB and replace it with a new one from the parts list.
  14. That's very possible if you can't power it. There is no "seismic sensor," there is only an accelerometer. You don't get science just for crashing, you need an instrument somewhere on the same planet to actually record the results of the crash, yes. I suggest you re-download and reinstall. Everything works fine here. Make sure you delete your old WarpPlugin folder before you reinstall.
  15. You can land an accelerometer on the Mun, then fly an impactor straight from Kerbin into the Mun. You don't need any kind of link or attachment between the accelerometer and the impactor.
  16. Every part has an automatically generated radiation hardness which reduces the dose received. If you EVA a Kerbal you'll see the "true" dose and any other part that you store a kerbal inside will produce a reduced dose depending upon the mass of the part and the number of Kerbals it contains. I like the idea, I will look into it. You're right. The receivers have to have a temperature rating due to the thermal reception option, because that temperature is quite low, it reduces the maximum temperature rating of the radiators and leads them to being detected as having massively reduced cooling. There might actually be a way to fix this, I'm going to experiment with some ideas.
  17. Is it possible that you didn't crash fast enough? You need to be going at least 40m/s to generate the science (this was reduced from 100m/s in 0.10.0 to be more friendly to Eve impactor attempts).
  18. Yes, ideally it'd be nice to integrate it with the stock science system such that reports get generated in the typical style. The major problem with this is that generally you're transmitting data from the active vessel back to the R&D centre, while these impactors needn't even be within physics range of an active science instrument. It's theoretically possible that I could make it so that reports are generated and then picked up by the detectors later, and you then you send that data back. That might be a nice avenue for expansion but, that would leave you in the position of having to click back to your detectors after each impact event, record the data and send it back to Kerbin - this might make it prove to be just an irritating feature rather than a worthwhile intregration step. I'm not really sure at this stage. In any case, certainly adding thousands of science to the game without taking any away would be a really bad idea. The Interstellar tech nodes cost thousands in themselves and it's really not right if you can advance through all of these super advanced technologies in a matter of mere moments. *** That is not correct, you can crash anywhere. You only need enabled seismic sensors on the same planet. The impactor module is added to all vessels on flight startup. The runway is a model so crashing into it doesn't generate the right behaviour. You need to crash into the ground. Yep. I've never tested those particular mods but I don't see why not.
  19. Version 0.10.1 Released Version 0.10.1 -Fixed Plasma thruster loading bug -Switched Antimatter Initiated Reactor to UraniumNitride fuel (instead of UF4). -Fixed Antimatter Initated Reactor Resource amounts -New planet science curve from impactor experiment (more science everywhere except Kerbin) -Fixed some typos and included some missing part descriptions -Thermal helper toggle key changed to "I" -Fixed Gamma Ray Spectrometer orientation and attachment -Fixed Radial Tank attachment -Tritium radioactive decay added to reactors Download links on the first page have been updated.
  20. Adding loads of new science is pointless, there is already more than enough science in the game so simply adding lots more of it is not a productive use of anyone's time. Especially when getting late technology is supposed to actually pose some kind of a challenge. The impactor science might be a little low at the moment and need to be tweaked upward somewhat, I'm already coming to that conclusion. That said, you seem to be assuming where you once got X science, you now get zero, which is not even close to true. That's hardly unprecendented, the stock instruments don't tell you what return you're going to get either. Ultimately, the answer is: it depends. Why would you assume there are lots of restrictions on how long probes can run or the number of impacts? Why would you think you would have to have remote tech, a different mod? That honestly makes no sense and suggests that you haven't even run one single impact experiment (which you could do in 30 seconds on the launch pad). I'm quite happy to take feedback/criticism but it'd be kind of nice to think it was actually based on some actual experience of the new system. The amount of science you get depends on the number of detectors you have and their position (more detectors will give you a bit more science beyond what one will give you) and the amount of science will diminish with each impact but will never reach zero. This is hardly an unprecended mechanic and it's not particularly complicated. Ultimately, one of the biggest complaints made about the stock science system is that it doesn't involve any actual experimentation - you go somewhere, you click a few times, you fly back. The accelerometer is a good choice for alteration because the most effective way to produce seismic activity on a geologically dead world is to produce it yourself, so you know the magnitude of the impact that caused it and can actually produce meaningful data. With this system, you can land detectors on each body, you can use multiple detectors if you like (best positioned on opposite sides of the body) and then send off special impactor missions or use discarded stages to produce science as you travel. If you really want the stock functionality back as well, you can just delete !MODULE[ModuleScienceExperiment] { } in GameData/WarpPlugin/Science.cfg. Just crash a ship into the ground, it doesn't need anything special on it. Thanks, I missed a changed as I was switching everything over to the new resource draw method. Apparently a last minute change designed to make a small tweak to the arcjet thruster caused this bug, I think I have a fix now.
  21. If you remove the microwave receiver, you will get an accurate reading. The thermal UI has problems predicting microwave behaviour because a receiver could receive almost anything.
  22. Why are you stacking so many of those radiators? There is no need for that many of them, there is no reactor in the mod that requires so many and they are quite large heavy parts.
  23. Lets say you want to raise your apoapsis, at periapsis just orient your solar sail at 45 degrees to prograde - half way between the prograde direction and the away from the sun direction. You need to consider the angle you are reflecting light from the sun off the sail because that's the direction you will accelerate. Also, if you're going somewhere further out than Kerbin, it can be an asset to lower your periapsis to get more thrust going outward until you actually achieve the desired apoapsis.
  24. You can switch your generator over to Direct Conversion in the VAB to get that 85% power conversion efficiency.
  25. The solar sails are really interesting, they don't handle like anything else in KSP because their thrust is truly tiny but they work in both types of time acceleration. Therefore they don't make burns, they just slowly change their trajectory as you fly.
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