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Everything posted by LeonG17

  1. I bought them from the Russians, obviously... Old topic redone, ICE CREAM!
  2. Can you give us a topic then to occupy us for 2 more pages?
  3. I got 99 problems but my booster aint one!
  4. *Pretty colours bounce of me* Don't even... *Places musicpenguin into Tsar Bomba and drops it into the sun.*
  5. *Donk, Donk, Donk...* Fine then. *Stops sacrificing Trekkette* It was a fake knife, the blade goes in when it touches someone...
  6. *Donk* Chobit cannot stop us! *Sacrifices Trekkette*
  7. *Disables weapons and gif abilities* *Presses Dark Toblerone button*
  8. All we have learnt is that Chobit will come along and kill us with a Japanese WW2 plane.
  9. Warning, Warning, Odin Detected! Estimated Page Arrival: Page 100.
  10. Then what do you suggest? Constantly observing us? At least we're not trying to sacrifice you again...yet.
  11. Most of them? Ok then, lets try to activate one. *Presses button*
  12. I say, this appears to be empty, what what.
  13. *Pulls plug* Bidding from £1 million! Recharger not included
  14. If you wish for it to change, suggest a topic then. This is what happens if we have nothing better to do.
  15. *Shot bounces off diamond plate armour* *Launches rail gun barrage at Rage then finishes of with a Tsar Bomba*
  16. *Shoots Rage097 through the eye with a rail gun*
  17. *Brings diamond edged sword down, slicing off Rages arm cannon. Then pivots and slices his head of, turns around and stabs rage through the chest.*
  18. *Activates EMP* Now, who wants the body? Prices start at £1,000,000
  19. *Presses backup detonator* Have fun Rage
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