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Everything posted by K3-Chris

  1. It's the length that causes the physics to be janky, frankly I fly really large planes with the short landing gear no problem. Unity wheels don't support bogie setups, unity wheels aren't all that sophisticated: http://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/class-WheelCollider.html which is why we have to trade sideways stiffness for traction to try and find a balance between casing the bottom of the plane to build a lot of sideways movement when a wheel catches at an odd angle making you roll and loose your wings on one side and it being so slippery sideways you can't land on a hill.
  2. The symmetry in B9 isn't somehow different from how the stock game does it, no idea still what your specific problem is but it's sounding less and less B9 related. Get EditorExtensions and Part Angle Display for better editor controls.
  3. Sorry I have no idea what you're on about.
  4. RPM isn't a problem, just don't install the B9 patches, B9 comes with RPM anyway so, similar with hotrockets, delete the b9 .cfg, MFT is being worked on by Tav, tweakscale no idea, it's an incompatibility with FireSpitter's fuel switcher.
  5. Taverious does the tricky .cfg stuff and the math for wing lift, fueselage internal volume for fuel etc and the balance stuff, bac9 is pretty busy generally speaking but he last did the HX parts and I do the IVAs and most of the work on the external models of stuff that has IVAs because they need to line up properly, Tav handed over the external mesh of the new S3 version to me like 2-3 months ago, I've been busy with the HL, props/MFDs and overhauling the other cockpits since pretty much, and I'm sure he'd like to see the S3 finalized soon.
  6. Dev branch of FAR or B9? I've had to switch to dev FAR, I got that bug where the UI started to flash if a vessel left physics range, make visiting stations pretty annoying. Sorry I'm just one guy, currently working on the S3 (pretty sure Tav would murder me if I didn't get it done soon) the HX is next in line.
  7. Our part list is already larger than stock, adding more at this point without a very good reason is hard to justify. It's pretty easy to hide a small probe core somewhere inside a B9 craft, if you don't want to rely on part-clipping put it inside a cargo bay or similar, all fuselage systems have torque wheels. Can put a tail on backwards to act as a nose-cone. there are adapters between m2 and 2.5m and S2, doesn't need a full set of parts. Hmm, some re-scales of the HW21 could make some sense, though if you don't already get pWings, lets you make your wings as large and complicated as you want, comes with B9 styled wings. You can make that various ways including the HL 1m extensions and add adapter pieces to make it 2m that doesn't clip into the fuselage. Planned. B9 R5 includes firespitter, why are you installing it? Do you want the parts from it? Install it first, let B9 overwrite the .dll, I'll bet you're installing an old version of FS.
  8. Hmm, not sure I'm sold on the concept, I've seen so many really weird attempts at planes with all the parts. The HL adapter is a sub-type of the 0.5m one.
  9. There is an adapter for HL to 3.75m.... There is a mk2 to 2.5m I'm not so keen on adapters between the different fuselage systems, planes that mix fuselage parts like that just look weird, like ferrari front-end has been bolted to a ford transit rear end, it doesn't work.
  10. Huh is that a recent bug? I remember opening the radiators in .23.5 at altitudes still technically inside the atmosphere.
  11. I don't want to tie it to the lights action group, if you turn on the interior lights in the dark it's actually quite hard to see out the windows due to the subtle reflections becoming a lot more pronounced compared to the darkness outside, it's a realistic and atmospheric addition I like, in the dark you have 2 options, turn on the interior lights to see inside better or turn them off and rely on the backlit instruments and buttons to see what you're doing inside while no reflections on the windows and better night visions gives you better outside visibility, too bad KSP doesn't have HDR/dynamic exposure or similar to mimic night vision etc. I want to give people the choice of having them separate, but yeah I'd like to tie em to the external emissive and the external emissive to the interior lights, I can do it it's just a lot of unity wrestling needed, I need a mini-vacation after that 5.0 release push and post release fixes.
  12. I'm on #319, seems MJ still have no idea how to handle the biprop RCS "vernors" turn on RCS balancing and they make jets the size of kerbin, and a heavy lander using them had according to MJ "inf" TWR making it "land" on the mun by time-warping to the surface, then firing up my nukes to slow down from 500m/s+ to 495m/s~ >_> about 490m/s more lithobraking than I'm comfortable with, luckily I had a quicksave and landed manually successfully. Translatron when asked to do 0 vertical speed just flicked the NERVAs on and off really fast, yeah, PWM of NERVAs has been achieved.
