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Everything posted by LeonG17

  1. Here, rest your head on this. *Gives Rage097 a Tsar Bomba*
  2. You don't like a fire-breathing unicorn?
  3. Used as a twin engine fighter bomber at first, then it moved onto anti-grounds and shipping attacks in the pacific. Perhaps they call it a light bomber? It does have bombs
  4. The air force terminology "ground crew" suggests that it was training in the air force.
  5. Banned for living on Europa. Can you tell us if there is a ocean underneath its icy surface?
  6. Where are you getting these pictures from Nutt?
  7. How very polite. On topic: Does anyone have problems with taking off from carriers, when I do I can't get enough power and the plane heads to the water despite what the elevators are telling it.
  8. What I find disturbing about that picture is the lightsaber has two colours.
  9. How about wasps carrying Tsar Bombas? (Why do I have a addiction to using a Tsar Bomba)
  10. Use a Tsar Bomba to incinerate the landfills!
  11. What about the disposal of the corpse? You could use a Tsar Bomba to incinerate the remains?
  12. Why not apply it to bacteria? To prevent a infection from killing someone, put a Tsar Bomba at the source of the infection to kill the bacteria!
  13. When is this other time? It sounds interesting.
  14. Remember children, store your liver in jars to prevent them from being damaged before becoming intoxicated!
  15. Knowing Chobit, she has likely done that before.
  16. Stephen Fry isn't all-knowing... I'm wrong.
  17. Stephen Fry disagrees with Monty Python:
  18. Actually, people did expect the Spanish inquisition. They gave people a 30 day notice before inquisitioning them.
  19. That would work buts its very impractical. Have to set it all up in parts and has to move on the track to aim. Also horribly vulnerable to air attack.
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