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Everything posted by Pontiac

  1. The only lag I've noticed so far is when using +/- to zoom in and out. Goes quick for about 5 or 10 frames, then starts dropping out until I stop. I ran a stock ship launch with MechJeb, and it was OK. Now rebuilding my space station ground up.. cuz it was FUN.
  2. Hostile? The OP is hostile. People seem to forget that this game isn't even alpha. Its still in very early production. The fact that we're playing at a 0.20 level is awesome, and everyone in the community can still throw input at the developers to shape the game in a way they themselves hadn't thought of. Yeah, we paid a whole $30 for the game, but so what? EXPECT PROBLEMS. Demands like "Fix it now" are as useful as a dull plastic drill bit. You can keep on drilling, but you're not gonna get anywhere.
  3. @TheAndrewTaco> I hadn't thought about RCS. I'll cheat my way up to the Mun with your design and see how well it performs. (I can land it, but, rather just test the designs via cheats, make sure it works, then do an official launch thing)
  4. @Norway - I noted in Shoutbox that you mentioned that the chat is showing server side to display the chat in a time ordered fashion. That is great, and it looks to work, but once you click the fields at the top to resort, you can't revert without restarting the app. Also, really, please change the text so its like YYYY-MM-DD (DDD) HH:NNampm or some format like that. OR, let the end users decide the formatting type by passing the floating point value that represents the date, and the app decides the format.
  5. If he manages to get the thing airborn on Kerbin with a small rocket, then, the unlimited fuel cheat would do the trick. That thing is huge, and certainly weighs a lot more than my Unity rover, and I'm FINALLY done banging my head against the desk trying to get the thing up! Its taken me building a resource platform at a 100k orbit, repeated launches to fuel the platform, and a modification to the rover itself, just to get ONE rover up. I plan on shipping more fuel tanks up. Once I establish a routine, and perhaps a better way to get the fuel to this station, should be easier to get more Unity rovers out and about. I could potentially slap one of those orange tanks with the large engine and ship Unity out to the furthest planet without any issues on fuel consumption. What is surprising is that the huge part of that station was easier to lift than my dinky little rover. The thing must be made of tinfoil or something. :]
  6. I like the new addition to the Bridge. Now, pending SpacePort doesn't change the linking method.... {grin} I was actually thinking of writing this kind of application prior to running into this one, in that it links with SpacePort, scrapes all links and descriptions it can find on each page, then presents simple links. I'm not a fan of the 3x3 layout and tonnes of clicking to get through whats offered. But, the fact that the site is there to begin with, I CAN DEAL! Excellent work, and thanks again! BTW, when I right-click on a row, is it possible to move the popup to near where the mouse cursor is, instead of the app hitting the dropdown on Edit menu?
  7. Actually, SATURDAY is a tool I am writing to backup all my crafts and persistence files WHILE I play the game. Unfortunately, I found out that in order for me to post any application, I have to release the source code, which I'm not sure I want to do for this particular app. However, since it isn't KSP centric, I might just put it somewhere else. The mobile lander is actually called Unity, and she's one heavy beast. I haven't quite figured out the rocket part as of yet. This was my first attempt. Ran out of gas, couldn't maintain orbit. This was my second attempt. Bigger gas tank, bigger engine, more gas for the rover. Got to orbit... 'JUST'.... I think I might have to put on a few SRBs for the initial launch, or, rethink Unity. So now I'm thinking I need to start on a station and a couple more rockets and payloads. Thinking of getting the station up with an extension where I attach fuel tanks with engines, then dock the rover on top of the tank, detach, and head for my destination.
  8. I've rewritten a reply to this several times, from multi-page, to several paragraphs, to a couple sentences, and .. well.. I'd rather play KSP. I'm going to just leave it at, with full respect, I cannot disagree with you more for a couple of reasons. All of them technical, none of which really apply to the thread. You see things your way, I see things my way, and, honestly, its just not worth the pissing match. Most of that will probably be graphical information, such as texture images, and such. I'm at 307 which is pretty close to stock. As am I, actually. Someone mentioned a low end RPM drive, which would make a SIGNIFICANT impact. But once its loaded, its playable? So you have a low end drive, with a mid to high end video card? Type Mismatch indeed. Anyways, off to blow up some more space ships!!
  9. I've rewritten a reply to this several times, from multi-page, to several paragraphs, to a couple sentences, and .. well.. I'd rather play KSP. I'm going to just leave it at, with full respect, I cannot disagree with you more for a couple of reasons. All of them technical, none of which really apply to the thread. You see things your way, I see things my way, and, honestly, its just not worth the pissing match. Off to blow up some more space ships!!
