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Posts posted by stupid_chris

  1. If your engines are higher than your center of mass, gimballing engines attempt to correct in the wrong direction. If that's the case, have you tried turning off engine gimbals before attempting to land?

    I just did a round of testing, and that's exactly the problem I came up with... I noticed using the ASAS always made me go off course quite dramatically, while going without made me fly straight up. I noticed a problem however, my commands were completely inversed. Up went to down, down to up and left right inversed just as much. I'm gonna have trouble landing without gimbal, so anyone knows how to fix this as it seems to be the core of the problem.

    I tried messing with my probe core, turning it around and stuff. The problem persists .-. (at least I know my rover is correctly balanced)

  2. That'S exactly what I've been doing. I've been fine tuning the components to the closest possible I can get, trying to align the center of mass directly in the middle. What I've been doing is what has been said above, putting a decoupler, a truss and then a skycrane, all with gimbal. I tried using 4 rockomax 24-77, and it was always tilting somewhere after a few meters in the air. And then I tried with the two larger radial engines, the white ones, I never remember their name, and again it was going off course. I did have an ASAS, and it was pushing the yaw to the max. It's a single millimeter off and the who thing goes out of control. The thing is if I want to land with it, I don't want it to start going sideways in the descent... And I planned to send only one, it'S a single rover mission. I thought about strapping two of them to a rocket to even it, but The second one wouldn't be needed .-. I'll take more pictures and post them

  3. Aright I've been working on a rover and somewhat what I have so far looks like this:


    The problem I'm getting is with the delivery system. The thing is that this is slightly unbalanced. By a ridiculous small thing. And This is rather large, so the best way to send it would be via skycrane. But it being unbalanced makes the whole thing tilt to the side, and impossible to land. So I just wanted to know if anyone got times on how making this better balanced nad making it flyable and if there would be a better way to send it to prevent the spinning out of control.

  4. Oh dear lord :0.0: . I literally laughed lout loud at this. This is brilliantly designed honestly, just really really overkill. Do you actually get in orbit with this or do you just fly straight to the planet? :P And the fuel lines, oh those fuel lines. Useless on the SRBs, just remove them. And when a tank is stacked under another tank, you don't need to connect them with a fuel line. And lastly, you don't need to send fuel lines back and forth between two adjacent tanks, they will drain at the same speed. Unless you have different engines under but that would surprise me. But it looks awesome honestly. Just very fuel consuming. I'm scared you might attract the kraken with this. Be careful.

  5. Same here. Your craft had a a lot of unnecessary decouplers, some unnecessary fuel lines and was overstrutted. I removed the excess and fixed your fuel flow. The problem is that all your outer asparagus should've been going into only two of the center mainsail stages, not all the four of them, that is what was creating your fuel excess in some of the external boosters because one of the mainsail was being double fed, reducing the flow, leaving it with more fuel. Also, I added a Rockomax X200-8 to your main engine to prevent it from overheating. Hope I could help ^^

    download: http://www./download/cxqj1kn24gt3qk7/MedLifterV2.zip

  6. Moho is the hardest planet to reach. Ususally your trip looks like 1300m/s burn for transfer, 1200m/s of course corrections due to her inclined and eccentric orbit, then about 3500m/s burn for capture. Then you'Re rarely on the inclination you want, and it can be up to 600m/s to change to yours. So this makes a total 6500m/s to have a good orbit, but I remember having to use up to 7500, and not even having the desired inclination. The problem comes from the speed at which you approach Moho. It being so close to the sun you take a tremendous amount of speed by closing in to Kerbol and you have to cancel it all when you enter Moho's SOI, and her gravitational force being so low it barely helps you at all on the capture.

  7. Adding "MO4R B00STERZ" as I have often seen people recommending before is rarely the case. If you want to get a very large payload into orbit (100t+), your best bet is to make a "three stage" rocket

    -First stage is the main engine, usually the most powerful you can get even if it only has 250 of isp ASL. You're gonna need the strength to get off the ground. You surround this by a cluster of 3-4 asparagus pairs. Here again, you want to have some high thrust, but here you want to tune the whole thing to get a TWR of about 2, and that stays about constant with each pair of boosters dropped.

    -"Second stage" Is basically just dropping the asparagus boosters.

