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Posts posted by zakkpaz

  1. 6 hours ago, klyith said:

    As I understand it KSP uses the graphical shaders to calculate which parts are being exposed to reentry heating.  My guess would be that the BDB parts, since they're fit so closely together, are now exposing the capsule to heat. Compare to stock parts, where the heatshield sticks out a bit around the rim to insure that the capsule doesn't get hit by the effect.

    That makes since but here's the strange thing, the five man command module works fine despite having an identical model.

  2. 11 hours ago, Rodger said:

    Would probably need a log to see what's happening. Missing upgrades would pop up a B9 warning on launch too, NREs may be something else.

    Here you go https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FwYslJ-uZIT1h9vqggswB4d_FiDaAJMv/view?usp=drive_link

    I've had something like this happen before, it was because I had deleted to .mu file used for the icon, but even with everything still in the Titan folder the upgrades are still missing from the tech tree.

  3. @Rodger I've got a bug report that I think might me related to the parts mergers.

    I'm pretty sure it's not a problem on my end, the tech tree upgrades for the Titan III tanks, Transtage upgrade and engines are missing. I keep getting the "NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error.

    Sorry I can't be more specific.

  4. Would you guys be willing to turn the Surveyor Orbiter High Gain Antenna into a relay antenna? There's not much to do with the Orbiter and having them be communications satellites makes sense as an althistory cheap reuse of existing technology type deal.

    Normally I'd just patch it myself but it seems like a good candidate for the part merges you've been doing and I'm not sure how that affects things.

  5. S3ooiuQ.jpegUpdated to  v1.2

    - Increased Titan IV pad size limit to fit MLP Modular Launch Pads tower
    - Added new airfield, Kerbminsky NAS
    - Began reducing the number of names beginning with K(Renamed Kermilab to Xenonne National Laboratory)
    - Made a Readme

    I still have one airbase i want to add, but i've run out of chicago adjacent references, I was hesitant to use Comiskey it seems to obvious. Anyone want to contribute a name? there's pun no to cringeworthy but I am trying to avoid any more with "Kerb" as a prefix.

  6. u03G1ll.jpg

    A KSC expansion and 25 new spacecenters, harbors, large airports, and small airstrips spread across JNSQ's Kerbin. It includes grounds stations helipads, and roverspawns making use of multiple asset packs to provide a more unique starting points and endings for all your missions.


    Terrible MS Paint Map



    Download Link



    Install instructions

    To start just drop the mod folder, the dependencies and their dependencies in to the "gamedata" folder, then comes the important part. This mod started as me messing with the included JNSQ KK bases, while nothing is left from those bases, some of the new ones are very near or on top of the JNSQ ones, so it's best to delete the file "JNSQ/JNSQ_Configs/KK" 

    Similarly Kerbinside includes its own bases which are not designed for JNSQ so delete "KerbinSideRemastered/Statics/ExampleBases"

    Known issues

    • Instead of using the spawns built into Tundra’s pads I had to place invisible ones on top of them. This was the only way I could figure out to around a bug that keeps you from changing the color of the grass on active launch pads. They should work as normal, please report any issues.

    • Theres a group of trees popping out of the KSC taxiway I can’t figure out how to get rid of.

    • Z fighting with scorch marks on Tundra’s pads and the runway numbers on Kerbal Konstructs 4800m runway

    • Not fully compatible with Blackracks Deferred, there are noticeable color differences between otherwise identical textures on Kerbal Konstructs buildings.

    • A lot of the default camera angles suck and the setting I think should change them doesn’t do anything when the heading is altered.


    • Find a better fix for launch pad color issue

    • Add a airbase to the far north-west peninsula

    • Make a part pruning guide

    • Make icons for launch sites

    • Fine tune ground stations where needed

    • Add useable fuel tanks (Defiantly LF & OX, maybe Mono, LH2, & LCH4)

    • Add CollectingSP's Delta IV pad to Vandenkerb if/when it’s released

    • Figure out KK’s ILS and add it to runways

    • Make GAP style contracts

    Might Do

    • Figure out how to add a dry lake bed texture to Jebwards (can KK even do that?)

    • Adjust terrain around Kermilab to allow landing from the north

    • Add NavUtilities support

    • Add Parallax compatibility (how does that even work)

    • Redo K.S. Outpost 31 as a smaller airstrip


  7. 7 hours ago, CollectingSP said:

    Oh, just click “save” in the static options while the editor’s still open on screen. I’m pretty sure that’s fixed it for me in the past

    That doesn't help either, the .cfg has the color change on it it just doesn't show up in game.


        pointername = TLC_05
            UUID = 13891e7a-e6bd-425e-b54d-b8c5b7a447a9
            CelestialBody = Kerbin
            RelativePosition = -301.311615,7.12480021,-1713.97253
            Orientation = 0,120.000008,0
            isScanable = False
            ModelScale = 1
            VisibilityRange = 25000
            Group = TanSands
            GrasColor = 0,0,0,0
            GrasTexture = BUILTIN:/terrain_grass00_new_detail
                FacilityType = KKLaunchSite
                OpenCost = 0
                CloseValue = 0
                FacilityName = 
                LaunchPadTransform = TSC_05_spawn
                LaunchSiteName = Tan Sands SLC - Redstone Pad
                LaunchSiteAuthor = Damon
                LaunchSiteType = VAB
                LaunchSiteDescription = WIP
                LaunchSiteLength = 13
                LaunchSiteWidth = 13
                LaunchSiteHeight = 0
                MaxCraftMass = 0
                MaxCraftParts = 0
                InitialCameraRotation = 90
                ILSIsActive = False
                ToggleLaunchPositioning = False
                OpenCloseState = Closed
                LaunchSiteIsHidden = False
                Category = RocketPad
                GrassMeshName = TE_GRASS
                MaterialOffset = 0
                GrassColor = 0.660000026,0.579999983,0.5,1
                NearGrassTexture = BUILTIN:/terrain_grass00_new
                NearGrassTiling = 0.150000006
                NearGrassGrayScale = False
                FarGrassTexture = BUILTIN:/terrain_grass00_new_detail
                FarGrassTiling = 0.00700000022
                FarGrassBlendDistance = 110
                FarGrassGrayScale = False
                TarmacTexture = BUILTIN:/ksc_exterior_terrain_asphalt
                TarmacColor = 1,1,1,1
                TarmacTiling = 100,100
                TarmacTileRandom = False
                TarmacGrayScale = False
                BlendMaskTexture = TundraSpaceCenter/Pads/TSC_05/TLC_05_Mask
                ThirdTexture = BUILTIN:/ksp_pad_concrete_diff
                ThirdTextureTiling = 0.100000001
                ThirdTextureColor = 1,1,1,1
                ThirdTextureTileRandom = True
                ThirdTextureGrayScale = False

    i tried changing "GrasTexture" but thats how i got the pink grass

  8. 5 minutes ago, CollectingSP said:

    I’m confused… are you trying to make the pads have the desert look? If so you don’t need to do CFG editing- just use the KK editor to edit the grass color.

    I have never had this issue before in my time both using and Developing KK mods. Can you post a screenshot of what the editor looks like?

    Also, I’ve never heard of a “ground color issue” before other than the pink textures that you get with an improper install- what does this issue consist of?

    If you set something as a launch site the grass color doesn't save when you change it in the editor. I thought this was a known issue, there are posts about it in this thread. zJuD1qs.png

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