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Everything posted by meeki

  1. Fonts I'm still working on the LCL (Linux Compatability Loader) Figured I could start releasing patches here first before the big thing is done. InstallFontsKerbal is a bash script that should install the Arial True Type Fonts required by kerbal. All you need to do is extract the tar.gz in your Home folder of choice and run the bash script InstallFonts. Download Removed! It will first try to install it to your $HOME/.fonts dir it will then run fc-cache (http://linux.die.net/man/1/fc-cache) to build font info for your system. Then it will hunt for the files with fc-list. If they are not found it will then ask to install with root to /usr/share/fonts and run the above fc commands. If it all fails it should tell you why with a error code to email me. sal_vager Your Information for Fonts and Localisations section on the first page, first post, has a few things that need fixing. 1) "For all distro's, putting the fonts in /user/share/fonts should do the trick." it is /usr/share/fonts 2) Also after adding any fonts to a linux system you should run fc-cache -fv this will look in the common font directory(s) and build from there. Next up is to make a one run bash patch for the Segfaults
  2. It uses more than 1 core. The issue is it is not able to breakup the threads. Its a unity issue. Right now the physics thread eats the life out of one cpu. This is an issue with unity3d. Its what KSP is built on.
  3. Hey sal_vager, I know I said Dec 11th id start work but I had some free time. So I was speaking about making a Linux Compatibility Launcher GUI to apply all these fixes you have collected here from other linux users. All this in hopes to bring a working KSP to all the laymen linux users. All last week between work I kept pondering what to use for the GUI. No one that needs to compile it would be looking to use it because if they knew how to compile they could apply these fixes. Most of the GUI options I pondered did not work out of the box for all systems. A bash CLI came to mind but its so dang ugly and they have to enter at a prompt and worm they way around. A light went off. If they can run KSP they can run unity. Looks like im going to have to learn C# is what came to mind. Well got unity 4+ working in wine along with mono and 1hr later I have my first place holder. What I have in mind so far. Hope to get suggestions! I'll be posting this to gethub as well. 1) ability to click a button to launch KSP 32 or 64bit (if 64bit OS detected) 2) sub menu for setting launch options. 3) patch buttons to apply and remove patches 4) Icon with link to this thread. If an when I get this kinda working ill start my own thread but for now id like to flush out what it should do 'here' for a few responses if thats ok with you.
  4. Sorry had allot of work for a class im in. Finals week and all. So I can see the confusion I created. goto the kerbal folder that your settings.cfg is in right click and select open in terminal you should now be sitting in terminal A better way of saying what i wanted goto the kerbal folder that your settings.cfg is in right click on the empty space in the folder and select open in terminal in the list we are not editing the settings.cfg file we are just in the folder its located in. you should now be sitting in terminal window with the directory path of your kerbal folder
  5. Hey Mulbin Have you used the xxd patch for memory issue? goto the kerbal folder that your settings.cfg is in right click and select open in terminal you should now be sitting in terminal type: xxd -s +0x7cebc7 -l 1 KSP.x86_64 you should get 07cebc7: 01 type: echo "7cebc7: 00" | xxd -r - KSP.x86_64 type: xxd -s +0x7cebc7 -l 1 KSP.x86_64 you should get 07cebc7: 00 type: xxd -s +0x7cebcc -l 1 KSP.x86_64 youshould get 07cebcc: 01 type: echo "7cebcc: 00" | xxd -r - KSP.x86_64 type: xxd -s +0x7cebcc -l 1 KSP.x86_64 youshould get 07cebcc: 00 fixed my kerbal crashing with mods. also what video card you running? If nvidia use nvidia drivers! sal_vager Dec 11th I'm going to start work on a bash script with a GUI of some sort that lets linux users click patches we use here. This long hand stuff is driving users away. Last year about this time I got fed up with not having a Desktop recorder for Puppy linux and made this..... http://youtu.be/S-hNwwX3P9M so i figure I could do the same for us. Please contact me with a list of the top 5 things this script should do. #1 on my list though not found here is a multiple quick save tool for linux. I can do all the linux stuff but i cant do any of the mod stuff for kerbal. I'm not a C # guy Meeki
  6. Next time save yourself the download. chown is your friend. if your user login name for mint is Milan it would look like this: sudo chown -R Milan /home/Milan/"dir of kerbal" The -R is for recursive, Milan is the user You can also set the group too! sudo chown -R Milan:root /home/Milan/"dir of kerbal" Milan is the user in group root. hope this helps somone when migrating stuff.
  7. Nvidia started working hard on linux drivers back in late 2012. They relesesd the 310.X Drivers in Nov 2012. The 304.X drivers your using are from June 2012. I have used All of these drivers and noticed a big diffrence in any thing 310.X or greater. Ive also found the 319.32 Driver I'm using, relesed June 2013, now works great with GL_THREADED_OPTIMIZATIONS that came out with the 310.14 (?) dirvers. Allowing me to run about 60 more parts before I slow down. What will really mess with your head is seeing more than 100% cpu usage when its turned on I suggest that ya update them drivers and use LD_PRELOAD="libpthread.so.0 libGL.so.1" __GL_THREADED_OPTIMIZATIONS=1 ./KSP.x86_64 from terminal inside of the KSP folder. Happy to have another linux convert
  8. My K Prize Space Plane(s) 100% Kerbal - NO MODS 2 variants - both built on the same frame. Craft File https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/12968946/kerbal/craftfile/meeki-SP-LVT45.craft meeki-SP-LV45 The LVT45 - is good for geting into orbit or going to and from mun or minmus Craft File https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/12968946/kerbal/craftfile/meeki-SP-AS%26LVN.craft meeki-SP-AS&LVN The 2x Aerospike and 1 LVN - is the one for visiting other planets. It can get to EVE without a topoff in orbit. Craft File https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/12968946/kerbal/craftfile/meeki-SP-PL-AS%26LVN.craft meeki-SP-PL-AS&LVN Same as above but with a rover payload. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- meeki-SP-PL-AS&LVN in orbit EVE encounter Eve Orbit Eve Aero breaking Final aero Break Lineup Tuchdown Rover (got to give it full go and not let off the gas or youll roll it) Took a trip to the pond ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Landing on the ksp runway ( not a return trip just deorbit kerbal) Came to stop on left hand side.