    -Third stage is above the main engine/main tank. You want a high efficiency in vacuum/medium thrust engine to give you the last push into orbit. At this point (you should be around 40-50k by now) you don't need as much of a high thrust. You really just need an efficient engine. If you work with stock only, engine clusters are your friend. Staging them above a tank is harder, but it'll work charms on your payload. If you use mods as KW Rocketry or NovaPunch, they have lots of high efficiency/medium thrust engines. Just pick the one that suits your payload the best. You put the payload you want to send in orbit above this. This stage should not be a part of your payload.

    Basically, you should plan the asparagus stage to get you steadily above 10k, your main engine should do most of your gravity turn and give you the most of your velocity to about 40k, your orbital engine should give you this final push into LKO. As always, recommended to turn off the gimbal on the outer engines, to add a few ailerons for better control and to strut your thing correctly.

    Of course there are other ways to do it, but this can make very efficient and good looking designs. I really hate seeing people asparagus stage a countless number of mainsails with an orange tank above each. More boosters is never the best solution. Can work, but it's very inefficient.

  8. Original post


    Kerbal Stock Part eXpansion, KSP eXpansion, whatever floats your boat : P

    NOTICE 2/21/13:

    The development team has invited me to help work on bringing some more content into the game - you know... parts, basically.

    So what does this mean for KSPX? Well, obviously it doesn't make much sense to be working on adding stock-style parts as an addon, while working on actual stock parts. So I don't have plans to continue updating here. Part of the reason I threw together 0.2.1 this weekend was so I can leave the parts already released in something of a more 'finished' state for you. On that note: I might throw together one more update for the pack with bug/config fixes, as I know those would be... irritating... to endure. (and maybe the few shaders that I missed).

    Good news is, i'll be helping Nova with some of the workload, and part updates in the future should be a little beefier! And, sorry if I didn't get around to your suggestion in time... but it doesn't mean I've forgotten them! I'm amazed by the amount of interest this project brought in, and I won't leave that behind--you guys are full of great ideas, and the game is for you after all : )

    0.2.1 is out now, get it here! (Bug reports very welcome!)



    After having a lot of fun making a 2.5m NERVA engine, and learning the ropes of KSP part creation, I was looking to do some more! I love the look and feel of the stock parts (Kudos, NovaSilisko), but there were always some parts I wish were included in the game. Most mods out there don't really match the original style of KSP that well, or, for some missing parts, don't even exist. So, the idea for this pack came about. I decided I would stick to some rules:

    • Must be KSP styled - if it doesn't look like it was there to begin with, it's not good enough!
    • Stats and gameplay must fit smoothly with the stock feel.
    • Must be unique in some way, and fill in a niche that a stock part doesn't.
    • Doesn't matter if it's basically a resize - it still gets a new model!

    I will ALWAYS be open to suggestions. The pack isn't set in stone, I will always be willing to stick good ideas onto the next update! And finally, below is a complete and (usually) up to date list on what the pack (and future updates) are going to include:

    Release 1.0 (Coming soon)

    2/3/13 - Version 0.1 (Barebones, few parts)

    2/15/13 - Version 0.2 (More Parts)

    2/18/13 - Version 0.2.1 (0.2 with normal/spec maps)

    Probe Size [0.625m]

    Standard Size [1.25m]

    • [NEW] Remote Guidance Unit - 1.25m probe core,
    • FL-C1 Payload Fairing - 1.25m Payload Fairing
    • [NEW] Escape Tower - Basically a nosecone that packs some angled high thrust, fast burning SRB's
    • FL-T100 Fuel tank - The small stock 1m fuel tank, half the height
    • MK1 Lander Can - Requested by Drassi. Basically a lander can for the 1.25m line of parts. Equivalent to the small 1-seater pod.
    • Mk1-3 Command pod - Soyuz-type descent capsule. Like the other two cone shape ones, but holds TWO kerbals, is a little bigger than 1.25m, and is more bulbous.
    • PB-NUK2 Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator - Larger RTG
    • PB-ION2 Electric Propulsion System - Expand the ion engine to the 1.25m line (but no farther!)
    • PB-X500 Xenon Container - To complement the 1.25 ion engine.
    • FL-O25 Oxidizer Tank - Requested by bmunichman. Similar to the 1.25m RCS tank, but for oxidizer only!

