Playing straight and without cheats, just the normal balanced mods, I managed to do my biggest station ever, still need to launch the science labs and some Kerbals (like the ISS, left unmanned until mostly finished to save lives). Main launch vehicle used was from KW rocketry 2.5m units with radial fuel tanks and Griffon-G8D engine, makes incredibly reliable launch vehicles. Procedural Fairings to compensate for F.A.R. aerodynamics. Also have a small reusable Multi Purpose Transfer Vehicle that I manage to land most of the times with Deadly Reentry heat shields, if I dont forget to retract the antennas or run out of electricity for not deploying solar arrays. Using all enhanced reality mods, DeadlyReentry, FAR, TAC LifeSupport, SCANsat, RemoteTech, to make it worth while. Until now there's no wobbling, but I'm using joint reinforcement! Next I'll set up a separate unmanned refueling station for outer Kerbol missions, hope it works.