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Everything posted by acealeam

  1. "1.It must be easy to intermediate difficulty (no returning from the surface of Eve, etc.)" Whattt. That's easy! Just think small and dont over engineer.
  2. I think it depends on if you can make it work. You can have a 5:1 ratio and if it still looks feasible, then it's not airhogging.
  3. Yes I would, but if possible, could you make it a plugin that can configure the amount?
  4. I couldn't agree more. You have to pay for controllers anyways, and I'm sure it wont be priced outrageously.
  5. I love the tape. Making me wish I had an Ipad here
  6. I laughed when I read that, turns out, he wasn't kidding.
  7. That's so nice. Seriously, that brought a smile to my face. Good on ya. On topic, I'll probably go to the mun and go crater surfing
  8. Really? Just getting used to AIES and then this. SLOW DOWN.
  9. I'm sorry, man. That's touching, what you did though.
  10. The only thing I'm worried about is poor old Scott's reusable space program.
  11. Space plane started to stall. Fell for a few thousand meters, managed to pull up at 70 meters
  12. I wouldn't say flawlessly. I kept thrusting too much and I'd go up sometimes, but nothing broke and it didnt tip
  13. That's from the new Kethane. It's in the screen too. The green ones have Kethane.
  14. Looks very handy. Just work on the textures a bit more:)
  15. Yep. I could make a 2000 ton Eve launcher, or my 11 ton eve launcher. Personally, I dont want to kill my computer.
  16. A rocket would be no problem. A spaceplane, doable, it's hard, but I can. Can't land them though :/
  17. Mileny Kerman. He's been on my last 7 flights, and with 0% stupidity he can't be that bad!
  18. This is what mine has A place to store kerbals Lots of solar Panels (A girder or two with a few Gigantor XL's) A place to dock space planes and ships A fuel tank hangar with fuel tanks A winch to bring things closer to dock.
  19. That happened to me too! He survived EVAing a ship at 5,000 meters though...
  20. Geosynchronous orbit over KSC isn't the easiest thing. Correct me if I'm wrong but the only way to get there without waiting is to go straight up and not do a gravity turn.
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