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Everything posted by mkosmo

  1. That kind of thing is why I like Perl 6's approach on the matter. With volunteer efforts, especially, timelines are hard. The folks behind Perl kept joking that it'd be done by Christmas, but they wouldn't specify *which* Christmas :-)
  2. That didn't work for me -- Same issues. It looks like 1.7.2 is uploaded for standalone download if you directly browse for it, and I was able to download that and get Breaking Ground to work.
  3. Hopefully that means we'll get other (non-KSP) things in the future. If Squad can make other games as addicting as KSP, we'll be in trouble.
  4. There are times I look down and certainly see emotions other than smiles.
  5. Has anybody seen this? Having freshly downloaded KSP 1.7.1 and Breaking Ground 1.0.0, I'm getting an error: "You are running a version of KSP that its not compatible with the Breaking Ground Expansion, please go to the KSP Store and download the 1.7.2 version or above." Strangely, you'll notice that the setup title is v1.1.0, though. Was some kind of mistake made recently in the distribution?
  6. @linuxgurugamer Is anybody else having trouble getting the latest version via CKAN? Looks like it's incorrectly sorting (since prior to 1.1.0 the versioning used the "v" prefix, whereas this one doesn't), so is that why CKAN is upset? http://prntscr.com/fa4txn
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