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Posts posted by udk_lethal_d0se

  1. On 9/17/2016 at 10:31 AM, Z3R0_0NL1N3 said:


    Perhaps having a model switch between different types would be a good way to do it. Usually I want to put it on things like a Mk1 capsule or something, but it looks out of place sticking out like a board. This would be a simple solution without part clutter.

    As a minor suggestion, could you add a few tags to the config file. I initially tried to search "spraykan" and didn't find it. "spraycan," "spraykan," "patch," "decals," etc would be some good examples.


    3 hours ago, SpaceToad said:

    I'll raise you one. An adjustable slider for curvature would be great, just like how that part-scaling plugin works.

    then, you just adjust the slider until you get it the way you want. 100% proceedural so that you only need one part.

    Thanks for both of these suggestions, I'll have a look at implementing something like different curve angles.

  2. New update on Spacedock, we're now at 1.3.1.

    Changes & Updates

    - Implemented Module Manager configurations for Snacks, by @tgruetzm.
    - Implemented Module Manager configurations for USI Life Support, by @RoverDude.
    - Implemented Module Manager configurations for KeepFit, by @timmers_uk.
    - Updated purchase price of Food Container, from 4000 to 250.
    - Updated purchase price of Water Container, from 4000 to 250.
    - Updated purchase price of Waste Container, from 4000 to 250.
    - Updated purchase price of Science Container, from 4000 to 250.
    - Updated purchase price of Peekaboo, from 4000, to 1000.
    - Updated purchase price of Cradle, from 4000 to 2000.
    - Updated purchase price of Crossroads Mk2, from 4000 to 5000.
    - Modified crew capacity of Aisle, from null to 2.
    - Modified crew capacity of Foyer, from 1 to 2.
    - Modified crew capacity of Lobby, from null to 2.
    - Modified crew capacity of Crossroads, from null to 1.
    - Modified crew capacity of Crossroads Mk2, from null to 1.
    - Added new part, the UDK-RDX "Nucleus", a redesign of the original inline generator.

    We also have a new, redesigned part, the Nucleus; a large inline RTG.



  3. 6 hours ago, Z3R0_0NL1N3 said:

    This is an amazing idea! I was trying to find a workaround for more decals on my Shuttle, as well as a way to place more flags on ships. I will share some screenshots of cool livery I can now create soon.

    A few questions/suggestions: can these be placed on fairings? Can you make configs for the stock parts? Can patches be manually resized? Finally, would there be a way to make it automatically curve around the shape of the part? I'm sure there's a way to add it like a dynamic texture; there must be a mod that does something similar you can use as reference.

    Hey, thanks. Some answers to your questions below.

    - These can't be used on fairings as they either don't have a collider, or they don't allow surface attachment; this is down to how the model was exported.
    - I can't make configs for stock parts, because stock parts only contain a specialised quad for Flags, and no others for the likes of mission patches.
    - I can update the plugin to allow resize, it shouldn't be too difficult, and I'll have a look at this when time allows.
    - I've pondered over the issue of curving around a part; the problem here is that I can created different parts with individual curves, but you'd end up with quite a few Spraykan parts, which defeats the purpose.
    - As for dynamic texturing, Unity has a way of doing this with a component called a Projector, this applies the Patch (in this instance) to the centre of the UV, and wasn't fit for purpose.

  4. Just now, Tex_NL said:

    Don't feel obliged  to actually create them. I would love to see them but I don't want to push you in a direction you do not want. I merely dropping some ideas to keep the creative juices flowing.

    And you're right. Too many parts can kill a mod. I know several examples of brilliant mods that simply grew to big. I even had to drop a few (or severely prune them) just to keep the game playable.


    I've been thinking of ways to get around this by making my parts more modular. I got the idea when looking at Interstellar Fuel Swich, and Mesh Switching. Basically I'm looking to head towards part variance.

    Example: Foyer, Lobby and Aisle become one part, with the ability to choose variant via context (right-click) menu. Functionality will remain the same, and textures are shared for those anyways.

  5. Ok people, here's my list of things to do for this mod over the weekend...

    - Add support for USI Life Support.
    - Add support for Snacks!
    - Add support for KeepFit.
    - Model, Texture and Configure a new Storage Tank.
    - Model, Texture and Configure a new Inline Generator.

    2 minutes ago, Tex_NL said:

    @udk_lethal_d0se I see you've revived the old Crossroads. Nice. :D

    The "Lean" The 90degree curve. Will that too return? And if so will you also be making curves like 45, 22.5 and 15 degree parts? Smaller curves would make great circular stations.

    I can do, I just need to try and not get bogged down with too many new additions; I'll add it to my todo.

  6. 18 minutes ago, Prismatech said:

    yes is nice but no intergate dock system .need system to build first the truss then the module. to release must i use docking ports to connect too thruss.

