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Everything posted by J.Random

  1. No problem, there's another one which was lost when I removed all the "exploit" stuff from the quote: Better? =)
  2. Does the topic of this discussion include the new EULA shown by Steam when you try to start the game after update? If it does, then: It's unenforceable. It contains following: while the game is already downloaded and installed. Pretty sure it voids the whole thing. Also, So having several copies with different sets of mods is "illegal" now. Also also, T2 now owns the rights to all the mods, regardless of initial license the mod was published under. Also also also, T2 isn't liable for anything, you're liable for everything (and I think it's stated somewhere in the ToS that they don't have to prove anything, so you're also liable for imaginary damages as well). Also also also also, I have just clicked Cancel and started the game directly. Yay?
  3. I have no idea about either of them, which is why I'm asking stupid questions. =) Oh, well. Thanks anyway.
  4. I don't get it. I mean, I understand that the Sun is a directional light. It's well known because of how planets look with telescope mods. By "omni" I meant, of course, point light. Why use directional light instead of a point light? I mentioned 64-bit because I thought the reason was that you couldn't put light source far enough away in the scene. @pizzaoverhead Tha's what I was thinking too, and now I'm wondering what the hell lits up the Mun. The same directional light, I guess. As for the dynamic lights - can you make it optional? KSP isn't very taxing GPU-wise, and I'd expect a modern videocard to easily manage a couple (of dozens ) additional light sources in the scene.
  5. Why can't you use omni light for Sun? With 64-bit version, you should be able to put it at the proper distance, right? Dynamic lights (suit lamps, part lights) - why don't they cast shadows?
  6. Beautiful pack! One question, though: since the "shroud" support trusses are enabled/disabled through tweakable, what's the point of having two stack nodes so close together on Torekka dish (especially when allowStack is set to 0, so only one of these nodes is ever used)? Oh, another thing. I suppose you're using ModuleJettison just to _show_ the trusses, not to really jettison them, so it may be a good idea to add "hideJettisonMenu = True" there to hide "jettison shroud" button in part menu in flight.
  7. Name one military which has a "glider sized drone with self deploying wings" able to fly at 45km altitude on Earth (about the same pressure as on Martian surface) or at least 30km (same for density, if I'm not mistaken). NASA Helios is the closest one, and it's a fixed wing with a HUGE wingspan.
  8. No one said otherwise. But there's also a matter of static buildup and discharges.
  9. Yup. Although I'm not sure it was a matter of choice, really. Mars-3 and ExoMars had similar profiles: lander piggybacks the orbiter and separates before the insertion burn, lander goes down straight from interplanetary transfer, orbiter does insertion burn and achieves orbit. I don't think their dV budget allowed for anything else.
  10. ...because they decided to land into a middle of a dust storm. Just like this time.
  11. Huh, I thought MJ SmartASS can do that too (btw, heading/pitch/roll is, by definition, vessel's spatial attitude).
  12. Are you kidding? RT uses MJ core implementation - and, if I'm not mistaken, very old one, which is why there are issues with attitude control at almost every update - it's a PID Hell copypasta which very few people can understand and debug properly. Anyway, RT and stock comms use very different approach to what's allowed in LOS condition, and using both at the same time would be weird.
  13. Been there done that bought a t-shirt. https://github.com/RemoteTechnologiesGroup/RemoteTech/issues/643 - the fix was simplistic and most probably incomplete (not a coder), but it helped and could be considered a temporary workaround. Neither proposed patch, nor a proper solution from one of the KOS contributors was implemented, the issue is still there. Anyway, what, RemoteTechnologiesGroup was dissolved or something? What happened? Edit: on the other hand, the "active vessel-only dishes for ground stations" actually was implemented, and in a much better form than proposed, it seems. So, go figure.
  14. Sorry, but 1.8 is just awful and needs a major rework. FC can't hold any direction at all. Even setting p=90, d=0, r=0 (that's how rocket stands on the pad by default) and pressing space will send the rocket tumbling almost immediately, regardless of twr.
  15. The ore scanner interface was replaced with kerbnet UI locked in a purple monochrome color scheme. I don't like purple monochrome.
  16. Well in this case KSPUtil disappeared (or merged into another assembly, I guess) and vessel.findWorldCenterOfMass() cannot be found. I've simply replaced everything inside GetRadarAltitude() with just 'return vessel.GetHeightFromTerrain()', no idea if I broke anything by it, but it builds and seems to run properly.
  17. Technically it isn't, because it's usually other people's screenshots/gifs/videos, but the intention seems to be there alright.
  18. I wouldn't hold my breath for major improvements. MP: Don't care. Voronoi craters anywhere beyond Mun - don't believe it will ever happen. Wheels - try to climb >15o incline, good luck. Torque curve is still there, so no high torque low/constant RPM wheels. Squad uses EVE/Scatterer screenshots to advertise the game in social networks, yet I doubt they will ever add anything like that into the game. Dynamic lighting - AHAHAHAHAHAH. Worst of all, with Porkjet gone, there's no chance for his clean light style to become a single design standard for the game.
  19. I don't see how this unit of measurement is relevant here.
  20. Funny you should say this. What happened to the "all critics are haters with pitchforks" and "stop the negativity or else" general attitude back from 4 months ago? =)
  21. Huh, I'm not banned anymore? Weird. Wait a second. Are you saying that both 1.0 and 1.1 were entirely on developers, and not a result of decisions from management? That developers all by themselves just decided to work crazy OT and then leave a Niagara-style memory leaking release for two months? That developers just decided to impose deadlines on themselves and end the prerelease testing prematurely?
  22. Still unnecessary. See The_Rocketeer's post above (this one). Most of the critique is aimed at Squad as a whole, singular entity or at the result of their decisions. That this criticism is perceived by some forum members (or this "us" organization you mentioned) as hate or personal attacks against developers is kinda sad. It kills any attempts of criticizing any design or production decisions with "h8ers gonna h8" comments and accusations of lynching attempts.
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