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Posts posted by flywlyx

  1. On 2017/7/31 at 7:44 PM, gomker said:

    I went through a few different variations. My only theory right now is KSPWheel is doing something that your mod is detecting as a collider. I can post a demonstration vid if you would like to see it in action.

    Possible, I encounter some issue randomly too. I will check with Shadowmage if he has any clue.

    Edit: I notice I missed some trigger collider to put them to part trigger layer, do you mind test it again to isolate the possible failure?


  2. 20 hours ago, gomker said:

    Doing some further tests - this seems to only happen when using KF tracks - Not sure what is the root cause.

    I notice some abnormal bouncing while testing with ALG, but no idea how could Fixedpoint been damaged, it shouldn't collision to anything.

    I will update the collision box and you can test it later.

  3. 8 hours ago, XOC2008 said:

    Of course now it simply won't be repeated and everything is working fine. Such as it is with KSP.

    Good to hear that.

    6 hours ago, freakneek said:

    I would appreciate it! very much. in smaller aircraft it has a tendency to push the nose way down. It feels like im fighting the controls to stay on landing profile.



    Try this one, I will include, if works fine, I will include it in next update.

  4. 4 hours ago, XOC2008 said:

    Well since I build large ships I won't be removing KJR. All I can say is that when I switch between nearby vessels and return to a tied down plane, it has severe compression and wheel stress. (And I note this is not happening when I tiedown tanks and smaller land vehicles in my LCAC)

    I give the tie downs plenty of slack, and preload is always zero. If I get around to it I'll post a video of it happening.

    In my test, plane go up and down, but never crashed. Is it related to the weight or the fixed point mounting location?


    8 hours ago, freakneek said:

    thanks for the mod. :-)
    quick question. the hook is acting like a big airbrake in the air... should it be doing that or could it be another mod interfering? 


    It is a feature not a bug (KSP tradition). If you think it affect your game play significantly, we can add a simple fix for this.

  5. 10 hours ago, XOC2008 said:

    This has happened to me a couple times. I use KJR too but I'm not sure it's affected by anything. I'll launch a plane and come back to the carrier, and some of the planes will jump as they load back in, specifically if I've traveled out of loading distance and then back in. They break their 'chains' and this has explosive consequences. I don't think anything can be done about it.. it seems to depend on when everything loads into the scene unfortunately. Certainly I don't think it's anything that @flywlyx can do since it is more related to the loading of vessels rather than the tiedowns themselves.


    11 hours ago, EchoDriver said:

    Thanks for the quick response. First, I wont lie, I'm new to the forum thing so I'm not sure how to make or add gifs/pictures/videos directly to the post.

    -It seems to happen immediately after stock physics easing. Some of the tie downs will still be connected to pieces of the aircraft post explosion but obviously when its in pieces, its harder to fly :(

    -I have tried different combinations of preload down to 0 on all tie downs.

    -It might be a moot point now that I have KJR, I just wondered if you knew of something I was doing wrong.





    I tried both stock gear and ALG under KJR, but I cant recreate the condition, you can try record a video and upload to https://gfycat.com/


  6. 7 hours ago, EchoDriver said:

    @flywlyx   I'm loading a carrier deck but when I first tried to set sail, all the aircraft were shifting. I'm a huge fan of tie downs because they certainly solved the problem.  One issue though that you might not have noticed - if you tie down an aircraft, return to KSP, and then come back "in game" it seem physics easing or a collider effect was destroying aircraft every time.  I finally found a work around by installing KJR, but do you know of a way to keep this from happening with out using joint reinforcement?

    Album 0wK9FmG will appear when post is submitted


    It works fine on my test plane(stock plane). Have you try reduce the preload to 0? Or if you can update a gif have more details about how it is destroyed?

  7. 3 hours ago, Grease1991 said:


    what about a retractable towbar of sorts that operate just for the catapult, kinda like the tailhook, but for the catapult?

    the advantage of this would be that it would open of different landing gear setups instead of the standard trike that most go with, 

    ALG is supported, it is not as stable as stock parts, please test and let me know your feed back.

  8. 4 minutes ago, XOC2008 said:

    Okay so that's what I figured but I wanted to be sure. Thanks!

    You are welcome, the force ratio is going to change to cable preload soonTM, I will update a function for tiedown to link to any vessel(doesn't have fixedpoint). Does this sounds good to you?

  9. 3 hours ago, XOC2008 said:

    @flywlyx What is the 'force ratio' and 'cable preload' on the tiedown parts? (What does it do?)

    Force ratio is not valid at this moment,  cable preload is how much force the cable is going to pull your vessel.


    23 hours ago, Giancarlo Kerman said:

    I am having a problem using this mod cause all i can find is the Enterprise pod and no other parts from this mod


    please help soon, i want to use this to its fullest Asap

    Check if you could use the .craft file, if not, it is highly possible you install the folder in the wrong location, KFC should under gamedata folder.

  10. 7 minutes ago, Grease1991 said:

    that would be cool too, maybe like a mech-jeb like module that compares it's distance to the OLS on your carrier, or something like that, that way you don't have to worry about non-carrier craft. if you did go the extra part route, maybe allow it to set waypoints to the carrier you want to land at?

