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Everything posted by nubcaker

  1. For a sec, I thought you were going to talk about the order of Kerbal rule, and hierarchy.
  2. Really like the models and texturing! Say, what will their uses be? They all look like engines, apart from the first one.
  3. Yay, interplanetary ships! I made one a while ago, but it's put into an orbit through an editor, and it isn't exactly efficient either. Just wanted to try out the Near Future parts pack. Link to the album - http://imgur.com/a/tiBdZ
  4. Definitely continue. We can never have enough command pods, and one that fits 4 kerbals? Heck yes.
  5. Great guy. And yes, the mod is lovely, I'll use it for pretty much everything now, thanks!
  6. Yes, I'm very excited to see a release. I see you're busy with other (small) mods too, like the service module thingy you just released. Take your time, you make quality stuff.
  7. Holy damn, I got frustrated today because I wasn't able to make a smooth rocket because of all the radial crap. And then this shows up! You sir, are awesome. Seriously, thanks for this!
  8. I've wanted something like this for weeks now. And the FASA mod is kind of an overkill, so thanks for this!
  9. Coolest thing I heard all week.
  10. It was a legitimate question. I really just wanted to know if it was a a centrifugal gravity compartment, and if it was actually functional, using Damned Robotics or something else. Turns out it isn't. No need to be impolite.
  11. Yay, followed the dev thread from the beginning! Great to see you have an official release now. Love the parts.
  12. That's some real mysterious **** right there guys.
  13. So much for privacy. Dang it Facebook.
  14. You're only going to throw wood on the fire by complaining how it's becoming a bad community. Don't do this, just be friendly overall, and don't look down on others.
  15. This thread is now about the first games you ever played. All jokes aside though, Spore being a first game for someone changes my perspective on gaming. I guess the next generation of gamers is arriving.
  16. Oh my god, yes. I've been silently checking this thread every day, waiting for the new release. OP seems to have delivered. Thanks Lack!
  17. This looks great, will download it if the parts are textured. Man, keep up the work, these are the kind of parts that should've been stock. Kudos!
  18. Is that a balcony with a sat dish parasol? Holy cow.
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