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Everything posted by IGNOBIL

  1. Are there any other heatshields around? I just love this mod, makes everything real challenging, but the heatshields are a bit limited. There used to be a mod from "planetes Corporation" that worked with deadly reentry but its discontinued, it had some cool shields, but I cant find any other shields anymore.
  2. This mod is what makes me tick on KSP otherwise there's no point of sending kerbals into space, just probes. Hope you can solve it or that it becomes vanilla, because I just loose interest if don't need comm sats around to communicate, even with all the other realism mods (deadly reentry, FAR, etc...) Great job for all that you have done so far, it's just brilliant
  3. Beautiful mod, love sending stuff up in style, just keep loosing my front gear upon deadly reentry, but turns out it's not necessary anyway, 80% kerbals survival rate, and flies fair enough with FAR. The blue flames are brilliant.
  4. I haven't experienced any crashes except for the sound of the griphon large rocket stopped working
  5. You, sir, are a mister! Thanks for this great mod, take your time updating it, or wait for 0.24 to make it easier on you, anyway, thanks!
  6. Playing straight and without cheats, just the normal balanced mods, I managed to do my biggest station ever, still need to launch the science labs and some Kerbals (like the ISS, left unmanned until mostly finished to save lives). Main launch vehicle used was from KW rocketry 2.5m units with radial fuel tanks and Griffon-G8D engine, makes incredibly reliable launch vehicles. Procedural Fairings to compensate for F.A.R. aerodynamics. Also have a small reusable Multi Purpose Transfer Vehicle that I manage to land most of the times with Deadly Reentry heat shields, if I dont forget to retract the antennas or run out of electricity for not deploying solar arrays. Using all enhanced reality mods, DeadlyReentry, FAR, TAC LifeSupport, SCANsat, RemoteTech, to make it worth while. Until now there's no wobbling, but I'm using joint reinforcement! Next I'll set up a separate unmanned refueling station for outer Kerbol missions, hope it works.
  7. I love this mod, I made a crew carrying spaceplane to take and pick up kerbals from GKO station that works like a charm every time, but I cant take any cargo, can't get the cargo bay doors to close, neither the S2 or the big ones!
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