I knew someone may have asked this question before. But, well... Today someone shows me a small craft he make for a flight to Eve. I notice he attach a dozen of Radial Air Intake around the Fusalage so he can use turbo engine to reach a higher altitute. At that moment I think this guy saves a lot resource. But when I check the wiki, I am shocked. The price for one Radial Air Intake is 1000! Which is even more expensive than the Turbojet Engine. Actually it is more expensive than most of the rocket engine. So I read more about the price on wiki. It seems the price for parts are quite unreasonable. An EAS-1 External Command Seat is 800 when a Mk1 pod is only 600. I am wondering if Squad want to make career mode, will they reconsider the price? Also, I found the tables on parts page of KSP wiki have some wrong numbers, especially about price. Anyone know how to fix it?