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Everything posted by Parkaboy

  1. I'm pretty sure their coloration is the evolutionary advantage that allowed them to survive. Most predators dislike eating anything green.
  2. Bem-vindo! Boa sorte durante o aprendizado, tem muita coisa que é bem difícil de fazer. Não hesite em procurar tutoriais no YouTube, porque os tutoriais do jogo são limitados. Se você entende bem inglês, eu recomendo os do Scott Manley (basta uma busca rápida para achá-los). Outra dica é usar o mod MechJeb, que adiciona um piloto automático. Muita gente acha que é "trapaça", mas uma boa maneira de aprender a pilotar é vendo como o piloto automático faz as manobras.
  3. Has anyone else noticed the clouds? If the VAB scene is integrated with the space center, does that mean that there will be clouds in 0.21's Kerbin?
  4. There's a famous planet in science fiction named Duna, you know. Also, Moho may have something to do with the concept of "mohole", since it appears to have a couple.
  5. Sim, era desse que eu estava falando, só esqueci da mudança de nome. Funciona bem pra mim, apesar de sobrepor o botão das partes científicas, o que gera um pequeno transtorno.
  6. Já tem uma versão não oficial do SubassemblyLoader pra 0.20 que funciona (o patch anterior não permitia salvar as partes, só carregar). Sá uma busca na seção de releases.
  7. Acho muito massa esse conceito da SpaceShipOne. A sua versão voa bem? Confesso que apanho muito dos spaceplanes, e só consegui fazer o meu primeiro SSTO bem sucedido ontem.
  8. Ah, não era o seu não. Eu lembro do usuário, e era um post com teor meio ofensivo.
  9. Saudações, galera! Bom ver que a turma brasileira está construindo seu cantinho na comunidade. Da última vez que passei pelo subforum internacional só havia um post de brasileiros, e era de dar vergonha. Desta vez o tópico está legal e dá vontade de participar, então deixa eu me apresentar. Sou Parkaboy, e constumava ser muito ativo na comunidade do Spore, mas acabei cansando do jogo. Em março descobri KSP e fiquei viciado desde então. Estou postando as minhas missões em um blog que criei, e espero que gostem. O link é: http://kspbrasil.blogspot.com.br/ E uma amostra:
  10. Hi, fellow kerbonauts. I've been doing mission reports in a blog as a way of keeping track of my space program, and thought it was time to share it with you. The thing is, since I'm brazilian, I've written the entries in portuguese. I added a translator widget to the blog, though, so if you don't mind the slightly weird google translation, you can read it in your language. Worst case, you can check the pictures; there are tons. So far I've sent a few satellites, probes and a rover to the moons of Kerbin, landed on Mun and put a space station in orbit. Hope you enjoy the blog, despite the language barrier. Here's the link: http://kspbrasil.blogspot.com.br/
  11. I'm wondering... Any chance of a greenhouse module? For some reason, I find the closed off hydroponics module unappealing. I was thinking something along the lines of the "z_greenhouse" mod, which can be found here: http://www./download/jbxl5xj6t3uyosx/z_greenhouse.7z A screenshot: This part is quite cool, and I've noticed there's always someone interested in it whenever a screenshot is posted on the forum. But it doesn't fit nearly as well the style of the stock parts as the Large Structural Components pack does. If you could do something along these lines, like a module similar to the lobby but with animated shutters and a glass "roof" that we could see through, it would be great. Refraction effects on the glass would even be an improvement over z's version. I think there's a great demand for that.
  12. Clarke Base, on the Mun. You can see the rover that assembled it docked. Praxis Base, also on the Mun. Made with the LackLusterLabs mod. It looks cool, but unfortunately these parts are a pain to dock. The smaller Asimov Base, on Minmus. Forward Base, on Laythe. Cool thing about this base is that all the modules were sent on the same huge ship, and then dropped individually and put together on the ground. Again, Forward Base, now with the rover that carried the modules and a plane-rover hybrid that came on another ship, on the next transfer window. One of the modules was designed to refuel this plane. I believe brotoro came up with this configuration, I just adopted it as a module.
  13. Yeah, the tanks look great, but I'd rather have them be of a metallic grey with only colored stripes identifying the contents.
  14. I love the look of these parts! I was just thinking about how many of the mods around here, despite looking awesome, don't fit too well with the style of the stock parts (KSPX being the main exception). And a lot of the best mods, such as the B9 Aerospace pack, fill your parts tabs with parts that aren't as versatile as the stock ones. So I'm really looking forward to the rest of the pack being completed, and if I can, I'd like to add a few requests: - Greenhouses with little plants inside would be great, but if you could just do a version of that structural corridor with the top covered by window panels (similar to those of the new stock cupola) would be good enough. - The structural corridor looks great, but I was really looking for a "horizontal" version of the hitchhiker cabin. Adding version with a door on the side and making it hold kerbals would be a plus in my opinion. Making that hatch similar to the stock hatches would be even better. - It would also be awesome if the parts on your pack had the option "turn on lights" that we've seen on packs such as the LackLuster Labs - that means, the windows appear to "light up". Do you think that's feasible? Anyway, wether you decide to implement any of my requests or not, I wish you good luck with the mod, and i'll be keeping an eye on the thread.
  15. Hello, there! I've just experienced three frustrating days of playing KSP, because of docking ports not working properly. Basically I'm working on a couple of modular bases, to be assembled by rover, but the problem is that while the assembly works fine while testing at the KSC runway, it almost doesn't work at all on another planet. I've assembled a base on the surface of the Mun with no dificulty, but while trying to do the second one, more than half of the docking attempts failed, even though I was able to line the ports perfectly. I thought the problem was the docking port I was using (a mod one), but while trying to build a base on Laythe after a long travel, I can't get my rover to dock with ANYTHING. I can't fihure out what's the problem. The ports are the stock ones, they are attached correctly, line up perfectly, and all the vessels I'm trying to dock have power. I can even put the modules on top of my rover, and they look like they're docked, but they aren't. It's really annoying. Does anyone know a possible solution for this? Is there a mod that improves how the stock ports dock? I'm not talking about a docking autopilot, since I'm trying to dock on the surface and have no trouble getting the ports in position, just something to make the damn things attach to each other. Thanks in advance.
