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Everything posted by vincespeedmk2

  1. This is an awesome challenge. I will definitely be attempting as soon as possible. Can I post my mission plan on this thread, when I do one that is.
  2. The beauty of maths and number is that the symbols are arbitrary. You could literally use what ever you wanted. For example. Not everyone would know what the symbol "5" meant, but no matter what language you speak, "o o o o o" still represents 5 dots. And by extension, "o o o" "O" "o o o o" "o o" would (after some deliberation) still be the ratio between diameter and circumference. And if space is full of one thing, its circles.
  3. A way to grab their attention would be to use maths. Numbers are universal, so any spacefaring intelligence should recognise 1,3,5,7 and 9 as being the first prime numbers and understand that there is something up. And if you really want to show off you could always go with "pi". They would recognise this as the ratio between their home world's equatorial diameter and its circumference.
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