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Everything posted by ShachonianX

  1. Granted, but you get stuck in the middle of it in a zero-G environment. I wish I had ONE MILLION DOLLARS.
  2. 276. Rules saying that NOOBS AREN'T ALLOWED HERE! (I'm just joking. We should really try to teach the noobs about how to play the game.)
  3. Nice looking Mun base. I should make something like that...... In stock!
  4. I know about Kerbal seats. But they should make an actual command pod that works best with rovers.
  5. I never knew the aircraft parts were from a mod. The more you know... The possibly 1 man lander can could also work with rovers. They should add in command pods specifically for rovers soon.
  6. I actually never asked about how to get into orbit. Once I discovered gravity turning, I did the rest of practicing getting to orbit on my own. People could call me a noob for never landing on the Mun or docking, but I have always been in love with rocket science and space exploration, so I will keep playing KSP. Always.
  7. Now we can recreate the Mercury-Atlas launches.
  8. KSPX is going to be stock now?! First mod to be fully implemented into the game! WOOHOO!
  9. WAAAAFFLES Nyan Cat or Shoop Da Whoop?
  10. If you have seen the March 14 KSP Weekly, there are two IVA teasers. The actual command pods the IVAs are for aren't shown. Let the guessing BEGIN! Personally, I think the first IVA is a wide FOV module, and the second one is for a part to use on manned rovers.
  11. That happened with the solar panels on the Orion. They stopped working.
  12. Thanks. It took a lot to get the Orion core module up there. MANY fails ensued.
  13. Do. Fly into the sun or fly into a pit of lava?
  14. I've seen an eclipse before, from my Orion space station.
  15. Actually, I believe HarvesteR said that mining won't be in 0.20, in a blog posted. Link to the post: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/content.php/164-Update-on-the-0-20-Update
  16. One word: absolutely correct. I think the only good Hollywood space movie is Apollo 13, and I don't even know if that was a Hollywood movie.
  17. That moment when you have a staging failure where the launch stabilizer clamps activate first instead of the engines.
  18. Treat! Explode or implode?
  19. Kerbals who fall on their heads seem to live.
  20. RUUUUUUUUUUN! Trap or completely safe?
  21. Happens to me to. I try to avoid watching those (along with Tobuscus playing Minecraft).
  22. I normally get bugged when people start doing things completely wrong in a game when I know what to do. I still like Nerdcubed, though. He's awesome.
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