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Everything posted by sytaline

  1. Nice rover but it's not really a skycrane as you don't have the cord they hang from!
  2. One word. Take a guess. Fine I will tell you. It is... EEEEPPPIICC!!
  3. I am going to have to make my own ones now! bye the way good job
  4. Very good but I wouldn't call the O.M a "look alike".Definitely a work a like though
  5. You can use two cupolas or any other round pod on a multiconnector to make a more apollo-esque lander! Hope the tip will help.
  6. And I thought my mini soyuz was good. I will give it a tuch up and maybe add a screenshot in a later post!
  7. I am pretty sure that's a bit OP and since you keep saying I could report you for spam. Trust me I have been on this thread for ages and OP stuff does't survive for long, just like the scs!
  8. The KL, ED and CPK all flew back to Moho and converged on one point where they held a great and terrible battle the likes iof which has not been seen since the early Joolian Colonies fought for indepence. It is still happening now but in heavily fortified trenches with each side slowly but surely gaining ground and regular supplie ships that often get raided by pirates!
  9. Damn I have 619 kerbal credits! Can I get a some kind of discount.
  10. Using the munar N.E.R.V.A mk 2s the U.M.P went to the M.L.F and formed the the crimson peace keepers. At Duna a rebellion put the C.P.K incharge of the former Jool half. The Joolians, thinking it was the Evians attacked Gilly and quite accidently rescued the princess and subsequently added Gilly to the empire.
  11. Thanks dude urrm well the KL are bound to have a few small local defence ships arent they?
  12. Munar Mag[/sizeissue #67] Welcome to Munar Mag the number one magazine in the U.M.P todays link is a photo album of the destruction of the Munar Mag by the greedy Kerbo-Laythians! By the way if you left who would be your sucseccor in charge of the thread? Me and Botse have stayed with you the most but Bbrantome wrote the best post (in my opinion) way back on the first page!http://imgur.com/a/43xeA
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