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Everything posted by K3-Chris

  1. Silly question: are the struts supposed to jitter back and forth if you move relative to them? If I'm perfectly stationary next to my station they look fine, if I puff the RCS to go left slowly all active strut lines start moving left-right what looks like 10x~ their width before snapping back to where they should be at a pretty high speed making it somewhat strobeish.
  2. Yeah windows lists both stick and throttle in game controllers, dxdiag as well, tried 1.2.1 and 1.0, neither shows anything but mouse and keyboard :\ Not sure if relevant or not but recent versions don't retain their skin setting either, where does the plugin store it's settings? Might be corrupt or something.
  3. Is there some way to change the distance? the inflatable OKS modules are too large to get close enough to use it at the default range.
  4. I've always had problems conceptualizing what kind of tech tree would make sense for KSP, problem with the stock tree is that it limits your choices to basically force a version of a tutorial on you whether you want or need it or not, the "better than starting manned" tech tree seems a more realistic route which mimics how actual space tech progressed, but it's run by a crazy person that hates all mods. But entirely sandbox removes even the few goals we have from the game. I don't fancy biome hopping the mun, minmus and kerbin to get to half finished tree when you can actually make interesting craft, and since my primary focus is logistics via TACLS/UKS and SSTOSPs etc using B9 the fact that most of those parts are really far up the tree is annoying to me, I've started to just "cheat" to that point in the tech tree and go from there, lower half doesn't hold any interesting challenges for me, just boredom at this point, though I wonder if that "guided" experience has a benefit for new players or not. But opening up small rockets, small planes and small rovers at the start seems a sensible idea, fine print has missions to explore nearby KSC in rovers, small rockets can go to orbit and perhaps fly past the mun etc, allows you to put satellites in fine-print orbits with ScanSAT instruments, small planes can explore kerbin and do fine print missions to fly to specific places on kerbin. I liked the old KSPi tree at the top end, let you have harder to reach endgame goals.
  5. Spaceplane guidance is pretty useless from my experience, I prefer to use the "surf" feature to set a heading, pitch and roll say 90, 20, 0 You can use MJ's attitude adjustment to change how "vigorously" MJ adjusts your heading, the higher the number the "lazier" it is. Adjust pitch to get the desired result (maintain altitude, slowly gain, etc) is how I usually fly my SSTOSPs. And yeah MJ isn't ideal for planes in some ways, though surf does a decent job at keeping you pointed the right way, SAS has the downside of not being relative to kerbin so as you keep going away from KSC an angle you set with SAS will drop bellow the horizon at some point. Making the attitude adjustment slower than would be ideal for a rocket helps MJ fly planes without as much wobble. The RPM integration of MJ isn't to my liking, it's missing a lot of stuff you'd want in there, I'm not sure what the solution is though.
  6. My x55 has vanished from the AFBW GUI, what gives?
  7. Just me or has all the ORS/ORSX resources used by RoverDude's OKS pack vanished from MFT?
  8. Yes you need MJ, not sure which tech node you need if any.
  9. Precoolers only have a function if you have KSPi (or at least it used to do patch in that functionality, haven't tried it recently). Only thing I can think of is the particle count being too high? Smokescreen settings in the 000toolbar should let you set the particle count lower to try that.
  10. ravenousjoe: they use the same module and code (both stock from the rapier engine) just different configurations, the M is in effect 4x S engines in one part, I can't see the cause for your problems, I'd need logs to go any further.
  11. That's klockheed martian which sadly is no longer maintained as far as I can tell, I guess at some point we'll need to migrate the VTOL's to some other plugin, pretty sure the stock gimbal code can't handle VTOLs.
  12. Turn it, only 2 end nodes attach to parent parts, same as stock 6 way adapter, it's a restriction of the game, not the mod.
  13. Actually FAR is easier than NEAR in some ways, NEAR just hides the GUI that tells you what's going on and simplifies some interactions, I've heard from plenty of people that NEAR is harder than FAR.
  14. You say that, but if you got 20+ a day that followed the same pattern and is about 90% of the posts in your thread I'm not sure you'd be as resolute on that.
  15. That's an ugly hack to make the SPP parts fly more reasonably in stock aero, Squad has said current stock aero isn't long for this world anyway (ffs just hire ferram already) if you really want it mm:ing it on shouldn't be too difficult, but seriously, if you spend any time making planes in KSP install FAR, stock aero is decent for rockets, it's hugely simplified and silly but you don't notice a large difference beyond the much higher terminal velocity. But in a plane the difference is massive, planes behave like planes in FAR, not some anti-gravitic ship. If you've played KSP with stock aero especially using planes switching to FAR has a bit of a learning curve (mostly un-learning bad habits stock aero makes you do) Weird, I guess the next step is making a clean install and moving over one mod at a time or similar, or chunks, sounds like a compatibility/installation problem.
  16. While I don't object to this mod on some levels, be aware it has a very long list of potential problems, primarily the problem that people will not know to update their mods and won't be told they're running old incompatible mods, this can cause a nightmares for support of mods, people will think a mod should be working fine when in fact it's broken and has since been fixed. As a modder that has to handle support fairly frequently this mod terrifies me.
  17. Sounds like you're hitting RAM cap, .25 has a lot more stock textures than .24.2 did namely SPP etc, you'll have to start cutting into stock and or mod parts, or set ATM to lower texture size. Personally I play with B9 planes not SPP so I removed SPP, and I have similar replacements for stock parts using mods, I've cut out a lot of stock parts, and some from mods. Can check taskmanager while loading KSP, does it hit 3.2GB~?
  18. Heh, cheers bacvy :> If you want rid of the WIP S3 cockpit delete GameData\B9_Aerospace\Parts\Cockpit_S3_V2 or re-install B9 fresh.
  19. Can also use the pFairings interstage adapter to make open ended size adapters: Doesn't adapt size, but should get the idea across, NERVA inside and I made it that way because I find it somewhat silly to re-enter the atmosphere with an exposed nuclear reactor, and DRE agrees with me.
  20. Hyomoto: That's not one of our engines and I can't re-create that problem with the fuel tank, All I can say is that you must have some mod that interferes.
  21. bac9 does yes, I'm on modo, Tav is modo+maya I think.
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