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Posts posted by Jcklemme

  1. 3 hours ago, Watermel00n said:

    Linbol System Rebirth doesn't have a secondary version, for now it is a system replacer (blame me, I was supposed to add that patch)

    It's a very cool looking planet pack.  I've recently been working on trying to make a single planet using Kopernicus and am only about three quarters of the way through the config file.  I understand that it's a lot of work to update these kind of things.  If you're doing anything besides making just a copy of a planet there is a good amount of stuff to go through, not to mention having to load the game up every time you want to check how your changes work. 

  2. I am wondering if anyone has any planet packs they could recommend to me that work with the ones I have already included in this list.  I also would like to recognize some of the amazing planet packs that have been made for KSP here as well.  Please note I have zero interest in system replacer packs.

    I currently have the following planet packs installed and they appear to be compatible in my game and work in 1.12.5 (they are listed in alphabetical order):

    • Asclepius - Adds a rocky planet with thin atmosphere that gets dense enough to fly planes in it's canyons.  Also has a moon.
    • Custom Asteroids - Technically not a planet pack, but adds more bodies to the solar system
    • Helvica - Adds one small gas giant and its moons to the space between the orbits of Duna and Dres.  The gas giant orbits in retrograde. (no longer maintained and author is looking for someone to take it over)
    • Janet's Minor Planets - Adds a few asteroids along with some Jool trojans.
    • Kcalbeloh System Planet Pack - Adds an interstellar distance system that orbits a fantastic looking black hole.
    • Kerbol Origins - Adds in planets that aim to recreate the SQUAD planet ideas that did not make it into the game.
    • Minor Planets Expansion - Made to work alongside Outer Planets Mod by adding asteroids and dwarf planets.
    • Muniant - Adds a Dres-sized planet with a highly elliptical orbit.  Shows Dres' description and the planet's name is not capitalized.
    • Near Kerbin Objects - Adds three asteroids with orbits that bring them near Kerbin
    • Other Worlds - Adds an orange dwarf star called Cercani along with it's systems.  Intends to be a story based pack.
    • Outer Kerbin - Adds a new moon and sub-moon to the Kerbin SOI
    • Outer Planets Mod - Expands the outer edge of the Kerbol system to include bodies that resemble those that appear in our solar system.
    • Quackpack - A fantastic planet pack that adds a few sun grazers and sub-Moho planets, filling in a very under used portion of the Kerbol System.
    • Silan - Adds a trans-Joolian gas giant with rings along with its moons.
    • Snazzy's OPM - Adds a gas giant called Gorgis along with seven moons.
    • Xubol - Adds a sub-Moho planet based on an unimplemented idea from SQUAD.
    • Zive System - Adds a star with five planets and some moons.  A brown dwarf also orbits the star.

    If anyone decides to download and use these mods make sure you read the mod description in full and install ALL dependencies or they will not work.  

    Does anyone know if Galaxies Unbound would work with these?  It looks great but I haven't tried it out.

    I will add compatible mods to the list as I find more or they are suggested to me.  If I have missed one it's likely not on purpose except in the case of Grannus and Galileo Planet pack which are not compatible with modern versions of Scatterer and so I will not include them in this list.

  3. 4 hours ago, AstroWolfie said:

    How do I make this? Do I copy and paste it into a sheet or what?

    Copy the "code" and paste it into the entry field for a cell.  Let me know if there's more you need on this.


    =IF(OR(ISBLANK(I2), ISBLANK(J2)), "", 
        year, 1960 + I2,
        dayOfYear, J2,
          IF(dayOfYear <= 56, "Launchuary", 
          IF(dayOfYear <= 112, "Feblast", 
          IF(dayOfYear <= 168, "Sprorbit",
          IF(dayOfYear <= 224, "Mayday",
          IF(dayOfYear <= 280, "Jebedune",
          IF(dayOfYear <= 336, "Jooly",
          IF(dayOfYear <= 392, "Astronautumn",
          IF(dayOfYear <= 426, "Docktober", 
          IF(dayOfYear <= 56, dayOfYear, 
          IF(dayOfYear <= 112, dayOfYear - 56, 
          IF(dayOfYear <= 168, dayOfYear - 112,
          IF(dayOfYear <= 224, dayOfYear - 168,
          IF(dayOfYear <= 280, dayOfYear - 224,
          IF(dayOfYear <= 336, dayOfYear - 280,
          IF(dayOfYear <= 392, dayOfYear - 336,
          IF(dayOfYear <= 426, dayOfYear - 392, 
        monthName & " " & dayOfMonth & ", " & year


    I wrote a Google Sheets function that lets you put the Year and Day into a cell and then this will display the Kerbin Date. 

