Sadly the crashing problems I have been having and have been searching out on the forums tend to come down to not enough RAM or not enough address space. Both problems are limitations of a 32-bit system. Scouring those same forums you get three answers over and over again about crashes. 1. It is because of your mods. Re-start with a clean system and add them back until you find the one causing the crash. Probably true and probably sound advice however look at your crash long and if they are like mine, except for one mod the devs had listed on the 0.20.X crash list, every single crash was an address space problem, 32-bit bomb. 2. It is because you have too many parts in mods. Remove all the ones you do not use. Also true, also causes exactly the same problem as item one as indicated by the log files and if you are not careful and delete a part you actually use, every mission in your saved game that uses it will instantly, and unrecoverable poof. If you use this solution, save your saves. 3. Lower your video resolution. Why the heck did I spend almost $300 for a video card to lower the resolution? NOT a very palatable answer either but again, check the log files and it will take you back to the previously mentioned lack of RAM address space. The only conclusion is that except for the stock game, the game has out grown 32-bit systems. This is a game with a huge following of modelers and people that love to play the models. Taking them out in varying degrees to make the game stable is currently the only viable option to prevent crashes. This is not acceptable and I hope the development on the 64-bit version is complete soon.