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Posts posted by udk_lethal_d0se

  1. i have one question. will there be a way to refill these supllies without sending up a ship to refill it. (atmosphere, nutrients, others you have planned). i ask because if you have bases on other planets and you run out i want to be able to fill it up without sending a whole new mission to refill it.

    Well, I could do the following.

    - Enable the module/part to suck in atmosphere, providing you're on a planet with one (tempted to utilize IntakeAir for this).

    - Allow the Kerbals to create Waste, and a module to turn this waste into Fertilizer.

    Screw it, I'm gonna make sure I have the parts available for you guys n gals to have self-sufficient facilities.

  2. Progress Update:

    I think it's about time that I gave a Progress Report on my Factory Plugin.

    Currently, I have the Hydroponics Module working as intended;

    - It produces 6 Units of Vegetables every Kerbal Hour (3600 Seconds) and has the capacity to Store enough for 7 Kerbal Days (21600 Seconds).

    - It consumes ElectricCharge at a rate of 15 units per Minute.

    - It consumes Atmosphere (my defined Resource) at a rate of 15 units per Minute.

    - It consumes Water (my defined Resource) at a rate of 7.5 units per Minute.

    - It consumes Nutrients (described below) at a rate of 7.5 units per Minute.

    Nutrients will be specific to each Module, they cannot be "topped-up"; once depleted the Module ceases to operate and you will need to replace it.

    I'm still testing things, and working out how to use the save/load confignodes. I'll keep you all posted.

    For your imaginations though... here's a quick insight to my plans; Hydroponics > Buffer/Storage > Cannery > Supply Container > Mess Halls (Maybe)

  3. Hey, while we're on the subject of lights, is there any chance you can just integrate distributed light spots around each of your modules? They'll just turn on much like the station windows. This way part count is decreased significantly and in turn performance improved for large stations.

    A nice as this is, it would be a large task. I'd need to go through each model, adjust each animation, re-compile, etc.

  4. Hi lethal, just a quick issue that may or may not be easily resolvable...

    The two new modules, the lobby/factory thingy... if you take a small light from B9 Aerospace r3 pack (which more or less everyone uses), and radially attach them, they sit "inside" the model although still work. IE, once you place them down you can never click them again.


    Well, my first thought was to check my collision meshes... which as you can see, seem fine to me. So, I'm not sure what the issue is, I'll have a look at the B9 Pack later today.


  5. reminds me, i liked the multiple pipes better than the single one for the round tank. still a beautiful part, but i thought it gave it a more beefy/industrial feeling. just thought i'd mention it because of the whole factory plugin thing you're planning.

    Some of the models will be getting a little more love when it comes to textures and meshes. It's been a little slow lately with part updates, but I'm working on a plugin.

    Starting easy, by using hydroponics to grow food.

  6. Ah, and what's the S in ST?

    So you say kerbals exhale IntakeAir? But of course! That's obvious! Why didn't I think of that?


    What's a generator heatsink?

    ST = Spherical Tank.

    As for the debate/argument regarding the Hydroponics module...

    I'm just not going to argue, or lose sleep over it. The hydroponics module is self explanatory, growing plants/food in water with nutrients and not soil.

    I regard to IntakeAir, it is air from the atmosphere; I'm pretty sure our own atmosphere contains traces of Carbon Dioxide. When it eventually comes to the manufacture of Oxygen, air is sucked in from atmosphere, cleaned, pressurized, etc; so I can effectively use IntakeAir for this instead of inventing a new resource.

    One last point, a Co2 Scrubber would be used to absorb Co2 and treat exhaled air. So I really don't see why you have to get everything justified, is is after-all a game.

    Some points of interest for you:

    Wikipedia - Hydroponics

    Wikipedia - Oxygen Manufacturing Plant

    Wikipedia - Carbon Dioxide Scrubber

  7. The attachment points on "Lean" are buggy...

    Anyway, I had 2 Ideas:

    1. A combination of the Lobby and the Foyer. Being on 1 side, the window and on the other, the ladders with hatch.

    2. Crossroads with just 4 attachment points.

    Edit: Back at the release thread Ehm... Intake air can only be generated from atmospheres with Oxygen in them. And, since you need water, there's a leaf on the generator and it generates oxygen, it would only make sense if it required carbon-dioxide, right?

    Edit 2: Could you confirm:

    HM = Habitat Module.

    OF = Orbital Factory.

    CO = COrridor.

    SH = ?

    PG = Power Generator.

    BP = Battery Pack

    OB = ?

    ST = ? Tank

    IT = ?

    SH - Structural Hub

    OB - Observation Bay

    IT - Ingenious Tab

    As for the question about IntakeAir/Atmosphere, in this case it contains carbon dioxide; a key component in photosynthesis.

  8. What are your plans for Hydro-Gro?

    Oh and love the 3 new parts since the last time I was here.

    The Hydro-Gro is the first of many Factory Components, it will effectively use resource(s) and generate a new one.

    In this case, it will use ElectricCharge, Water & IntakeAir(Atmosphere) to generate Oxygen.

    I have started writing a plugin to handle this, though I know that the Generator Module would be ample; I have some more advanced things planned for under-the-hood.

  9. Hey people, I'm wondering if anyone can help me out. I'm trying to develop a plugin for a part that converts a particular resource into another. I know how to program the part to request a resource, but how can I program it to convert resources? At the moment I've basically got a part that consumes the input resource and continues to produce the output resource even though the input resource has run out. How can I solve this issue?

    Thanks. :)

    Taking a look at the ModuleGenerator class would be a start.

    As for getting your output to stop, i'd do:

    if (myInputResource != 0) //If my input amount does not equal zero.
    generateOutputResource(); //Generate my resources.
    print("Log: My input has run dry.");

    This is just an example of how it can be done.

  10. Any chance of making the lobby have skylights on both sides? I'm a stickler for symmetry. Alternatively, adding a placeable window (like the peekaboo) that's radially placeable, identical to the one used by the lobby skylights?

    I'll work on it... my To-do list is as follows:

    - Hydroponics Module (Texturing at the moment, will be released later today)

    - Generator Heatsinks

    - All other requests.

  11. Pardon me for bothering you about this again, but -- is the large generator supposed to have a mass of 2.5 or 1.5, that's completely intentional? I need to be sure, because it's either give people the craft file as is or redesign the ship to fit. Either is fine, but I need to know which it is. :)

    And on a more specific topic, there is one part that would be handy, particularly with the "Lean", and yet is missing: A 4-way hub, based on a 6-way one. With built-in windows or without. It would also allow making a neat triple-engine block for 2.5m engines.

    Generator is 2.5, as stated before.

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