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Posts posted by Pbhead

  1. I could totally see a KSP movie. The trick would be in figuring out how to do it in reverse spanish, with no subtitles, and still be understandable.

    And I think there would be enough of a plot between the opening scene of discovering a giant crater on kerbin, to oh man this could happen again we need to get off this rock, to thousands of failed and slightly successful rocket launches, to landing on minmus for ice cream, to oh my its an asteroid! haha tricks on the viewer, it was never going to ever smack into kerbin, we are just diverting it to create a orbital mining and refueling base, to the kerbals making themselves a two planet species by colonizing lathe.

  2. I think they are a waste of resources, however entertaining they may be. The last update produced and in-game video that was still entertaining, but probably didn't take nearly as long to make. I hope to see videos like the 0.25 launch video in the future!

    It also actually kinda featured the game itself. more like a trailer. and less like... cute little side stuff... which is really great for some backstory... not so great for selling the game.

  3. I mean, those of you who have it in your minds that gender is purely biological, that <censored male organ> = male, <censored female organ> = female take a trip to the Gender Wikipedia page. You'll probably be dumbfounded by how fluid gender is defined now.

    That wikipedia article is about as 'fluid' as what that particular sort of definition of gender is. Which makes the definition essentially useless. No one with a brain would allow a 'fluid' term in a court, or in laws, or anywhere else for that matter.

    I really like one editors comment on that particular article: "This article has become an irrepairable mess of pseudoscience over the years. The only real solution seems to be to revert to a far older revision and start anew. Hopefully it turns out better."

    Which, when it comes right down to it. we can arrive at a very interesting conclusion by a simple substitution, when you consider what a wikipedia article is:

    "The <definition of gender> has become an irrepairable mess of pseudoscience over the years. The only real solution seems to be to revert to a far older revision and start anew. Hopefully it turns out better."

  4. Ill take that reasoning that experienced kerbals fly the same stuff better.


    I am totally ok with kerbals giving x% more fuel efficiency at max level...

    Assuming that all parts which can be buffed by "kerbal fuel efficiency" are nerfed by that same x% fuel efficiency on beta day.

    and such similar such.

    Or perhaps, what might be better would be 'ship flys at 9x% efficiency until kerbals are maxed out properly'.

  5. A center of drag.

    We have center of lift, thrust, and gravity...

    but no center of drag.

    Arrows work for a reason. We build rockets like arrows for a reason. but this is not displayed in any way in KSP.

    Being able to easily tell that your center of gravity is below (or behind, for space planes) the center of gravity, would be really helpful for the creation of stable craft.

    probably a good start to upping the aerodynamics system.

  6. Hey you!

    You better pick A-team!

    Know why?

    Cause otherwise you'll NEVER see the rest of these videos!

    Yea? My video doesn't have any KSP in it. So What? Screw flying, I don't need it to turn the competition into paste.

    Ok, maybe my computer just isn't smart enough to play and record KSP at the same time, but but that ain't your problem.

    What is your problem is what team you pick. And you are going to pick The A Team.

    Go forums!

  7. Hey you!

    You better pick A-team!

    Know why?

    Cause otherwise you'll NEVER see the rest of these videos!

    Yea? My video doesn't have any KSP in it. So What? Screw flying, I don't need it to turn the competition into paste.

    Ok, maybe my computer just isn't smart enough to play and record KSP at the same time, but but that ain't your problem.

    What is your problem is what team you pick. And you are going to pick The A-Team.

    Go forums!

  8. Ok.

    One thing i have not seen in this entire thread.

    And one thing that needs to be understood.

    And this is the only reason required for a nerf.

    Even if all the new parts were strictly worse than every other engine in terms of TWR or ISP.

    They would still be used, because two words: Part count.

    People build lifters to optimize payload to lag ratios. These new parts have reduced part counts so incredibly substantially, that even if these engines used more fuel to lift the same load, they would still be used, and HEAVILLY used.

    because part count.

    That is the only reason.

    That said:

    I do believe these new parts are perfectly balanced. for the realistic solar system mod.

  9. How...




    I think what is happening, is that the landing gear is pressing against a plate. The landing gear's compression cylinder tries to push off of the plate, but the plate does not quite register an equal and opposite force.

    Thus, the craft accelerates as long as the landing gear is pressing on the plate.

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