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Everything posted by LeonG17

  1. You can have it chobit, if you promise not to kill me.
  2. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=wabbit More violence, yet again...
  3. Mental link to all other women in the universe? Violence is still violence, no matter how you present it.
  4. And yet you have claimed before to be disgusted by our violence Chobit...
  5. Perhaps he only means it that way now that you know about it and fears your response? We compress you up very small and remove some parts. The resultant blast isn't as powerful but is still massive. Edit: What about the rest of us? Why do you presume our genders? Also, TvTropes!
  6. *Bounds Rage097 and places him into a Tsar Bomba* How do you know which is a girl Trekkette?
  7. You aren't killing him? Okay.... Just typical British weather here.
  8. Granted, you get a fraction of 1, 1/1000 of a button. I wish Chobit could see Rage's original wish.
  9. No but the way you posted means that you wanted Trekkette in the "Object" context, not as a person doing something.
  10. I believe it was in the "object" context, not as a person but as a object.
  11. Trekkette, go look at his wish in this thread , it should be the last one on page 176.
  12. Because we have nothing better to do? Because we are all psychopathic? Because we have no life? The list goes on and on..
  13. Can't imagine it would be that good against fighters- it always was the weakness of them. How do you fight the fighters?
  14. Could be, its not the best quality. Why would someone make that? This is the only thread in the internet where we discuss the makings and reasoning behind cat gifs...
  15. Granted, you no longer understand anything else. I wish to know everything.
  16. ... Ok, you know have a Toblerone dispenser in your head. I wish for brain bleach.
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