  9. This should help ya. http://doc.opensuse.org/documentation/html/openSUSE/opensuse-startup/cha.fontconfig.html Also Ive made a deb for TTF EZ install into debian based systems. This will install the fonts for all users not just the one you are using kerbal for. TTF Fonts -Arial.ttf and ArialB.ttf DEB >>> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/12968946/kerbal/kerbalttf_0.1-1.deb You may also have to run in terminal sudo fc-cache -fv I don't deal in rpm package managment so let me know if it works. RPM >>> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/12968946/kerbal/KerbalArialArialBoldTTF-0.1-2.noarch.rpm You may also have to run in terminal SuSEconfig --module fonts
  10. Prob I had that required action; as I said "Ive noticed that I don't suffer from allot of problems people are having. Crashes, Invisible VAB's, Halfmoon of pixelated white planet, the use of LC_ALL=C ./KSP.x86_64 or 32." What lead me to installing nividia drivers was steam. In linux mint the nouveau drivers gave me frozen launch screens in steam games. I then switched the drivers provided in the SoftwareSources. The only one that worked at the time was VDPAU 304 drivers. If i tryed to install others no mattered what i removed it stayed stuck as 304. 304 drivers gave me FPS studer, so id go 30fps to 104fps back and forth in the rage. all this with my steam games, Not kerbal. Again I worked all this out befor I installed kerbal. but when I started using kerbal I had no issues. So I thought id shared what I have running as a possible solution. Well this is not an issue. sudo ./driver-file-name.run --uninstall and if you need remove the xorg.conf restart. Package gone. However for basic users I agree that this might not be the best solution. Meeki
  11. New Bug I have in linux. May be in other OS's I jsut noticed it on my upgrade. http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/705 OS: Linux Mint 14, 32 and 64 bit (unbuntu based) In v0.19 I set my screen size in the '*settings.cfg*' to: SCREEN_RESOLUTION_WIDTH = 1594 SCREEN_RESOLUTION_HEIGHT = 848 When I ran the game v0.19 It worked fine with my new res. With v0.20 I set my screen size in the '*settings.cfg*' to: SCREEN_RESOLUTION_WIDTH = 1594 SCREEN_RESOLUTION_HEIGHT = 848 Now it ignors my settings and only uses last setting changed within the settings ----> Graphics TAB This is not best for my current windowed screen. I liked being able to use a custom resolution outstide the comming options.
  12. I've been watching and posted once or twice on this thread (lost in the server crash). Running linux mint cinimon 64bit Ive noticed that I don't suffer from allot of problems people are having. Crashes, Invisible VAB's, Halfmoon of pixelated white planet, the use of LC_ALL=C ./KSP.x86_64 or 32. Oh let me say it again I don't suffer from crashes in 64 or 32 bit. Now I do crash now and again with a 900-1100 part count and or running game for 6+ hrs but It only happens once in a blue moon. Got me thinking what I might have diffrent than others. none of the below is a for sure. Its jsut what might work I hold no responsibilty for what happens why your using sudo. Be smart! 1) I'm set up for runing steam. It might help to have all thoes packages. Goto Terminal type: sudo apt-get install ia32-libs This will give you 32-bit binaries. Lets you run 32bit version if your in a 64bit os. next: apt-get install libcurl3-gnutls:i386 then apt-get -f install this will finish off all you need. 2) Video card. I run an nvidia 550. Ive found out that I need proprietary drivers from nvidia. The linux drivers nouveau packaged and provided drivers don't cut the mustard. I tryed 310.x drivers and they were nice but what has worked for a charm for me was the 319.12. Even though some new ones are out and not beta Ive not upgraded in fear of somthing geting messed up that now works like a dream. To install nvidia drivers download the nvidia.x.run file from nvida. know the dir of the file and how to move through your file system in terminal. IE: cd dir , cd .. , ls etc! Before we go on write down what comes next unless you have another computer screen to use. You will be using virtual terminal and not be able to see the X window CTRL+ALT+F2 sudo service lightdm stop chmod +x driver-file-name.run make it so you can run the file sudo sh driver-file-name.run do what the screen tells you sudo reboot Let me know if this helps any one. Or not.
  13. Hey every one. Wetmelon has let me into the playing field to manage the code on the linux side of things. Some OSX support as well. What I'm here to do; So Wetmelon can focus on the code. Fault testing: If somting does not work let us know. Please include a link to the mod if its a mod issue. We need to know your OS your using as well. Gerneral Howto's: Need help using the program, don't know how it works let us know what you need. Have a suggestion? Let us know. Wetmelon might just put it in a later relese. Again I'm not the boss but I can try to help when hes not around. So don't go asking me to change the core of the program its out of my preview.
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