  16. I was just toying a bit with the parts, and tried to do a modular base. Here's what I came up with: That's the base (a test in KSC grounds) and the rover used to assemble it. Each module has spaceplane landing gear under it. It has two habitation modules, a command center, a greenhouse module and a power plant that doubles as a rover recharging station. This version creates no lag, and you can add more and more modules. Oh, and it looks pretty nice at night.
  17. I've sent it to the Mun, so far. Here's how I did it: I'm not very good at designing launch vehicles, since this monster barely managed to get the rover and its lander in orbit. I had to decouple the lander and used most of its fuel to circularize the orbit, then docked a tug to the lander to refuel it and tow it to the Mun's orbit. I'm not very happy with how the lander looked, but it worked. Next time I think I'll worry a bit more about the launch when designing a vehicle.
  18. I must say, I absolutely love this parts pack. You did a very fine job here! Only one thing bothers me right now: the centrifuge is too big! Maybe it's just me, but I tend to make smaller, more functional ships, and I'd love if the centrifuge had its arms with half that lenght. I'm not talking a simple rescale, since that would make the livig pods too small, but an edit of the model. Could that be done?
  19. Yes. I'll post a few pics tomorrow, since I'm going to bed now. It isn't faring very well, but I believe there's a bug with the rover wheels that's going to be fix in the next bugfix patch.
  20. In this save I'm naming all my vehicles, stations and bases after sci-fi authors. For instance, I have a Verne Station, a Clarke Base and a Niven Orbiter. This one was named after Stephen Baxter.
  21. Well, this may not be my biggest fail on KSP so far, but it's certainly my most spectacular. There I was, cruising a Mun canyon on my new exploration rover... ...when I decided to use the mini-rover I was carrying to investigate the canyon walls. So little Manfrid Kerman took the mini-rover and went slowly uphill. And he found a nice chunk of rock to take a sample from. So far, so good. Notice how high he is. Now here comes the fail, and it's a shame I don't have screenshots of it, because it happened too fast. Manfrid was going happily back to the mother-rover, when he realized the little rover was building more speed than its brakes could handle. Basically he overshot the main rover by 800m when finally managed to get the speed under 4m/s, and when he thought it was just a matter of turning around and carefully go back a few hundred meters, the thing flipped on its side. That's not the fail. Manfrid sat there, resting its helmeted head on the cold munar regolith, and thought of a solution. The mini-rover had no command module other than the seat, so it couldn't straighten itself on its own. The only way to get it back on its wheels was if Manfrid used his jetpack to bump the rover in the right spot, at the right speeds. The odds of it actually working were very small. And that wasn't the fail either, because, surprisingly, it actually worked pretty well. The rover rolled a few times on the metaphorical air, but landed incredibly on its wheels, while Manfrid stumble for a few meters. This was the fail: before getting out of the rover, Manfrid forgot to put the brakes on. So when the thing got back up, it started slowly rolling down the canyon. Slowly though it was at first, it was still faster than Manfrid could run on the Mun, so the kerbal quickly decided to use his jetpack. But he failed to land on top of the rover the first couple of tries, and by then the thing had picked up quite the speed. Unwilling to quit, Manfrid chased the mini-rover for more than 2 km, reaching speeds of over 18m/s, when he finally managed to land right on top of the seat. The mini-rover shot through the canyon, building more and more speed towards the canyon wall. And suddenly I learned that Manfrid had to be standing to be able to properly board the seat. I frantically tried to get him to get up without falling from the speeding rover, but it was too late. Manfrid and his rover crashed at the canyon wall at 25m/s, and all that was left was an empty seat bouncing on the cold, grey surface. R.I.P., Manfrid. Go chase your rover in the afterlife.
  22. Hey, folks! Two things: One: I made a smaller version of the modular base for Minmos, with a slightly modified design. Take a look: And I'm trying to make a H.O.M.E. modular base for Duna. The one you see here has no lag at all, so I'm thinking a bigger base might be viable. This one is made to be assembled by the DEMV MkV Rover, and it takes a bit of raising/lowering gear and wheels to dock and undock the modules.
  23. Sure, be my guest. I'd Mike to see what you come up with, so make sure to show us a screenshot. I thought about it, but then I thought, why would they need it?
  24. Hello again, fellow kerbonauts! I just spent a couple of hours perfecting a new rover concept that I had to share with you, since it uses three important new parts from the .20 update. Here's the Baxter MkI, a rover for long range and long term exploration. It carries up to 11 kerbals, including the pilot, and is pretty much self-sustaining. Notice that it uses the new cupola part as the pilot's cabin. This part makes for a wonderful rover cockpit! All entry points are on the top, but you can reach them all from this single ladder. And the new wheels are a perfect fit for this size of rover. Now here's the coolest feature: the Baxter MkI carries on its rear a small, single-kerbal buggy called "Stevie", ideal for short range trips to secondary points of interest. Sure, the pilot must be careful not to lose the rear ramp by hitting a bump, but fortunately the thing is quite resistant. And when is time for Stevie to return to its place, just lower the rover's rear by droppping the front gear, and the buggy can dock easily. So, what do you think? The only isue now is how to send this thing to another planet. Here's the craft file: http://www.4shared.com/file/-YFt4_ni/ROV_-_Baxter_Mk01.html
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