I'll preface this by saying that I think I'm asking this in the right place, but if not, feel free to berate me and send me elsewhere.
I'm trying to figure out if the placement of some of the parts from this pack within the Community Tech Tree (CTT) are placed as intended or erroneously and, if the latter, how I can best help correct it.
One such example is the DERP Concentrated Photovoltaic array, which currently appears within the Enhanced Survivability (ES) node of CTT. From what I can tell, this is because the CTT configuration file (CTT.CFG) is using a wildcard for all parts starting with "DERP_" and assigning them to the ES node. Looking at the part configuration file, however, shows the original TechRequired parameter was for "advElectronics". Another example is the DERP MonoPropellant Fuel Cell which shows up in the ES node, but looks like perhaps it should be in the High-Power Electronics node instead.
I only noticed this because after 1000 hours I decided to start playing around with using mods and have fallen in love with the concepts of the USI mods. When I installed CTT it struck me as strange that the DERP Concentrated Photovoltaic array appeared in the 45 science tier, when it's contemporaries didn't show up until the 160 science tier; it even appears before the basic OX-STAT Photovoltaic panels in the 90 science tier making it heck of a deal as-is. I couldn't think of a good reason why it would appear in one place in the stock tech tree, but further up when using CTT and figured maybe it was just a result of doing a quick wildcard to get things working.
I realize I could probably go in and adjust my CTT.CFG to move this around, but I guess I'm curious whether anyone else had noticed this and thought it was a bit off. I'm happy to provide screenshots or more details if any of this is unclear. Thanks!