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Everything posted by spudcosmic

  1. This should be in the suggestions forum. Also multiplayer is a very controversial topic because of how it would interact with timewarp.
  2. That kid is going to be a great aerospace engineer someday. It's amazing what he's doing.
  3. I taken one of my spaceplanes on a Mun free return trajectory once, barely had any fuel left over.
  4. Where in the world did you find a IVA for that cockpit?!
  5. Exactly what it says on the tin, if there even is a update trailer. I think the trailer will be something like the Kerbals explode the old space center on accident so they build a new and improved one.
  6. With engines they can not only land softer but are able to choose where they land, therefore you save money not having to fish them out of the ocean.
  7. You really can't wait for that Hitchhiker IVA can you?
  8. I'm pretty sure we've programmed computers to predict that information for us now. Kind of like MechJeb.
  9. I feel the same way, I really want a way to build of EVA but I don't really like how the lazor system mod works. Maybe I'll just get the extra planetary launchpads.
  10. I'm not use how exactly you use the in flight construction, can anybody help?
  11. Yes but the pods themselves have varying masses, and that's what the OP is talking about.
  12. Here's some pics of my mission to circumnavigate Gilly! Off I go, those treads actually work in this low gravity! 6 m/s uphill on Gilly?! I'm almost orbiting! I seem to have run out of hill. and now I'm stranded.
  13. Kirgard Kerman, dedicated test pilot. I swear every time I need to test a new craft, he's the one piloting it.
  14. Hey, what mod are those satellite dishes from? You seem to put them on everything.
  15. I present to you, the HOC Mun Shuttle! Warning, Image Heavy! It uses part clipping magic to make an especially good looking engine set up. Yes, those are nuke engines, they give this thing great Delta V for it's size and it can make the trip to orbit and back a good number of times. It can also be docked to by your rovers, How useful is that? This is the proper launch procedure, remember to put a probe brain to get the proper nav-ball reading. There is the finished product, all those other images were a bit old, but basically the same thing. Stats: Crew Capacity - 6 Mass - 25.47 Tons Part Count - 62 parts. Utilities: Probe brain for unmanned flight Solar panels for spacey look Glow in the dark docking port (small battery LED lights) Rover docking ports that work Landing lights Low profile nuke engines large crew storage lots of monopropellant Balanced RCS thrust Junior docking ports (Might not be in optimal places due to not knowing what you'd need em' for.) No ASAS (I find that to be a good thing) Images: http://imgur.com/a/NU0QY Download: http://www./download/easd7lr77ea9h38/HOC_mun_Shuttle.craft
  16. I'm pretty sure an Eve lander and return doesn't have to be 400 tons. There was a post somewhere showing someone's lander that looked only about 50 tons.
  17. I know this really isn't the place to be asking this, but does anybody know what mod that is for those station parts. I've been trying to find it on spaceport forever but it doesn't seem to be under any categories.
  18. I think that when career mode comes out they could add some sort of tourism profit. Kind of like deliver kerbals to orbit or bring them too mun hotels/stations for profit.
  19. Here's a spaceplane I made with the new Sabre Engines! It's actually the first spaceplane I designed that actually made it to orbit and back. I hope it's not because the Sabre engines could be overpowered.
  20. It turns out that the saber S precooler turns into a M precooler on launch too. That is sort of a big problem. Oh well, I'll just remove it. I guess it is supposed to be a useless knockoff.
  21. Sorry to rain on your parade, but I found another bug. If you place a saber S precooler, remove it, and then Ctrl Z to put it back on it reverts it to the saber M precooler. Not that big of an issue but I suspect it could be if you had a really complex craft. I'll see if this happens with other saber parts.
  22. Great Job! There is one problem I found with it so far though, the MK2 monopropellant tank contains liquid fuel. Just though I'd point that out.
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