    Jumbo Size [2.5m]


    Radial Parts

    Release 2.0 (Spaceplane Update)

    No Downloads Yet

    • Podded Jet Engine - Jet engine that mounts radially. See here for examples.
    • Small Jet Engine - Probe sized jet engine.
    • Small Circular Intake - Probe sized air intake.
    • Small Radial Intake - Probe sized air intake.
    • Delta-Lite Winglet - Like the elevator type Delta-Deluxe winglet, but smaller.
    • Small Tailfin - A smaller version of the classic tailfin.
    • Small Canard - Small canard, yup.
    • Advanced Structural Wing - In between the delta and structural in angle. SO ADVANCED
    • Mk2-1 Cockpit - A cockpit to fit the Mk2 fuselages! Which... don't have a cockpit in stock, for some reason
    • Mk3 Nosecone - A nosecone for the Mk3 cockpit
    • Rockomax Mk2 Adapter - Mk2 to 2.5m
    • Rockomax Mk3 Adapter - Mk3 to 2.5m
    • Mk2 Bi-Adapter - Mk2 to 2x 1.25m
    • Mk3 Bi-Adapter - Mk3 to 2x 1.25m
    • Mk3 Tri-Adapter - Mk3 to 3x 1.25m
    • Mk3 to Size 1 Adapter - Mk3 to 1x 1.25m
    • Wing Section - Half size of the rectangle wing connector
    • Radial Ram Intake

    Release 3.0 (Base/Station Update)

    • Nuclear Reactor?
    • Expanded Girder Set
    • Space Station Science Module
    • Space Station EVA Module
    • LT-10 Landing Skid - Horizontal-landing landing skid for bases and large ships, sized for 2.5m
    • LT-15 Landing Skid - Sized for 1.25m
    • Leviathan XXL Solar Array - At everyone's request, an even bigger solar panel for your obscene space stations : I
    • SP-C Photovoltaic Panels - Circular solar panels like the Orion spacecraft has! With case!
    • OX-4C Photovoltaic Panels - Circular solar panels like the Orion spacecraft has! Without case!
    • Clamp-O-Tron Sr. - 2.5m Docking port

  9. YiH0K5Z.jpg

    All credit goes to ClairaLyrae who created and managed all aspects of this mod and the credit for updating the mod to be compatible with KSP 0.21+ goes to stupid_chris. Extra credit to Taverius for his config breakinForce and breakingTorque values updates on the 0.2.4 update.


