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Everything posted by shaw

  1. File conversion (PNG. JPEG -> TGA) was never necessary, only recommended as a workaround for a KSP bug. And this bug also affects UR (except planet textures), so you still need to do this conversion for UR if you want your textures to look good.
  2. @Motokid: TextureReplacer doesn't include texture compression mod, only a few lines of code from it (and even those were changed). Why you need a TR version? Is it such a problem to rename 7 files (skybox + 1 planet)?
  3. @Motokid: TextureReplacer is not a replacement for Visual Enhancements mod, only for UR + basic Active Memory Reduction mod. It's everything in the first post what are the advantages over UR. In the matter of performance it's much more efficient.
  4. v0.17 released. Customisable visor colour, config file and several other small changes that can fix Kerbal texture replacement in some boundary cases. There is also an experimental feature: Kerbals in breathable atmosphere can be spawned without helmets and in IVA suits. It still doesn't work well and must be explicitly enabled in configuration file.
  5. I modified Sylith's textures to add some more variations, removed eye shadows and made some other fixes. Download: KerbalHeads.7z (24 MiB) Thanks goes to Sylith who made the original pack and gave permission for his textures to be modified & redistributed. You can download his original PSD file here. Consider it CC BY.
  6. Customisable visor colour, helmet removal in atmosphere (with oxygen). However, the latter still doesn't work reliably.
  7. // Iterate through all Kerbals (including those not on a mission). var e = HighLogic.CurrentGame.CrewRoster.GetEnumerator(); while (e.MoveNext()) { ProtoCrewMember cm = e.Current; // ... } // Access info about Kerbals on the scene. if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight && FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel != null) { // Get the current vessel. Vessel vessel = FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel; // Get crew of a vessel. List<ProtoCrewMember> cms = vessel.GetVesselCrew(); foreach (ProtoCrewMember cm in cms) { // Do comething for cre members. print(cm.name); cm.isBadass = false; // ... } // ... // Get all EVAs on the scene. KerbalEVA[] evas = (KerbalEVA[]) KerbalEVA.FindObjectsOfType(typeof(KerbalEVA)); foreach (KerbalEVA eva in evas) { // Get the vessel representing the Kerbal on EVA. Vessel evaVessel = eva.GetComponent<Vessel>(); // ... } }
  8. Not directly with events, but additional check for altitude or air pressure could be added when replacing Kerbal textures. However, I think that would be feature creep.
  9. I noticed it, too. It actually depends on framerate and it's more likely when you start KSP for the first time. It's a side effect of optimisation in 0.15. I don't think it's a big issue for now, so I will fix it (made it more reliable) eventually, in the next version.
  10. It's very hard/impossible to make a good-looking foil without environment map.
  11. Just found this: https://github.com/ata4/disunity/releases. Probably safer to use than the closed-source Unity Asset Explorer.
  12. With Unity Asset Explorer. Extracting original textures is probably illegal, but it's pretty obvious most of Kerbal textures I've seen are derived from the "stolen" original textures. Squad obviously doesn't have problem with that copyright violations, otherwise UR thread would be locked long ago and most of the Kerbal texture packs taken down.
  13. @Proot: Nice textures, very detailed. @FenrirWolf: the links to UR texture packs are on reddit (look the first post of TR or UR). http://www.reddit.com/r/KSPTexturePacks/
  14. Is it possible to reduce the spam written to the log? Alarm Clock writes a bunch of messages like "parsing bool", "parsing int", etc. when reading the config. Similar for "loading" textures (AFAIK the textures are already loaded during game startup, Alarm Clock only obtains pointers from GameDatabase class when it writes that). Those messages not only make the log less readable, they might also hit performance, writing to log is a quite expensive operation. So could you remove the messages that don't have much significance in debugging, please? P.S. The time at the beginning of messages is also quite redundant. KSP already prepends it (without date). [LOG 22:58:55.467] 1/6/2014 10:58:55 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Awakening the KerbalAlarmClock-KACSpaceCenter
  15. 0.15 released. I discovered KSP event system, which makes detecting vehicle switches, docking, EVAs, new vehicles appearing etc. much faster and more reliable. Replacements are much better optimised now. @mike: Look into KSP.log if the textures load.
  16. The transparency issue is probably caused because gratings are rendered before walls. Walls are then not rendered at the same pixels. This is how 3D graphics works. You can only fix this by making gratings texture to have only fully-transparent and fully-opaque pixels.
  17. You have double ".png.png" extension. Or something like that.
  18. Maybe letter case mismatch? What does log say? There should be something like [LOG 22:45:24.979] [TextureReplacer] Mapping Jebediah Kerman's kerbalHead -> TextureReplacer/CustomKerbals/Jebediah Kerman/kerbalHead
  19. It's a few new blocks of code, I'm implementing it right now. Plus randomisation.
  20. It says in description. Head texture for, e.g. Jeb, should be GameData/TextureReplacer/CustomKerbals/Jebediah Kerman/kerbalHead.png
  21. I'll remove this limitation in the next version. It's just a (insignificant) performance optimisation from early versions when texture replacement pass was run every frame. Now, replacement is done only on a few occasion and code is much longer then, so that "optimisation" has even less much sense now.
  22. Only normal map is the same. And that's exactly what the description says.
  23. 0.13 is released. Please report if you notice any FPS drops, especially if you have a large number of vehicles/debris in your game.
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