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Everything posted by shaw

  1. Yes, the whole scene is recreated, including the clouds (if you see them). I only include layers that are necessary to render all terrain (and buildings), parts, skybox, scaledspace bodies and engine flames/jets, so excluding EVE effects in a no-go, it will certainly also disable rendering of either of previously mentioned things. Reflections must me per part, otherwise the "optimisation" could be easily noticed. E.g. seeing yourself in a reflection or missing/wrongly positioned nearby building and parts.
  2. @Fwiffo Reflections are generated all the time for all loaded parts on scene. If they weren't you wouldn't see reflection for a few seconds after leaving the map view and didn't think they could deteriorate performance so much, based on my experience and feedback. Maybe OpenGL or DX11 is causing the trouble. Try to increase interval for generating reflections (reflectionInterval) in config files (@Defaults.cfg wil get overriden on each update so I recommend putting all custom settings in a separate *.cfg file that has same format as @Defaults.cfg but only includes settings that need to be overriden). Then, try to reduce reflectionResolution (it must be a power of two!).
  3. @Fwiffo What if you disable reflections? Did you check the log for errors?
  4. Set pilot/engineer/scientist suits in the GUI.
  5. Forget the config files, set them in the GUI in the space centre scene. You only need to edit config files for advanced settings. Some settings are duplicated between config files and the GUI. In that case GUI settings are per-game and OVERRIDE the ones in the config files, so the latter only provide the defaults for new games.
  6. Double-check that you have correctly set the engineer's suit in the GUI and that there are no spaces in the suit's name.
  7. [quote name='Tranquil']Hello shaw, verykinky and the creator of the FASA - stuff & everyone! I am thinking to create a suit pack on my own. So I am asking if I might use some textures from verykinky and the dark orange IVA suit from Kerbalgeddon (FASA?) it would be great if you could answer, so I can make it or not if someone doesn't like it. My plan is to provide suits inspired by the MACES concept of the NASA: [URL]http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2014/12/nasa-evaluting-shuttle-aces-asteroid-eva/[/URL][/QUOTE] I have nothing to do with this. You need permissions from authors of texture pack you want to derive from. I recommend you contacting those authors via PMs, I don't know if they watch this thread regularly.
  8. [quote name='luizopiloto']didn't worked... the game still use the stock glow texture.[/QUOTE] Yes. It's passed to the shader as an alternate texture under who-know-what name. Maybe if I find the navball shader in *.assets files and study it I can find out how to replace it. Until then the only way is to overwrite the original file GameData/Squad/Props/IVANavBall/IVANavBall_Glow.dds.
  9. [quote name='luizopiloto']IVA Navball now have a glow texture ( IVANavBall_Glow.dds )... I made a custom one and placed it at the default folder, But Texture Replacer did not replaced it... :P[/QUOTE] [s]I think you actually want to replace GameData/Squad/Props/NavBall/model000.dds texture. Try if replacing it does the trick (if you don't want to overwrite it you can also place the new texture to GameData/TextureReplacer/Defaults/Squad/Props/NavBall/model000[.dds|.png], just watch out for letter case).[/s] You must put IVANavBall_Glow.dds into GameData/TextureReplacer/Default/Squad/Props/IVANavBall/ directory.
  10. Navball textures are not replaced like other textures, but handled separately.
  11. Making texture transparent doesn't make a part transparent unless a transparent shader is used to render that part. Kerbals use specular bumpmapped shader, so texture transparency defines specularity factor rather than transparency. And even if you make it transparent, you probably won't get the desired effect. The part of body covered by the collar will also disappear unless the collar vertices are rendered last in the body mesh, but that's fairly unlikely. Removing the collar from the mesh isn't easy. Maybe even impossible. Kerbals' body mesh is not readable (it's unloaded fom RAM), so you can't change it. There might be some trick to re-load it from games assets as readable, but I don't know how to do that nor have time to try to make such mod.
  12. This mod cannot help you. And unless you use some hi-res textures, decreasing texture quality has usually negligible impact on performance. Buying a new machine is probably your only option.
  13. I guess you have issues with mipmaps. Make sure your textures are not included in `generateMipmaps`. Even better idea is to convert them to DDS format, since DDS textures cannot be touched (but some mods are not able to load DDS icons). I'll think about that, but probably I'd implement it in a different (simpler) way.
  14. If you don't use TR, DDS is smaller in memory because it's only loaded to your graphics card, while PNG also remains loaded in your RAM. Furthermore, a PNG is always converted to DXT5 when loaded to the graphics card, which is twice the size of DXT1, but supports transparency. With TR, PNGs are (mostly) unloaded from RAM and re-compressed as DXT1 when they don't have any transparent pixels, so there's no difference between both, except for much longer loading times for PNGs.
  15. Only DXT1 and DXT5 are supported. They should be DXT1 with mipmaps, DXT5 is for transparent stuff (visor, icons and DXT5nm-encoded normal maps).
  16. You are too high. It's only breathable when pressure is > 0.5 bar, which is below ~3400 m.
  17. Maybe you can ask the developer of CKAN to add your mod. I didn't add TR to CKAN, someone else did.
  18. I think I found the bug. Check this TextureReplacer.dll. You must add the affected icon directories to `keepLoaded` array. Alternatively, you can disable texture unloading entirely by `isUnloadingEnabled = auto`.
  19. No part of female head texture is used for mouth, the red strip maps to their ponytails. Mouth on the original (not tweaked by TR) female model is not textured, there's just a solid colour assigned for each mesh.
  20. Sorry, I don't know what else could be wrong. Polycount shouldn't affect this. It's a hack, the lower part of the texture (mouth and teeth) is not personalised, but the default texture is kept (the one from Default/ if present, stock otherwise). Female mouth is not textured in the stock model and this is the best way to prevent their hair mapping into their mouth while still making it possible to set their mouth textures.
  21. Reflective parts currently retain normal maps (I posted a screenshot a page back), for retaining highlighting, a new reflective shader needs to be written. Currently I use Unity's stock reflective shaders (Squad doesn't provide any) in most cases and my custom shader for visors, none of them supports highlighting. Maybe I'll write reflective versions of Squad's shaders in some point the future. TR probably fails to map shaders correctly. Try using some "more standard" shaders, like "KSP/Bumped Diffuse" or similar. Alternatively you can manually specify the reflective shader to by adding "shader = Reflective/Bumped diffuse" to TRReflection module's configuration.
  22. Dimensions don't really matter, I use 599x300 DXT1 without mipmaps (it's the navball texture from RPM converted to DDS). DON'T GENERATE MIPMAPS or navbals will be too blurry. Yes, that works perfectly for both heads and suits, but the directory then becomes a part of the texture name, so you need to specify it in a config file too. E.g. if you move heads to "Heads/TR" subdir, you need to change "femaleHeads = head1 head2" to "femaleHeads = TR/head1 TR/head2". Separator is always "/" no matter which OS you have.
  23. Textures are in the same order as loaded by Unity, so lexical by ASCII codes. The black texture is probably caused by an image that Unity failed to load, most likely a TGA. TGAs sometimes fail to load since KSP 0.24, so convert them to something else (preferably a compressed + mipmapped DDS to speed up loading).
  24. It is possible, reflections should always keep normal maps. Only emission and reflections can't work together (unless someone makes a shader for that). Here you can see working normal maps on Mk1-2 with the sample config file that used to be distributed in Extras/ folder of TR.
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