    Update April 20th 2016

    Current version: v0.2.10.1 - SpaceDock | GitHub


    [FIX] Removed the config error preventing the 0.625m SAS unit to compile during part loading
    [FEATURE] Added search tags to all parts
    [FEATURE] Removed CoM offster on LES and replaced for a thrust transform offset
    [BALANCE] Adjusted mass and capacity of the 2.5m thin RCS tank to align with stock changes
    [FEATURE] Converted all textures to DDS for faster loading times and memory savings
    [FEATURE] Added new TechTree icons for the 1.25m ion engine and 2.5m nuclear engine
    [FEATURE] Assigned the name "Hayabusa" to the PB-ION2 and "Sisyphus" to the LV-NB
    [BALANCE] Adjusted the stats of the engines to reflect the ISP changes in 1.0
    [FEATURE] Gave the escape tower the same flame effects as the stock one
    [BALANCE] Adjusted the max temperature value of all parts
    [BALANCE] adjusted the emissivity constant of the LV-NB
    [BALANCE] Adjusted entry cost and unit cost for parts to reflect 1.0 changes
    [BALANCE] MM patch for SAS parts is still present and has adjusted price for linearity
    [BALANCE] Redisposed all parts in the TechTree to make more sense
    [REMOVED] Removed the 1.25m Xenon tank (now stock)
    [FEATURE] Moved the stock 1.25m and radial Xenon tanks to the new ion TechTree node
    [FIX] Fixed the typo in the ModuleManager patch for the Inline Advanced Stabilizer.
    [FIX] Fixed the tech nodes of the 1.25m ion engine and xenon tank
    [FEATURE] Changed the category of each part to meet the new categories of 0.90
    [FEATURE] Modified the old cupola to match the stats of the new one
    [BALANCE] Rebalanced all the reaction wheels part with stock progression
    [FEATURE] The stock Inline Reaction Wheel is resized to 1.25m again through ModuleManager to leave the spot to the KSPX one
    [BALANCE] MM modifications to all stock Reaction Wheels to even out a spot for each with stock balance
    [FEATURE] Changed config/folder names to be clearer
    [BALANCE] Rebalanced the mass, cost, and entryCost of all parts to match Stock ReBalance standards
    [BALANCE] Rebalanced the reaction wheels torque to fit the   StockReBalance schemes, (warning: they'll look grossely underpowered if   not used paired with SRB)
    [BALANCE] Rebalanced the fuel/to mass ratio in the 1.25m Xenon tank as well as in the radial LF and LOX tanks
    [FEATURE] Added MonoPropellant to the old Cupola pod
    [BALANCE] Rebalanced the LV-NB to be 2.67 the LV-N to have same performance and nice fitting cost, mass, and thrust values
    [BALANCE] Dropped the Monopropellant amount in the 2.5m small tank to 250
    [FEATURE] Modified the ElectricCharge/XenonGas ratio of the ion engine to match the stock's
    [FEATURE] Added a decoupler module to the LES. Staging will decouple the part and activate the engine
    [FEATURE] Added a CoM offset to the LES to thrust away from the ship.
    [FEATURE] Slightly increased the LES's amount of fuel
    [FEATURE] LES moved to Utility tab
    [FEATURE] Changed the 1.25m ion engine's thrust to match the new TWR of the stock one
    [FEATURE] Added an alternator module to the nuclear engine, it will now produce electricity when running
    [FEATURE] Upped the thrust and amount of solid fuel for the escape tower by a little
    [FEATURE] Assigned each part to a node of the tech tree and tweaked the prices to meet stock standards
    [FIX] Tweaked the SAS stats to have a more noticeable difference between each part for the tech tree
    [FIX] Fixed breakingForce and breakingTorque values for the large SAS module
    [FIX] Fixed breakingForce and breakingTorque values for the LV-NB
    [FIX] Fixed breakingForce and breakingTorque values for the FL-R1S Monopropellant tank
    [FIX] Fixed breakingForce and breakingTorque values for the Escape Tower
    [FIX] Fixed breakingForce and breakingTorque values for the PB-ION2
    [ADDED] Updated the old cupola to 0.22 and made it available in the   download for those who wish to, just merge it with the main KSPX folder   if you want the pod.
    [FIX] Updated the old ASAS and SAS part cfgs to match the new SAS system in 0.21
    [REMOVED] Probodobodyne HECS (is now stock)
    [REMOVED] Rockomax 48-7S (is now stock)
    [REMOVED] FL-R10 RCS Fuel Tank (is now stock)
    [REMOVED] Stratus-V Cylindrified Monopropellant Tank (is now stock)
    [REMOVED] LV-1R Liquid Fuel Engine (is now stock)
    [REMOVED] FL-T100 Fuel Tank (is now stock)
    [REMOVED] TVR-200L Stack Bi-Adapter (is now stock)
    [REMOVED] TVR-400L Stack Quad-Adapter (is now stock)
    [REMOVED] TVR-300L Stack Tri-Adapter (is now stock)
    [REMOVED] FL-A10 Adapter (is now stock)
    [REMOVED] TVR-2160C Mk2 Stack Quad-Coupler (is now stock)
    [REMOVED] FL-A5 Adapter (is now stock)
    [REMOVED] Z-1K Rechargable Battery Bank (is now stock)
    [REMOVED] Z-200 Rechargable Battery Bank (is now stock)
    [REMOVED] PB-X50R Xenon Container (is now stock)
    [FEATURE] Updated to the new folder structure to assure compatability in future versions of KSP
    [FIX] updated all config files
    [REMOVED] Atlas Engine (is now stock)
    [REMOVED] Remote Guidance Unit - large (is now stock)
    [REMOVED] Cupola (is now stock)
    [REMOVED] Remote Guidance Unit - small (is now stock)
    [REMOVED] Lander can (is now stock) 


    Unless granted direct permission by ClairaLyrae (the original author of this mod) redistribution of this mod or parts contained in it is not allowed; this includes creating download mirrors. By downloading this mod you agree to this license.



    Installation instructions

    Extract the contents of the zip file to the GameData folder in your KSP installation. If you want to add the old KSPX cupola, merge the cupola KSPX folder with the main KSPX folder.


    GitHub repo for configs/issues

  10. Are you sure that it was one SAS and one ASAS? There's no stock 2.5m SAS module. Excepted for the KSPX one, and it does have the same painting, but in different orientation, and your craft looked totally mod free so I didn't think you had a KSPX SAS on. But an ASAS would be more useful than an SAS on this lander honestly. You'd rather keep the ASAS.

