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Everything posted by Kethevin

  1. KAS has been updated to 0.4.8. A new thread was started. KospY came to save the day.
  2. That's perfect. When I saw the 0.4.8 after KAS, I swear I could hear angels singing!
  3. I removed all of my mods to test this. I continue to have the problem with the minimalistic setting. If I right-click on the minimal window, it's gone for good. However, with all the mods gone, right-clicking on the setting window had no effect, it remained there. Also, the non-minimalistic setting brought the calendar back up and right clicking on it had no effect, it also remained there. Clicking that again did not bring back the minimalistic version. Also... it also happens at the launch pad. I didn't test in the VAB or SPH.
  4. Nothing relating to the calendar mod. Here is a screenshot of the debug screen and a video I made. I right-click on the calendar, attempt to open it again. Open the settings, move it with left-click, right-click on it and attempt to open it again. I do have a lot of mods, so I'm guessing there is a conflict somewhere. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIUGl2GEIrw&feature=youtu.be
  5. Congratulations on your release! :-) This is something I've looked forward to.
  6. Strange. I don't have the override enabled. The only things selected are minimalistic view and Kerbin 6 hour days. If I open the settings and right-click anywhere in it, it also disappears. My guess is it's conflicting with one of my other mods. I'll just be careful around it. :-) Thank you.
  7. Yes. I've exited, re-entered. Closed down the game and restarted the whole thing. Next I'm going to try removing the mod, loading the game, closing, putting the mod back in and see if that fixes it. EDIT: That didn't work either. I downloaded a new copy of the mod and put it in, that seemed to fix it. I haven't tried right-clicking on it again, because I'm scared. :-)
  8. I'm not sure if this is a bug, or if there is an obvious fix. I right-clicked on the displayed date, assuming that would open the options, and it disappeared. I cannot get it to come back, clicking the calendar in the menu no longer brings up the calendar; the setting does open. It's just the actual calendar that has disappeared.
  9. I've only used the stock version and the suggested one for KSP-I. I have been looking for something that spreads things out better and am curious what version everyone else has been enjoying. So, what tech tree do you use and why? :-)
  10. Is it necessary to include the Deprecated folder if you have already removed the old B9 mod?
  11. What happens with the nodes you've researched on the previous tree? Do you start over on the new tech tree?
  12. Are you able to change the tech tree you're using mid game? If so, will it reset you to the beginning, let you keep the science you've earned and spend it on the new tree, or something different?
  13. I've currently been using the b9 fix and recently came across this thread. Just to verify, will this, when released; will include all the regular b9 parts? So a couple pages back where it's mentioned craft files will no longer work, that means craft files using the b9 fix pieces? This is one of my favorite mods, so I'm happy to learn it's being continued and/or added to! Thanks.
  14. I know I can turn the UI off in-game and record that way, but I'm wondering if I can record normally but not have the UI show up in the recording. I'm sure it isn't the same thing, but I figured that since I can choose to have the mouse cursor show up (or not) that it might be possible. Thanks. :-)
  15. Possible save breaks scare me. :-P I just want to make sure I understand what you're saying. It isn't so much that anything in the save will stop working, it's just that trained Kerbals wont be available until, well until they're trained. So after the update, it would just be a matter of training new Kerbals with the required skills and having them replace the current Kerbals in the field, who can then return to Kerbin and be trained themselves? On a different note, WOW! I love this idea. I currently categorize my Kerbals in different 'fields,' but in-game the only difference is the color of their space suit. So this would make it meaningful!! Which leads to another question, which I shouldn't ask because you said more details will be coming, but I rarely do what I'm suppose to, so... if a current Kerbal gets a random skill that doesn't fit my current role for him/her, is it something I can change in the .cfg or within the game?
  16. Does this require Real Fuels or can it work with the stock liquidfuel/oxidizer? The xenon for ion engines is gas and not affected by this, is that correct?
  17. Yes. WaveFunctionP is currently working toward a pre-release of his new version. You can download his experimental version, but keep in mind, his new one changes all the parts so it might be worth it to wait for v.12 if you aren't too far along on your tree. You can find the current v.11 here: https://github.com/WaveFunctionP/KSPInterstellar/releases
  18. I could be completely off on this so take it for what it's worth. It sounds like you are experiencing the exact problems the mod KAS had before the fix was made. Have you tried installing the fix for KAS?
  19. Does anyone have a video of this mod in action? I found a few references to it, but it's just lumped in with a bunch of other mods and it isn't shown.
  20. I could be wrong, but I don't believe they are designed to dissipate heat from the engines. I think they help with waste heat that builds up with solar panels, reactors, and maybe other equipment. EDIT: Reference this: https://github.com/FractalUK/KSPInterstellar/wiki/Waste-Heat-Management
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