    I'm not sure I really understand what you're asking. If the issue is with having a truss with an integrated docking node to avoid the need to attach a docking port on the end, then that's not something I have been planning to add to this pack. You should probably ask the other mod developer(s).

  7. 42 minutes ago, Prismatech said:

    Idee a thruss system with integrate docking funktion (hook system) and and a tunnel with outer rotate with docking for gravity system  a version with 2 ports and one with 4. 

    There's already a nice truss set, created by @SpeedyB which you'll find at this link...

    Also, (as I'd forgotten I'd seen them) have a look at @Nertea's Near Future Construction mod.

    I also believe there's a few ring type parts available too, however I haven't got any links.

    38 minutes ago, Kurld said:

    Glad to see you have returned!

    Two parts I (still) use from your original parts pack are the Large Storage Tank and the Large Inline Generator.

    Any plans to revisit those?

    Thanks, I'm quite enjoying modding again.

    I have been planning to revisit those, however I've really just been pondering over model designs for the Generator and Storage tank; which I've now got a good idea of.

    I'll post another update with new parts when I've got a little more time this weekend.

  8. 12 minutes ago, neitsa said:

    Yep, the problem is probably there.

    I'll try various things to see what's wrong:

    • Try to display a sphere around kerbin to see if I can at least display something in the tracking station
    • Try to move the sphere a bit (if previous step was OK), near one of my sats and log their coordinates (scaled and "absolute" for both sphere and sat)

    I should get an idea of what I'm doing wrong. I'll keep this thread updated :)

    Thank you!



    Sounds like a good troubleshooting plan. I'll keep an eye on this thread, I like to help where I can. 

  9. New update available on Spacedock. 

    - Changed directory structure back to that or original release. Patches are no longer acquired from the Squad/Patches folder, but rather the Mission Patch Manager/Plugin/PluginData folder. 

    - Added new part. The Spraykan. This is a special little part that allows you to add patched to your craft without requiring parts to have an allocated quad for patches, like the flag. 


  10. On 14/09/2016 at 1:59 AM, Chiron0224 said:

    Can't wait to see "Thor V" plastered on the side of my mighty Mun rocket soon...  Also could this mod somehow support a different name for the spacecraft?  I.e. My Einherjar missions use a Thor V as the lifting vehicle so it would be cool if the rocket said "Thor V" and the capsule could say something like "Einherjar _" where the blank is the number of that particular mission.  I basically do the Apollo/Saturn thing where the capsule and the rocket have different names if that wasn't making sense.

    Yes, I've set up a text editor so you can use whatever text you wish, rather than that of the editor ship name. 

    Won't be long until I'm done and ready to release. 

  11. 9 minutes ago, neitsa said:

    Hi guys !

    Thanks for your answers.

    Tried you suggestions but none of them  seem to make the sphere appear around the selected vessel.

    • removed layer (commented the line)
    • localScale set to:  Vector3.one * 1500f; (instead of 5000.0)
    • Using a shader as material (note that I used the materiel as the renderer material):
                var renderer = m_SphereObj.GetComponent<Renderer>();
                Material material = new Material(Shader.Find("KSP/Diffuse"));
                renderer.material = material;
                renderer.material.color = Color.red;

    I tried a lot of things but I can't get even one to work though... I'm really short on ideas. Maybe I should try with a mesh instead, but that seems quite crazy to not being able to display a simple primitive in game.

    If you guys have other ideas I'll be glad to test them :)

    Thanks a lot !

    You don't need to not use a primitive You don't need a mesh, a primitive will work, I aided the creator of RoverScience with something similar and he's using a primitive for that solution.  I think the issue should/could be boiled down to the location it's being spawned.

    I'm looking at your code, and can see you're setting the parent first; I would personally set the parent after the object has been spawned and positioned. Essentially your primitive is becoming a child of the vessel, then being positioned in 3D space, but you're also resetting that position locally to zero afterwards.

    Try this:

    m_SphereObj.transform.position = ScaledSpace.LocalToScaledSpace(m_currentVessel.GetWorldPos3D());
    m_SphereObj.transform.parent = m_currentVessel.transform;
    m_SphereObj.transform.localScale = Vector3.one * 5000f;

    Let me know your results, as I'm at work and don't have access to my dev laptop.

  12. I could be wrong, but I'm thinking your scale factor may be too high.

    m_SphereObj.transform.localScale = Vector3.one * 5000f;

    Try smaller values.

    Failing that, you should also be using one of KSP's shaders instead of the default applied when creating your primitive.

    // get object renderer and apply attributes
                var renderer = m_SphereObj.GetComponent<Renderer>();
                renderer.material.color = Color.red;
                renderer.receiveShadows = false;
                renderer.shadowCastingMode = UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode.Off;

    Have a look at doing the following:

     Material material = new Material(Shader.Find("KSP/Diffuse"));
     material.color = Color.green;


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