    Replace I2 (year) & J2 (day) with the cells you'd actually like to reference.  The calendar starts in 1961 but you can easily change that.  Rename the months as desired.  This uses the OP calendar, but can easily be modified to use other days of the week.  Please not that this does not include leap years, as I don't need to use them for what I'm using this for.  If there was a strong desire for leap years being figured I could possibly work on writing that up, but as it stands I don't feel the need to figure that here.

    Here's how it would look implemented in a sheet:



    I like to group the Year and Day column so they can be hidden and shown easily.

    I don't think anyone actually wanted it but I made it so I figured I'd share.

  5. Here are some month names, if I may make a suggestion:

    1. Launchuary - Starts the year off
    2. Feblast - This is my least favorite one.
    3. Sprorbit - First Minth of Spring
    4. Mayday - May + Mayday.  Or just mayday I guess.
    5. Jebedune - First Minth of Summer - Mix of Jebediah, Duna, and June
    6. Jooly - Should be selfexplanatory
    7. Astronautumn - First Minth of Autumn
    8. Docktober - Docking + October

    Feel free to disregard if you hate them!

  6. Just now, AbsolutelyNotKirrim said:

    what abysmal intelligence site u used?

    I use primarily Dall-E, there is a specific function available for generating logos that I believe works well for this application.  I add the text in using Photoshop and touch up the image by removing any weird artifacts it generates and upping the symmetry a bit when the abysmal intelligence fails.

  7. John's Custom Flags



    I have created and am in the process of creating custom flags that I use in my game.  I have chosen to share them in the off chance someone may want to use them.  Some flags are made from scratch by me, some flags are created using a generative prompt based A.I. application and then modified by myself in photoshop.

    If you would like me to make a flag for you, please do not hesitate to ask.  I am happy to try to help, though I would then include it in the flag pack.

    This post shows all flags included in this pack.

    If there are flags you do not want to include in your game, simply delete the .png file for that flag from Kerbal Space Program/gamedata/Johns Custom Flags/Flags


    Download on Space Dock

    Available for download via CKAN.

    Released under CC0 License

  8. 1 hour ago, Jack Joseph Kerman said:

    It’s currently a work in progress, so there’s still a lot to be done before any release. For one, I’m currently just using placeholder normal maps, at least until I get my own to work (right now they are quite buggy). I also want to rework the height maps, as the terrain currently just shoots up in sheer cliff faces whenever its color changes. I also want to change Wollal’s texture to a unique one instead of the asteroid texture I have currently.

    Are you planning on implementing custom biomes?

  9. 1 hour ago, Jack Joseph Kerman said:

    Messed around some more with Kopernicus, and added a new ice planet between Duna and Jool, which I called Frigra. It’s a little bit smaller than Laythe, with a radius of 460 km and a gravity of 0.7 g. It also has a thin, cold atmosphere with a pressure of 0.3 atm and a surface temperature of 180 K (or about -93°C, -135°F), which is slightly colder than the coldest temperature ever recorded on Earth (-89.2°C). The atmosphere also contains oxygen, which allows for the use of jet engines, although they aren’t very effective thanks to the low atmospheric pressure.

    Looks great, are you planning to release it?

  10. 4 minutes ago, Bej Kerman said:

    The royalty free music was only fresh the first million times I listened to it in space. Now I can't bring myself to listen to the tracks in KSP 1.

    Listening to the same few tracks for a decade has gotten stale. 

    They could put the main theme in as an Easter egg, say it plays when you're within a certain distance of some anomaly, say the old run down Kerbal Space Center from the first game.  Other than that I agree, let's get some new stuff.

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