  11. I tried playing ith your design a bit, and by putting a cluster of 5 LV-909 engines on the lander, you get a power of 250 and the same mass, ISP and delta V. But it'S more powerful by 30kN so that's interesting. and for the launcher, I just switched the core stage by 1 LV-45 and four LV-30, and i managed to get this up to kerbin orbit with half the fuel left. You have a much better isp in atmosphere and in vacuum, and it gives you a total of 1080 of power instad of 1500, which is much more useful for trips to other planets. if you want it to get even further, I recommend actually putting only one tank on the lander. this way your launcher gets you a much better kick into orbit and towards another planet. And also, adding the smallest 2.5m tanks at the bottom of an orange tank which has a mainsail will pretty much negate the overheating. So yeah, hope it helps ^^

  12. Why did you add two ASAS at the top? They don't work like the normal SAS modules, adding more won't give you, more control, it's just some additional weight and precious fuel wasted. And I would change the central core's engine for something more fuel efficient, the Rockomax poodle has a good vacuum isp and with your asparagus boosters giving you a lot of power, you probably wouldn't have trouble getting in orbit anyway! Even better than the Poodle, I would allow part clipping and make a cluster core engine. You could, for example, put an LV-45 in the middle and 3 LV-909 around it, that would give you a total power of 350 and a atmospheric isp of 311 which is a lot better than the mainsail, and a vacuum isp of 378. MAybe you would get a low TWR, but you will get a very efficient burning, meaning a further reach in space ^^

  13. Alright, test results:


    Alright so the design I came with is quite simple and light. It has solar panels to be sure to keep power during the interplanetary drift, a bit of rcs for control and the two T400 tanks on the side or jettisoned once they have been emptied (I know, space junk, but it gives an extra 500m/s). It has 7107m/s of delta V, which should make it capable of going to any planet or moon in the kerbol system. I tested it on Moho, the most delta V requiring plantet.


    Edited in circular 100kmx100km orbit around kerbin.


    1800m/s 7min burn for Moho transfer.


    1200m/s 4min burn to ajust closest approach to 100km


    Jettisoning the tanks during the burn. Sorry for the thrash.



    Moho periapsis at 1200km. Hmm, not what I asked for. RCS adjustment lowers it to 100km in a few taps though.




    3500m/s 8min burn for Moho capture. It's quite expansive indeed.

    After circularisation, my remaining delta V was of 500m/s and my orbit was polar, which is not enough to switch it to an equatorial orbit (with the lander it could have been achieved but I didn't want to do this for nothing as we're just landing).



    Instead, I used what was left to lower my periapsis, then begin my deorbiting burn, setting the empty tank and engine on a collision course with Moho after decoupling.




    Landing was a breeze, plenty of fuel left, so I just decoupled the skycrane and sent it crashing on the planet too as it wouldn't be of use (yes I know I set the decoupler on the wrong direction on the probe :rolleyes:). This is also why I moved the MechJeb case to the crane, it allows control after decoupling to send it elsewhere.

    So yeah, you can retake this design if you want to or just inspire yourself from it, building a launcher for it would be pretty easy as its only 14t. Hope I helped :D

    If you need help with anything else don't mind asking ^^

  14. it is easy, but it just recquire a lot of delta V since it's gravitational force is quite large. And for something that small, I think putting a T800 tank underneath this with a Nerva engine and a pair of jettison-able T800 tanks on the side should get you enough delta V. I'll check this out as soon as I can and I'll post pictures

  15. If you want to leave yourself error margins, and have spare fuel to adjust your orbit (eccentricity, inclination, etc.) around any body or the Kerbol system, I would say 7000m/s should be good. That isn't calculating any potential landing. For example, I have a mapping probe, and I'm sending one to each body to with the ISA mapsat mod and the kethan mod for potential exploitation, and it's rigged up to A lot of fuel and a NERVA engine and it has 7300m/s of fuel. My two worst case for sending it were Eve and Moho. Eve because I made a burn error and found myself on a 5000km periapsis instead of 300 as I expected. Result: after doing my capture burn, lowering my orbit, then switching to a polar inclination, I only had 500m/s left. And Moho is really fuel demanding, I had a 3500m/s 8min burn for capture. Thats already half my delta v. So if you want to have the worst case scenario and error margin, I'd say 7000 once is LKO is your best shot.

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