  13. Yeah there is a bit of a gap in winglets that fit on the 2m and 1m square part's ends, 4m is covered though, I suggest getting pWings, has B9 style wings you can freely re-size, no need for multi-part wings unless you want them and you can adjust the thickness of the wings etc to fit the winglets. I think that's a FAR feature you can turn on/off in it's settings. That's the plan, problem is that the code to toggle the external light needs the animation name, and each pod has it's own animation name, and they all share the same button inside, I'd either have to give each one a variant of the same button (a bit silly) or I'd have to re-name the animations for all the exterior emissives (a fair bit of work and might cause unity to get really wonky).
  14. Yes it's per hole, R6 has 2 nozzles on the end.
  15. Yeah I'll need to figure out the geometry, man I wish droboman parts still worked, so nice for arms, stock IR parts and the rework ones aren't as nice imo for arms.
  16. Note to self: docking with docking ports on IR parts is considered cheating by the kraken and you get punished for it with near instant total disassembly of your craft, managed to save the crew, just, docking port started vibrating back and forth in a "here comes the kraken" way and I decided it was best to EVA both kerbals, seconds later the plane ripped apart and got flung from orbit into kerbin, parked the kerbals as close as I could with as little relative velocity as I could and send up a 3 man pod with parachute and heatshield with 2 empty seats to save em before they asphyxiated. Luckily the station has no IR parts so it's fine and the plane was far enough away when it kaploded to not impact it. Guess I can use the same design and detach the payload with the docking ports really close but not close enough to pull, or put some RCS thrusters and fuel on the payload along with a probe core etc, that feels a bit wasteful though.
  17. That's a bug with MJ's RCS balancer, and wow, that image host must be on 56k or something
  18. So, how do I stop my ships going wonky from docking vessels using docking ports moved by IR parts? Did that, undocked, plane went properly wonky, managed to save the crew by a slim margin before it shaked to bits.
  19. I'm some tech tree nodes away from the IR struts or the active struts, so I came up with a more manual solution: Ladders into the cargo bay to reach the KAS struts on the payload and the cargo bay walls, Ludsey had to strut them up before takeoff, IR hinge angled up a bit to compensate for the "droop" gravity causes. Had to close the cargo bay to let the Ludsey cross both directions. This setup also lets me make a crane to re-stock the plane, turn the docking-port up to drop a payload onto it, turn hinge down and attach struts. And man, would be so sweet if you could attach ladders to the inside of the cargo doors. Full mission to my OKS station in LKO: Showcasing my near 100% reusable approach, payload of consumables (food, water, oxygen) sent to my LKO station, KAS used to attach struts to the cargo bay, and then to the station, next time I send one of these tanks up I can return the empty one to kerbin to be re-filled.
  20. Yeah I tried that, instead of going crazy fast with the noise pointed forwards I went crazy fast with the nose pointed sideways XD never ever re-entered that badly before. New version on it's way to land right now: A lot more controlled. And yeah I've had to do some 3 or more point turns, or gently roll off the runway. Edit: Yeah a lot more gentle. Here is the payload btw: Universal Storage hexcore fits inside the S2 cargo bays as if it was meant to go there IR used to angle the payload out for attachment to station/tug by the plane, allows the plane to hand the cargo off without the need for a dedicated RCS tug or similar. Cool part about this modular payload system is that I can recover the spent tank from my station in the plane and take it back down to be re-filled on the ground on the way back from bringing up a fresh set of supplies for the station. I'll make a similar setup for HL sized bays later with 2.5m~ payloads, these are 1.875m.
  21. Wow, just wow, had no idea this was even possible: Was testing this airplane design: Not happy with the wings, they're too small but adding another set of 4x4 wings to it makes them too large imo, man I wish pWings weren't so far up the tree... Might notice I "forgot" the airbrakes, well I didn't truly expect the design to get into space with that little wing, but it did, I dropped my test payload in orbit and burned retrograde to get back to KSC. Problem was that no airbrakes and that little wing meant I couldn't really slow down in any appreciable sense of the word, and well, I play with FAR and DRE: DRE removed all the wings, but the main stack of the plane survived, including the rocket engine on the back, as a last ditch effort since I was already going crazy fast (2400m/s~) and I had about 1/4 of my LF+Oxi left I fired up the rocket engine and pitched back with it's small gimbal range, it was enough, hit 550km Ap at 15km~ altitude, dropped to 400km~ by the time I got out of the atmosphere, had enough fuel to burn prograde at Ap enough to get into 400/100 orbit. I guess there is a lesson in there somewhere, if you're going way too fast, it's better to accelerate than slow down. Next version will have larger wings and airbrakes >_> Jeb insisted on it.
  22. Silly question: can you use MM to replace props in a INTERNAL{}? Say some internals use a prop I've made a better version off, but I don't want to make my own version of all those internals and MM in the internal itself into the parts? I just want to use MM to swap the prop in all those internals?
  23. I got the latest version of the mod, I don't get a icon for it in the stock toolbar thing, I still have a small text button like before, can't find any setting to change that.
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