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Posts posted by Mokmo

  1. I've made a new install and I can't get the delta-v window inside the VAB or in flight to work. I put a pod to start, I go to the Custom Window and I can't add anything inside a new custom window as it's not giving me items to add. 

    Anything known that could cause this ? 

    Edit: Might've found my conflict between some MM scripts to unlock some options. reloading game... 

    Edit #2: MM version conflicts, still nothing fixed, looking into what's spamming my debug menu... Clickthroughblocker missing ? 

    Final Edit: ClickThroughBlocker and one of its dependencies! It works now!

  2. So i'm on #801... 

    Why is Smart RCS deciding i need to absolutely fire up all rcs thrusters the minute i land with a 0.5m/s vertical velocity even on one of Minmus' flat areas? It's reacting to the bounce of the landing legs! How do i turn this off? Seriously i get why some people want it, but in my case all it does is try to flip my lander. And just like the auto docking, it eats monoprop so fast... 

  3. Found my problem, somehow my Mk2 cockpit is pulling a lot of drag once it hits mach 1. I'll run this with a non-modded install, but it seems it's on my side. Your first post is right, if the SSTO can't SSTO, it's probably a mod issue...

    EDIT: Seems it was pretty common in 1.3.1... oh well i know what to look for now

    Edit2: Got the Phoenix up, Can't get the Valkyrie to pop the trans-sonic stage yet. I have a lot to learn on Spaceplanes


  4. I can't access my account page to download the new version on the site, is that a known issue ? i can login, i get The "welcome, x" and two things i can buy but clicking "my account" sends me back to the homepage...

    EDIT: Nvm, it started working again

    EDIT2: Having very little time before it logs me out, could start the game download but not get the language patch page before i had to log back in

  5. 4 minutes ago, Aelfhe1m said:

    Sometimes other mods will add modules to all parts that need to be included in the KIS stackablemodules list. Searching the file GameData/ModuleManager.ConfigCache for the part you expect to stack (KAS_Strut1 in this case) will allow you to check which modules have been applied to the part and may need to be added to the stackablemodules list.


    3 minutes ago, ExplorerKlatt said:

    It is an issue with other mods adding modules to the parts. Mods like dangit or any other mod that affects all parts. Is going to cause this issue. 


    Edit: Ninja'd

    Yuuuuup it was: AmpYear! Removed it and it fixed itself the following restart. I'll look into adding the module to the list if i need to. Thanks guys

  6. I'm looking at one of my tankers, it's having issues keeping a heading no matter what mode i use on the SmartASS. So i was wondering, as it's so big, would there be a way to change the PID variables for the specific ship so that it reacts a bit less strongly for heading changes ? Is there a tool showing the output values ?

    It has plenty Reaction wheels and acts bad wether it's full or nearly empty. Not too sure what else could cause this... 


  7. 1 hour ago, sarbian said:

    It is not... I ll have a look later today or tomorrow.

    Content, position or both ?

    Actually it's even worse than i thought, the default VAB windows aren't even on and nothing i customize seems to save. 
    Current situation: All i have in the VAB are "Custom Window Editor" and "Settings", so i create a Delta-V window with the preset for it. Exit to space center, back in VAB, the dV window isn't listed. 

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