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Everything posted by LeonG17

  1. "We are the Borg. Resistance is futile" How about that advice?
  2. Who said that you needed muscles? Sedative and forklift.
  3. Whaa...Whaaaa...Whaaa waaaaasss in thaaaaaaaaaaa....
  4. No, its because we all know you to well. And I haven't seen that many blue women.
  5. If anything, you would be more likely to kidnap us. For what, well...*Faints*
  6. Because you can transfuse blood over the internet. Also *Faints*
  7. Banned for not being banned by Rage.
  8. I think its the wrong blood type...*Faints*
  9. Happy now? By any chance will you tell us what you did?
  10. What did you do? Rage, Trekkette is sad, bring out the cute cat gifs NOW!
  11. You...rational? How about what happened when you went with Chobit to Into Darkness? By what you've said, you weren't very rational?
  12. You did drug and restrain me without my permission and seem to enjoy blood. Satcharna cant be worse...surely?
  13. Don't even... I would rather you operating on me than Rage.
  14. You sound like my friends Rockcoole. Also: AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
  15. I can dissect organs and pig trotters, I just can't fully cope with blood for some reason.
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