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Everything posted by LeonG17

  1. 46 . Announce wallmarts evil intentions for the world.
  2. You've seen my tendencies to split the world in half with Tsar Bombas then
  3. What have you observed of my personality? Am I crazy?
  4. Banned for being a pool of molten metal.
  5. Now we sit and wait................ So, anything interesting happened to you today?
  6. What's the worst it could be, right? ...right?...right? *Looks worried*
  7. Wow, we British have the best teeth in the world! That's proof to keep the NHS So are we going to get cameos and get punched then?
  8. Does that include the people who reside there The things people throw out can be amazing. Edit: Ohhhhhhh, Cracked articles
  9. This is one of the many side effects of too much KSP. Other symptoms include seeing things from it everywhere like Jeb in a crowd or a fuel tank by a railway and using KSP terminology in real life like wondering how much Delta-V you have and whether that is enough to get to your house.
  10. Waiting to get punched in the Junkyard café. (I bet that has never been said before)
  11. Granted, they are bobbing their heads while falling down one of Moho's Moholess. I wish to understand why Chobit will murder me according to you.
  12. Returned the crew of Jeb, Bob and Bill from the Mun testing Flags and Seats in a low gravity environment back to Kerbin.
  13. So this is where we go after a hard day of building rockets, to the graveyard of our failed designs to indulge in non-rocket talks.
  14. We do love to emulate the upper classes here in Britain. It happened with Bread, white bread was seen as posh in the middle ages with brown bread as lower class and so later on in towns in Georgian times people would buy white bread which contained bones and ash to whiten it. Then brown bread became upper class and the lower class followed suit. Its a weird yo-yo effect.
  15. Granted, it is of the Arsenic and Cyanide flavour. I wish to understand the stereotype that British people have bad teeth.
  16. On my first .20 flag/rover seat trip to the Mun, I built a lander which dropped a rover with 3 seats of the bottom. I landed on a slope so when I dropped the rover, it went down and I had to go on a 10km EVA chase after it. Half of that was Jeb getting severe Mun burns when using the Thruster pack to chase it but forgetting the altitude. After that I had to drive it 10km back to the landing site to get Bill and Bob into it for a drive.
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