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Dictator Dan

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Everything posted by Dictator Dan

  1. Clouds and weather would be very nice, as would auroras, and city lights. I say city lights, and not cities, due to the fact that no buildings would realistically be visible from orbit, so it would just create lag. It would also be cool to see stations and such from the ground. Not actually rendered, but just a moving dot of light.
  2. Haha, I like it! Congrats on the landing, and safe return!
  3. Before I can land on any planet or its moons, excluding Kerbin, I must land a probe safely on it. Before I can set up a base, I must land, and return Kerbals on it. For every planet further away from Kerbin, the number of times I must land and safely goes up by 1. So Duna would take one landing and safe return, Dres would take two, the Joolian moons would take 3 each. I also dont use quick save or mods, although Im really hoping they get resources out soon, otherwise Ill probably use the Kethane mod. Lugging tankers around the solar system gets boring.
  4. Congrats! Returning Kerbals is always the hardest part, and it looks like youve made a VERY nice landing! Im sure Fersen appreciates your efforts to return him to a livable environment! Also, I like your Minmus lander, ees to do what it is meant to very well.
  5. Holy crap, that things a monster, and your videos are pretty cool! Maybe its the scotch I've had, but I was laughing so hard at 'Maybe if I crash him into the ship again...' my cat was looking at me like it might need to call 911.
  6. 1) Make sure the docking ports are the same size, and if you are using a shielded one, that the cover is off. 2) Select the docking port of the ship you are flying, and go 'Control from here' and on the target ship, select its docking port and click 'Set as target' 3) Turn navball to 'Target' that will show your relative velocities. 4) You want to make contact at a fairly low speed, and turn SAS (yes, pressing 't' will turn your sas on/off) off. If you are trying to dock with SAS on, it attempts to hold your ship on its current heading, which can be an issue, as it wont be let the ships be 'pulled' into docking position easily.
  7. Given the Muns lack of atmosphere, you could lower station quite a bit, and I agree with Vanamonde, it would probably be easier to send a whole new station out. If you arnt looking to move large amounts of fuel up and down, you could probably get away with a pretty small lander. For my Mun base I have 3 landers, one is just a probe, small engine and fuel take and a Hitchhiker to move 4 Kerbals up or down, one for fuel movement, and one operates as a descent module for new habitats sent to the Mun. Remember every unnecessary part you bring to the surface, and lift back up takes fuel.
  8. My guess is to make it harder to reach LKO, given its smaller diameter, and lower atmosphere. Same reason the Kerbal engines have a horrible TWR compared to real ones. Still its awesome to actually see the math done on it.
  9. It is stock, but it has to be a maned (kerballed) ship in order to be done. Right click the part, once landed.
  10. No matter how hard I try, I cant keep them out of the capsules, which makes me think they have done something, and are trying to run away. So in a sense, if a rocket fails, its justice.
  11. If you dont want to create debris, and are going to a low orbit, (<100km) a probe core, and maybe a battery or solar panel, if you are going to leave it for more than a few minutes, and 40 RCS fuel on Rockomax 64 tanks can deorbit, allowing you to send asparagus staged rockets up. If you dont like the thought of having to control stuff other than your main rocket, asparagus stage is still the way to go for cargo, just make sure to dump the last stages with your periapsis under 10,000 meters, this will ensure that those stages are destroyed in Kerbins atmosphere. SSTOs do not lift a large amount of weight, relative to their size, and I find them best for crew delivery and return, as opposed to sending stuff like fuel or station modules up.
  12. Congratulations on the docking! Docking is one of the most complex parts of the game (as well as real life). Im sure Jeb is happy at the prospect of being able to create larger constructions to blow up .
  13. (Sorry for the extra post, but still under the forum nazis until I reach the post threshold, post forum burning) Instead of that girder set up, try the TT-70 Radial Decouplers, they hold your extra tanks away from your central tank, reduce part count, and have a decent strength to them.
  14. That central tank could use some reinforcement. Try a small cubic structural strut on both the top and bottom tank, and a strut between them. As well as some struts connecting the asparagus tanks to the girders. as it looks like thats where the tanks separated from your rocket.
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