    Like only plane with tail hook can trigger the OLS? That sounds good to me. Since there is no need for a VTOL to take care of the OLS, right?

  11. 7 minutes ago, Grease1991 said:

    I should have clarified that i have moved the slider to 10 in the editor, but since i have it scaled down due to the size of the runway size, and it only shows up 2.5 km away from the carrier, again which makes sense cause 2.5 km is a quarter of the size of the original, and that what i reduced it by, 

    but the actual part for the OLS should have a Scale/Size to it that is different than the starting range of the guidance element. 


    It is cheaper to make it this way, Calculating the distance of all loaded vessel is going to cost a lot more resource.

    Maybe I should tie it to the activated vessel to provide a better performance at this point.

  12. 2 hours ago, Grease1991 said:

    It seems that the OLS Range is tied to the actual scale of the object, as i only get about 2.5 km out of it now (which would match up sense i made the MM file to scale it down to 25 percent of the original size to fit on the Heisenberg runway pieces) would it be possible to have those two elements (physical size and range) separate from each other as far as tweakscale is concerned, 


    Right click the runway light(which is the body of OLS), you should be able to enlarge and toggle it.

  13. 10 hours ago, Grease1991 said:

    Would it possible to include numbers in degrees of how off you are compared to the glide slope that way you can plan a little bit more to get on it vs waiting for the box to get on screen, 

    And or have the ability to adjust the size of the OLS in general

    and or extend the range of the ols especially if you have the physics extender mod, 

    Awesome mod regardless


    OLS could extend to 10KM now, adjust the size with tweakable scale will affect the distance, I am still testing it. 

    Display the degree is a good idea, or have a color/visual indicator to help identify which range you are in.

  14. 4 hours ago, mech_engr said:

    Awesome mod!!

    One suggestion: it would be awesome to have a working IFLOLS lens (Improved Fresnel Lens Optical Landing System) on the ship (or a pop-out gauge), so we can "fly the ball."

    Here's what I'm talking about:


    It's basically a very precise VASI with a 3.5° glideslope. It's just a bunch of advanced mirrors and lenses that show a different "ball" depending on your height above it. There's 12 cells, so it splits evenly with 6 above the green line (datum), and 6 below. That means if you have the ball slightly high, you're perfectly on glideslope and should catch the 3 wire depending on hook-to-eye point distance.

    There's 10 amber cells, each with a 0.13° span, and two red cells on the bottom with a 0.2° span. So that's a 1.7° range, and if you're outside that you won't see "the ball".

    Here's some T45s doing Field Carrier Landing Practice with the MK14 field IFLOLS. That would also be cool to have as a standalone part to put on fields...



    It is too small at that distance to identify the lightness difference, and I dont know how to realize the flare effect which make you feel the light is bigger than the other.

    Another option is to provide a UI, but I dont like a button for a single function. I will consider it after I finish the refuel system.

  15. On 2017/7/15 at 8:34 AM, Megumeme said:

    Hello! Sorry to bother anybody, but Space Dock has either been down or really slow for me. I can't access it at all, and since I can't find another download, I'm a little stuck.

    I'd appreciate if there was another link, but otherwise I could wait to see if Space Dock starts working again.

    If I missed something, I apologize for wasting your time.

    It has a curse download now.

  16. 11 hours ago, Bit Fiddler said:

    hmm maybe tweakable everything, or maybe my tweak scale is broken.  as I have no scale setting on the right click menu...   this also ties in to I have been assuming for a while now that tweak scale has destroyed all my Reaction wheels in the game.  as all of them are set to a max value of 1 and I am assuming tweak scale messed up the math on resize so maybe there is more to it.


    not sure if you meant tweak scale or tweakable everything but I have both installed and do not have any scale settings in the right click menu.

    I will update it maybe this weekend, you can make your own through.

  17. 17 hours ago, Bit Fiddler said:

    is it possible to resize the parts?  I am building a carrier but I guess my flight deck is smaller than expected as the arresting cable etc. are far to big for my design.   could you add a "length/width" scale to the right click menu?  so we can resize the bits to fit what ever we are building?




    Oh a "WP" is a Waypoint.  so we can use Waypoint manager to find the carrier that is out in the wild.  I may park it somewhere, and then launch a new aircraft from KSC, and need to fly to the current location of the carrier to land.   it would be nice if I could open the Waypoint manger and select the carrier's waypoint so I can navigate to it.

    Use tweakable everything should be available for all the parts, I will prepare a MM file in future version.

  18. 4 hours ago, Bit Fiddler said:

    Just installing this now but I have a question.. do you create a WP for us?  and if not could you?   maybe tie it to the "Optical Landing System", so If this part is on the boat then it will add a WP that we can pull up in WP manager, so we can see where the carrier is located and navigate to it.

    So, what is WP?

  19. 11 hours ago, Toonu said:

    Perfect! Now it works like a charm. (Still about some few percent more downforce would help, but that's ok) Actually, the plane isnt as fast as catapult, it has set speed to 100 but speed only plane to 56m/s.

    Nose go only about 15-25 degrees up now. Thanks a lot! :D

    I'll try post a video :D Don't mind quality, it's just for this purposes :D



    An other update for you for reporting this bug:cool:This is a wrong feature I added but come to be a better logic for position.

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