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Everything posted by LeonG17

  1. ........................................................ This is becoming even more random.
  2. They are flying from every part of your body. You cannot stop them.
  3. Would you rather explode from the outside in?
  4. You have the TARDIS effect inside your Toblerone storage area. You use ducks on the flying chocolate?
  5. I made a few modifications while you were in the Tsar Bomba. Now to activate Overkill mode *Pushes button* *Toblerones start flying from every part of Rage097*
  6. Banned for being a Captain of rust.
  7. *Places coin in, pulls lever* *Toblerone falls out*
  8. Granted, you receive the enlightenment that 1+2=3 I wish for everyone to be a Toblerone dispenser!
  9. Not granted, she will see it. I wish for chobit to see Rage097 being a Toblerone dispenser.
  10. 10/10 You have tried to kill me with a rebar on platform enigma
  11. Have some of this to soothe all your chocolate cravings, homicidal thoughts and occasional lunacy!
  12. You're homicidal/suicidal? Eat them all now!
  13. Chocolate is important for Chobit and Trekkette: http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/2010/aug/16/chocolate-reduces-heart-failure-risk-study
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