  10. I've not done long drives yet with my Rover, however, the low gravity thing should make for interesting when I do get there. That said, the only disappointment I have with the stock wheels is there aren't enough for different purposes, and, what exists seems really fragile. I suppose it IS expected considering I never take the weight I wanted the wheels to take on, but, even when I started doubling up the wheels, they'd still pop regardless. So I had to go with a mod to get beefier tires. I'm not about the speed, just HAVING tires is nice. .. although, now that I've figured out my landing procedures I should try to revert back to stock and see what happens?
  11. I keep forgetting to QuickSave. Someone asked what Quicksave was. Not sure if troll, but for those that genuinely don't know, QuickSave is F5, and Reload is press and hold F9.
  12. @OP: My launch to main menu is just shy of 45 seconds. Desktop I7@3.2ghz w/ RAID-0 twin 256gig SSD drives, 12gig (4gig/3chan) of 1200mhz Memory, quad monitor setup with a GTX570 and EN8800GTX. I've got 13 Mods installed. I don't know what everyone elses mod counts are. 22+ minutes ... sounds horrible. But shows you're dedicated..? @Brabbit> The feeling I get from the game is that its kind of required just based on that its probably the best place to put it. From a developers stand point and what I gather, its linking all the mods so the core 'brain' of the game doesn't have to figure out if the resources are available. So, it pre-loads the required info, links it up internally, then via the magic of Object Oriented Programming, inheritance, and other wonderful tools (Couple more terms I just can't think of right now. Too much blood in my coffee system still), the core can reach out to any of the objects immediately without having to refer to the HDD again. I SUPPOSE that once the item is needed, it could load it, but, you'd be facing the exact same lag the moment you got into VAB. The core would have to load each mod at that point to at least get the image details. I prefer waiting the extra time at the beginning to have quick swaps between the rest of the game.
  13. After many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, *takes breath* MANY hours of trial, error, swearing, alcohol, and coffee and with a LOT of help with the tool I'm writing called "S.A.T.U.R.D.A.Y. - Simple Archiving Tool Users Really Do Always Yearn"** (Shameless plug, yes. Fire me.) that helps with going back to the drawing board with rovers I made a few hours previous, I present for your viewing pleasure, Unity. The mobile workhorse. The purpose of Unity is for exploration in any environment. The goals of Unity... Be 100% self sufficient solo Be 100% mobile and stable. 5m/s seems to be the limit before I start to tip when turning. Have extra room for rescue missions if needed. Note room for 8 more Kerbals............ high hopes and all. ahem. With the docking clamps, have the ability to get the craft home if needed. Extra hardware will need to be designed for this activity. Allow for easy moving of as much of the base at once. Think "Do the Locomotion". For you older folks... Yes... Yes I did go there. I've not yet landed Unity anywhere other than on Kerbal for testing purposes. Most of my time was spent launching it straight up, and landing it, correcting issues, launching, lather... rise... repeat... swear... fix... repeat... swear some more... fix... repeat... swear a LOT more... repeat.. .. well. you get the idea. For testing, I had fuel cheats on as this Skycrane has enough power to get Unity vertical and in orbit from Kerbin, but when I do launch, it will be on top of a lot of rockets. PWOMISE! Unfortunately I found automatic landing software (I'm looking at you MechJeb2 - You're awesome, but, you are quirky at times) that'd get about 3 feet from destination, then go all crazy, and I'd lose the payload. It didn't ALWAYS happen launch to launch, but I didn't want to lose the payload on the real run. So I learned a more manual method of doing the landings and have had a 100% landing success rate since then. So thinking of how I'm going to land Unity, I decided to go with the Skycrane option as Chutes won't work in an airless environment. Some of my earlier prototypes (Lost as I didn't have SATURDAY at the time) had Chutes, which threw MechJebs landing procedure off and ended up in failures 100% of the time. Then the thought of "no air resistance at the Mun" kinda made me rethink the whole thing. One of my major, but easily fixed, problems with the Skycrane was to manage how the thing left the precious cargo. When I decoupled, the thing would go straight up, then straight down almost crushing Unity. One came so close I lost half sight of Unity because of the explosions. No damage to Unity, but still... So the fix? 20 small SRBs later.... (4 grouped + 1 loner SRB per tank). I initially had one of the four groups of SRBs angled slightly to add a twist and lessen the vertical power, but, decided, meh... Whats a couple extra pounds? Not to mention, I can position Unity in the appropriate direction to properly dispose of the Skycrane. Worth the weight. This kinda worked out to my favor, so fortunately the game isn't perfect with clipping yet. Pre-launch EVAs Ladder system to get the Kerbals out the door. That was fun figuring out. I tried metal plates, extending ladders... Just didn't work all that great. And the final goal: Aaand, last, but not least, the garbage man --- **RE: SATURDAY - If anyone wants a hint to what the application can do, drop me a note. If enough interest comes up, I'll make a thread.
