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Everything posted by way2smrt

  1. I bet they're the elite people who make huge space stations and planetary bases... This is probably a cakewalk for them.
  2. "That's not a Moon!" Sorry... I'd say the planet sized ship because it is bigger so more firepower. How about a borg cube VS. cylon ship?
  3. The title says "not commonly known". Jeb is the most known Kerbal in the game!
  4. Post your favorite not commonly known Kerbals and why! (No Jeb, Bob, Bill etc.) My favs: Merby Kerman: Leader of my Duna lander... First mission to another planet! Also has cool name and looks very happy. Harby Kerman: Went on the first mission to another planet... Then went to the Mun even though the last 4 Mun launches either killed or stranded my Kerbals. Muncas Kerman: Very happy and has an awesome name.
  5. How did you get that into orbit? That's must have been near impossible!
  6. LOL I get all these references... Anyone care to make a shadow ship or a ship from Babylon 5? Would like to see someone make a Narn cruiser, or a Membari cruiser. That would be cool.
  7. Duna... Almost died landing entry was too steep... Everything was fine after that though!
  8. Same... Even though it normally let's me down from lack of power
  9. Lv45... Not always the best choice but a very well rounded engine, fits most situations. Also it let's me down the least and very Kraken proof.
  10. I "landed" on Duna after the Mun and Minmus. (almost died!) Luckily everything worked out.
  11. Mk2 lander can... Reasonable weight + extra Kerbal in case one trips over a rock and dies (I'm looking at you Harby Kerman!)
  12. I try to leave a bit of fuel and a probe core... I also keep max persistent debris on 50 so I don't have debris from launches a while ago.
  13. What exactly is inside a Kerbal? One time EVA'd my Kerbal just before my failed launch exploded and he literally flew a couple of miles from the force of the explosion... How is that possible?
  14. I landed on the Mun and broke a landing gear. My rocket fell over. Then I said to myself "I know! I can still use the engine to slide across the Munar landscape!" I tried it and everything exploded after 10 seconds. Then I reverted back to an older quick save.
  15. I sent Bill Kerman to rescue him... Now he's stranded too
  16. I was looking through a 0x10c forum a while ago and I saw an image. It was a few rockets on a moon or some other planet. It interested me so I decided to check it out. I found out the game was called Kerbal Space Program, and I'm not a very impulsive person but after watching one video of it on youtube I said to myself "I have to get this game!" So I went to the KSP website and downloaded KSP and despite it only being a demo of a game that's in alpha by an indie team I had more fun playing it than a ton of games you would buy at a store by an team of about 10-100 people. Anyway that's how I came to be here on the forum so hello everybody! P.S. Jeb says hello from the Mun! (He's stranded )
  17. For a moment I thougth someone was going to build a Babylon 5 station from the tv show. Oh well, someday someday...
  18. I have seen a lot of games and watched and lot of commentraries and lets plays for tons of games from Simcity to Pokemon to Halo. In all my life only two games left me thinking: "The people who made this are pure genius!" Those games were Minecraft and Kerbal Space Program. So I really think you're right about it being the next big thing.
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