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Everything posted by ShachonianX

  1. Does it even matter whether you use Spaceport or KerbalBase? It's mostly the same thing, except KerbalBase seems to be for .craft files and Spaceport is for .craft files and mods and other mod-related stuff.
  2. Jebediah Kerman and my flag. EDIT: Image won't appear. EDIT 2: Now it does.
  3. This is currently impossible, but you can use the crew manifest mod for renaming Kerbals and making new ones.
  4. The transporter made two Kirks once and two Rikers once?
  5. I went to a anime art thing, and say a cute little creature called Shacho. After getting SPORE, I made my username Shacho. When making my YouTube channel, it turned out that the username Shacho was taken. So, I named my self after a creature of mine from SPORE, ShachonianX (the X I added in because it sounded cool). I then began a growing trend of naming myself ShachonianX is every website and game I am on. My avatar is really just my Seal Aerospace flag.
  6. Before you actually launch, you could just have a Kerbals bail out of the rocket. But, they may or may not survive the fall.
  7. Food and Not Food? Wouldn't the not food be toothbrushes and equipment? So, what is the Not Food?
  8. Ah, SPORE. First game I ever played. To bad Maxis stopped working on it.
  9. The last thing I did in 0.19 was launch my Explorer 1 satellite. It's currently in a solar orbit.
  10. What folder do you put your flags in?
  11. Downloading KSP 0.20 right now.
  12. I was watching videos of FTL (that indie video game), and then came up with this. The electrical charge blast would be, well, a blast of electricity that would probably electrocute people in an enemy ship and mess up electrical devices on it. Also, the nuclear engines aren't Project Orion ones. They are your standard NERVAs (NASA uses these for going to Mars).
  13. Explorer 1 was designed for a sole purpose. The purpose was to exit reach Kerbin escape, which was done successfully. Here are pictures of Explorer 1 in solar orbit. I plan on putting an Explorer 2 in a close solar orbit.
  14. What would the ultimate spaceship be like? This is what I think. Also, this is meant to be mostly realistic, so it won't be massive. Size: Space Shuttle size Maximum Crew: 8 Weapons: 8 missiles, 2 lasers, electrical charge blast Other Devices: 4 Comm. hacker satellites, robotic arm, 4 2-man escape pods, 2 2-man breaching pods, 1 2-man mining lander Engines: 10 nuclear engines Armor: Titanium outer shell, steel inner shell
  15. Because I will only be able to get the new update tomorrow, what are the new parts?
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