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Everything posted by jordanjay29

  1. You CAN manually set it as Debris currently via the Rename function. Doing so via the Tracking Center would remove a couple clicks, but it wouldn't really change what's possible right now.
  2. I definitely agree with this, I can't tell you how many times I've had the same problem as the OP. 'The last podcast?! Where? When?' is often what runs through my head.
  3. It'd be nice to be able to trigger on/off mods for certain saves. Alas, it's not yet possible.
  4. This is beautiful. Now if only I could find some stackable solar panels, I could make a perfectly smooth rocket.
  5. Nice, I like the shape and the IVA. Not quite a fan of the window color, but whatever. I'm eager to see what you do with this.
  6. Novapunch has some non-stock pods as well.
  7. KSP beats out EVE. This pretty much proves that building is more fun than destroying.
  8. KSP Interstellar? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/43839-0-22-KSP-Interstellar-%28LFTR-Mining-MW-Thermal-Fusion%29-Version-0-8-2-%28Beta%29 The Nuclear reactor models recently changed, but they used to be more white and industrial-looking. Now they look very 1950's.
  9. Needs more struts. Make sure you strut the two pieces that are collapsing, and consider redistributing the weight if that is a weak point of your design, or reducing your payload. For example, if a battery is crashing onto a fuel pod, consider using radial batteries instead of the in-line ones. Struts will help support pieces that would otherwise collapse, but it can't entirely fix a design flaw. For a Jool mission, you might consider building two separate stages and joining them in orbit in order to bypass the weight limitations of your rocket.
  10. I might do that, I'll just need to equip them with a few more dishes.
  11. Okay, I have a WTF?! moment going on. I'm trying to send a probe to the Mun, and I have loaded this thing with a dipole for launch and a Comm 32 to communicate with my Kerbin positioning sats at geo-Kerbin orbit (the same ones I was talking about above, got them working). Once I get to my apoasis, I deploy my Comm 32 antenna to communicate with my KPS satellites, which are at less than 3.00Mm, but even the 5.00Mm range of the Comm 32 can't seem to connect. In map mode, I see the connection lines from my satellite to my probe, but no dice on a data connection. This didn't happen when I had dishes, so what's the problem with my antennae? EDIT: Nevermind, my original relay sat moved in its orbit. Not sure if it jumped or just migrated from poor orbital skills. Bleh.
  12. Curses, you've found my mortal weakness! Now I'll never be able to play Ring-Around-The-Rosie Tag. Seriously, though, thanks for the help guys.
  13. So I need three dishes on each? One towards mission control (through relays, if necessary), one towards the next sat in the chain, and one towards the active vessel?
  14. I'm trying to get my satellite network going, but the relays don't seem to be working. I have two satellites in geo-Kerbin orbit and was trying to place a third when I ran into problems. The third was supposed to use the second satellite as a relay, but it never picked up ts connection. It could relay from the first satellite to mission control, but it couldn't make two jumps. My first satellite has two dishes, and its in geo-Kerbin orbit relatively over KSP. Its first dish is pointed towards mission control, its second is pointed towards the Active Vessel. Satellite #2 has two dishes as well, the first of which is connected to the first satellite. The second is pointed at the active vessel. When I'm switched to this satellite, I clearly see the relay between this satellite and the first satellite holding strong. However I can't get my third satellite or any normal vehicles to connect to the second satellite's relay. Am I doing something wrong?
  15. Eh, that's pretty much what I think. If someone wants to do that and feels it's legitimate for their game, more power to them. For me, I'd rather mod my game to get the parts I need, and that's another view of cheating. Honestly, unless you're trying to share these designs, I don't even think it's an item for discussion. There is no right or wrong way to play KSP (assuming you understand the mechanics of gameplay), you just play how you want.
  16. I'm curious if parachutes from mods, like NovaPunch, have the same identifiers so they will trigger this plugin.
  17. Respect to those who play without it, but this is one time when I really make use of MechJeb. Set the maneuver node, set MechJeb to execute it, and go to class/sleep/work/etc. Come back and my probe has powered through and is on a course for my destination.
  18. Duna was my first true aerobrake. I had my craft pointed towards prograde the whole way, waiting to unleash the rest of my fuel in a last-ditch attempt to save my orbit, should anything have gone awry. Thankfully, my vessel popped out the other side just fine. Eve was particularly hair-raising the first time I tried, too.
  19. And here I was hoping you'd be able to fix the sound cut/looping problem from vanilla. Darn. Nevertheless, this is pretty cool. I love the jet engine sounds, and the SRBs sound awesomely powerful now. Thanks.
  20. I can understand that an image would be too much. What about a diagram with just things like: [Mk 1 Command Pod] | [Decoupler] | [Fuel Tank] etc. This might be just as useful, perhaps even more so with extremely cluttered designs (plus the fact that we have to rely on visual identification once we've placed our parts, as the VAB/SPH doesn't give us a description of the parts on hover once placed).
  21. But with the ability to change out the root part, this is moot. You could always double-stack your "root" part, like a command pod or probe part, and then select the second part for subassembly to work around it.
  22. I'm not sure I agree. It's one thing for a rover/human to get a surface sample and examine it on a faraway rock. It's quite another thing for that sample to be brought back to Kerbin to unleash the full potential of science against it. We can learn far more from extraterrestrial rocks on Earth than we can in their natural habitats. For example, one company just made a special fall beer that's brewed with moon dust. No joke! While it may not seem like the biggest scientific revolution, it's certainly one application that is only possible with the physical sample. Consider reducing the transmission efficiency to a lower percentage, like 40 or 20.
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