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Posts posted by Pbhead

  1. Kerbal Space Program is one of those few games where the cost of the electricity of playing is greater than the cost of the game.

    Currently it is sandbox only, which, is fine really. you dont need to 'beat' sim city, right? same here, but they will be adding things that skyhook said above.

    As far as challenges against others, there is a whole subforum here dedicated to people challenging eachother on various tasks. (I am currently king of the jet engines only speed challenge, woot woot)

    Reddit also has a weekly challenge thing, and there are various, youtube things, what was it, challenging youtubers? by hocgaming?

    Theres also tons of mods and stuff as well, one in particular sort of ad-hocs in a career mode by giving you missions, and mission rewards, and stuff... and of course part mods, and physics mods, and there is a semi-multiplayer-mod thing somewheres.

    Always something to do... and if you run out of ideas, just check on these forums, or Danny2462's, or scottmanly's videos, they will give you ideas.

  2. Since this thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/49803-the-cyclers-difficulty-inane

    Never quite got off the ground, due to the usual single post newbie thing...

    It would be quite something to create a object that gravity assists itself between two bodies. We cant expect such something to maintain such a orbit for very long, but... I would be very interested in what some of the smarter maths people on these boards have to say about how we might create such orbits.

    I think If you could tell your ship while in kerbin's SOI to encounter duna, then encounter kerbin again, We could call that close enough. (Maybe start -> destination -> start -> destination encounter if you want to get super fancy)

    Even a kerbin -> moon > kerbin > moon free return trajectory like thing would be fancy.

  3. Does it matter? It must be tried!

    I know scott manley in one of his videos had a ship that started at kerbin, gravity assisted off of eve, and then gravity assisted off of kerbin... Which is about 1/2 of this challenge if you think about it.

    The hard part is probably in the precision required to get it to stay stable for more than one loop...

  4. Fully agree on the infinite division but the ideal charts are so... ideal in showing trends and stuff :).

    It kind of sucks that for many small applications that don't require high mass (using only 1 or 2 engines) 48-7S will be almost always better LV-909 because of lower mass.

    And even considering same fuel load for comparison over multiple missions, one 48-7S will still have almost equal Dv to a ship with one LV-909 (assuming TWR is irrelephant).

    @Tylo chart

    Ohhh i've never got around to making a chart for LV-N on Tylo landers but it seems that starting TWR<1 is actually best. Bookmarking this one! So i can mess with peoples heads :D

    Well, think about it.

    That chart is taking off AND landing.

    When you are doing your landing burn, you can get away with starting with TWR<1.

    I think I am reading that right, right?

  5. Let me tell you about massive crafts.


    not for this challenge, but fitting, due to the engines in front of fuel whole thing. but you get the idea.... all those orange tanks full, save one... that last little tank on the end with the mainsail got ejected after I took the screeny.

    Still. its over 1000 tons atm.

  6. I just built a brand new rocket, no mods, with a large probe core, a large advanced sas, 4 nukebatts, and 4 lv 45s. I then proceeded to turn on sas, and launch it straight up as high as it will go. It is now on its way back down, and still rocking back and forth slowly over 10 degrees like a bottle on the ocean.

  7. Well, after carefully reading the rules...

    and realizing that something akin to my planned engine module for my grand tour might work well here...

    I have not done my best, the optimal launcher would weigh 25 tons. My launcher did not weight 25 tons. Too bothered with lag to make it bigger at this time.

    I have exactly a 10:1 ratio on intakes to jet engines.

    You see. The rules prohibit fuel from the payload being used. it does not prohibit fuel from the lifter going to the payload.

    Thus I present the "Perfectly Legal"

    No mods used, except kerbal engineer (removed before take-off, of course) here to show you payload and launcher weights:





    and here we are in orbit:


    The payload with a last little bit of the launcher:


    So, the payload is 47 tons, the launcher is 54-47= 7 tons...

    so that is 43*47= 2021 Points.

    That's a... 87% payload ratio I think.

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