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Everything posted by freakneek

  1. Ok i ran it for 5 hours no avail here is my output_log.txt http://m.uploadedit.com/ba3b/1428447583700.txt thanks
  2. I do undetstand that atm loads slow for the first time to aloow the comprrssion of textures. Ill let it run overnight then and see how it goes. However i dont think ots the case ive used atm for months now and have never seen it take 1-2 hours on a single file. I did run the aggressive relase and had no issues! Its just this one file when using the basic relase. Mabye if somone could upload there gamedata/activetexturemanagement/texture cache/ kso/rpm folder if it dossnt work. but ill wait and see if this works first. Till tommrow giys and thanks
  3. Hey guys, ive just completed a reinstall of ksp ive loaded in ATM and the ksos mod into my install but im having issues. sigh. when i start ksp atm is doing its thing but then when its loading kso/rpm/ksosstmfd/mfd40x15002 it hangs on it. Ive redownloaded kso and atm just to make sure its not a file error or coruptiion. I left it to hang for over an hour but no avail. Ive made sure that everything is installed probably and ive even reinstalled them here is a pic of what im seeing when it hangs no log file as there is no crash or anything un towards in the ksp.text log can anyone help? Thanks in advance. otherwise the olny soultion i can see is to delete the offending file and not bother with iva.
  4. Ok so my last post i showed how to add the kso mechjeb to the remotetech_mechjeb.cfg because kso mechjeb atayed under "local control" now that bizzy has released his tomtom mechjeb (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/77674-Small-MechJeb-touchscreen-case) Ive had the same problem. so here is an updated cfg for it. It still has the kso mechjeb code just in case u need it sometime. As before edit the remotetech_mechjeb.cfg and save. // Support for MechJeb probe core // Original config by Cilph @PART[mumech_MJ2_AR202]:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleSPU]]:AFTER[MechJeb2]:NEEDS[RemoteTech] { // Append tag to the existing part name @title ^= :$: (ModuleSPU): MODULE { name = ModuleSPU } } //Support for KSOS MechJeb by freak @PART[mechjebkso]:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleSPU]]:AFTER[MechJeb2]:NEEDS[RemoteTech] { // Append tag to the existing part name @title ^= :$: (ModuleSPU): MODULE { name = ModuleSPU } } //Support for Bizzys TomTom MechJeb by freak @PART[tomtom]:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleSPU]]:AFTER[MechJeb2]:NEEDS[RemoteTech] { // Append tag to the existing part name @title ^= :$: (ModuleSPU): MODULE { name = ModuleSPU } } Let me know if anyone needs the cfg uploaded so you can just drop it in the remotetech2 folder As allways,happy kerbaling freak
  5. Hi, First of all thanks bizzy for making this. It will replace bill 9000 perfectly in my install. your work in this community is outstanding. Secondly, for those who use remotetech, there will be a discrepancy as RT needs to know that the tomtom is there, otherwise it thinks that the tomtom is a manned pod and will stay under "local control". Ive seen this before in the kso mechjeb as well. good news is that i supplied the fix for the kso mechjeb on the rt thread. And ill do the same with this one. so heres the fix. 1, in your ksp install, open gamedata/remotetech2 2, inside you will find a file called RemoteTech_MechJeb.cfg open it and add this code; //Support for Bizzys TomTom MechJeb by freak @PART[tomtom]:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleSPU]]:AFTER[MechJeb2]:NEEDS[RemoteTech] { // Append tag to the existing part name @title ^= :$: (ModuleSPU): MODULE { name = ModuleSPU } 3, save it and start ksp. Enjoy. ill be posting this in the RT thread too.
  6. ok here goes, ok first question - yes this implements RemoteTech to the parts. secondly - ill install Interstellar tonight and make a new cfg (to drop in the RemoteTech folder) the one i just modded for KSO is based on the code that Cilph originally configured. no promises though, im not sure if interstellar is updated to 0.90.0. All credit goes to the makers of the code so if anyone has any objections to me helping people to mod the code or feels im overstepping my bounds please let me know so i can edit/delete my posts. JUST TO AVOID ANY CRAP THIS IS NOT MY CODE IM JUST MODDING IT FOR MY OWN USE! otherwise try copying this and pasting it after the last MODULE code in the part cfg file notepad or notepad++. MAKE SURE THAT YOU DONT PASTE IT AFTER THE VERY LAST "}" IN THE FILE!!! example; MODULE { name = XXXX xxxx = xxxx } //PASTE HERE LIKE THIS! MODULE { name = ModuleSPU } //BUT NOT AFTER THIS "}" } Give a a go and let me know otherwise if its too confusing pm me. you are more than welcome just trying to help :-) happy kerbaling! freak EDIT; I've just looked at interstellar and in my honest opinion its a bit of a mess, with so many forks that i'm not going to touch it until there is a definitive version. So your better off modding the code in the respective parts cfgs as i've shown above.
  7. Sorry if this has been posted before but i cbf going through x number of posts. Concerning the kso mechjeb ive ran into some issues where it stays under local control. I like to use it on most my craft espically my comsats, its smaller and less ugly. After some digging around in mechjeb 2 (where the kso mechjeb part files are), and the remotetech folders i found a file called: RemoteTech_MechJeb.cfg in the remotetech folder it looks like this... //Support for MechJeb probe core // Original config by Cilph @PART[mumech_MJ2_AR202]:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleSPU]]:AFTER[MechJeb2]:NEEDS[RemoteTech] { // Append tag to the existing part name @title ^= :$: (ModuleSPU): MODULE { name = ModuleSPU } } So i opened it with my trusty notepad++ i added this code to it... @PART[mechjebkso]:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleSPU]]:AFTER[MechJeb2]:NEEDS[RemoteTech] { // Append tag to the existing part name @title ^= :$: (ModuleSPU): MODULE { name = ModuleSPU } } So now it looks like... // Support for MechJeb probe core // Original config by Cilph @PART[mumech_MJ2_AR202]:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleSPU]]:AFTER[MechJeb2]:NEEDS[RemoteTech] { // Append tag to the existing part name @title ^= :$: (ModuleSPU): MODULE { name = ModuleSPU } } //Support for KSO MechJeb //Added in by freakneek @PART[mechjebkso]:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleSPU]]:AFTER[MechJeb2]:NEEDS[RemoteTech] { // Append tag to the existing part name @title ^= :$: (ModuleSPU): MODULE { name = ModuleSPU } } Saved it as the same name (RemoteTech_MechJeb.cfg) and tested.... KABOOM! it now has RemoteTech support and works. Hope this helps people who use the kso mechjeb. Could this be added in the next release? It would be my first contribution to ksp since i started 2 years ago. Thanks for the great mod and plugin and i hope my spoiler tags work im posting on my mobile phone :-p
  8. ok so i just reinstalled this mod in my build of ksp. in the laoding screen in startup it finishes loading then hangs for 10 secs on the last file its loading (squad/spaces/blah/blah) then CTDs on me. it works fine after i take this mod out. here is my crash log. i include this because i dont understand whats happening http://www.megafileupload.com/en/file/520878/2014-04-19-230032-rar.html
  9. yeah im having the same problem in 23.5. is there any fix for this???
  10. this diddnt work for me; the mj menu appeared on the side but when i click it to show, it shows as a little gray box which mj build are you referring too? EDIT- soz for the dubble posting , installing toolbar 1.7.1. has fixed the problem here too. it dossnt seem to care what MJ build you use.
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