  14. I was using Generic Game Mod Manager until I stumbled across this after watching videos from Lord Stimpy on YouTube. Insta-downloaded, insta-started over since I couldn't remember what plugins were what, where, etc, etc. I did notice an issue though. The "RENAME" function doesn't seem to work. I highlight, select Edit> Rename, and I get no action. What I might also suggest is in your about page is to add a link that opens up to this forum page for further updates. I realize you have the auto-update function, but, I'd still like to go to the forum page to find out if someone else has found a problem. :] Now, off to find some new and interesting plugins! EDIT: I also found that if you RIGHT-Click on the Title/Version/Status bar, you get a break in the program. You can continue use though.
  15. Maybe already done, but I didn't do it, and it keeps me outta trouble. .. usually... ... sometimes... .. .. ok never.
  16. +100 on DropBox. Even with the free version, you get something like 30 days worth of backups on any file. You go through their web interface (You can't yet go back in time via the desktop application) and step back in time to a revision that worked. But the idea of automatic backups... *brings out the software development packages*
  17. I played KSP for about a week, trying to get something to space. I watched videos on how its done, my eyes rolled outta my head when I read technical details on how its done, etc, etc. Basically, not knowing, or more accurately, not understanding the fundamentals on how to get a rocket into space was a downer for me. Then I saw MechJeb, figured out how to install it, used the auto-pilot a couple times, watched its process, then the light bulb turned on. Since then I've launched two vehicles on my own, got 'em up there, and manually brought 'em back down. Without it, I PROBABLY would have classed this game as a waste of *my* money because *I* am not getting any enjoyment out of the game, but regardless of my status of the game pre-MechJeb, I'm extremely glad that others out there are having a blast with KSP, with or without the tools. I have no reservations about kicking up MechJeb and letting it do the tedious things. I now know how to circularize, I now know how to hop to moons and planets, I know how to change my orbit orientation, so on and so on, all because of MechJeb. I'm basically the opposite of most people in this thread who were reserved on installing the tool. Being a software developer, I tend to want to write programs that do the work for me (Writing one for managing packages exclusively for KSP even though there are some that already exist). In this case, the tool showed me what to do, right infront of my eyes, and I was able to replicate. I get more of a kick understanding how the process works now, rather than worry about the maths involved. Line up the lines, and let 'er rip.
  18. One morning, just before I was going to drop my 7 year old off at school, I told my 6 year old, in an excited voice, that I had something really really awesome to show him on my computer. He was like "What is it?" and I said "You'll have to wait until you're done eating, and I drop off your brother at school." He said OK and went back to watching TV. So after I get back, I kick up KSP, and start building a rocket. Soon, my boy came down excitedly and said "Daddy, I'm done eating... What was it you wanted to show me?". I pointed to the screen "Look!! I can make rockets and make them go into space!"... His reply.... .... Me.. Right now...-> *bows head and starts to weep a little bit* *sniff* Him> Daddy... .. Umm.. Can I have a drink then go play on my computer? *sighs and goes and cries in a corner*
  19. Hey all; Long time gamer and software developer, and KSP has been by far, the most engaging game I've picked up in a long time. For 4 years, I was fixed on EVE, then on STO for about half a year, then both fell to the way side. For a little while I was into SC2013, but that lasted about 2 weeks. When EA put out the call that we get a free game, I played ME3 for about 2 weeks and beat it. Half way through a second run for things I've missed. After that, decided to load up Spore and set a goal at beating all of the Grox, with cheats. Have a small dent. With EVE, you either harass other players, or, you avoid other harassing players. For STO, you get something like 60 unique missions between two races, and then grind anything else. KSP is truly a replacement for SimCity 2013. No grinding. The $30 or so I paid... Yeah... Extremely worth it. I downloaded the free version, installed, but didn't get a chance to play. Started watching Youtube, heard the comments about the video lag, but knew about the stage of the software, so, I'm cool with that. I know this is really REALLY pre-pre-pre alpha to the alpha, and there are a LOT of optimizations that have to come out before a true Alpha is sent out. My major beef IS with the lack of optimizations for video, the lack of support for multi-core. Hitting up GPUs for Physics would be great, however, that is extra dev time. I need to load up my GPU monitors to see what kind of hurt they take on when playing KSP, but I hear the fans spin up on my twin GTX570 cards. Wonder if I SLI them if that'd help? hmmm.... Anyways, here's to a long and successful endeavor with this program. I'm for one hooked.
  20. Personally, I'm too busy blowing up Kerbals space craft to give an arse about a video stream. YouTube is FULL of KSP videos of people teaching you how to use it, demonstrations of what to do and what not to do, hilarious "OOPS" videos, and "This is what I did" demo. I'd much rather Squad spends their time just working on the code, and get us to version 1.0 sooner than later. Dev updates are good enough to show that something is being done, even if some of it isn't understood by the entire community.
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