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Everything posted by LeonG17

  1. But the important thing is, does it still taste nice?
  2. Wow, I feel sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeppppppppppppppyyyyyyyy.................
  3. Your pizza toppings are now jumping of the pizza and dancing in front of you.
  4. If they start jumping off the pizza and dancing then that's not normal. You need to check them then.
  5. So would you still love pizza eating it outside the Amundsen-Scott station?
  6. You can build up a resistance to spicy foods like poison or alcohol till eating a raw Jalapeño wouldn't effect you. That would be weird.
  7. One person to get into a kitten gif war with the other person.
  8. Banned for liking your own avatar
  9. My mother is forced to agree with me on all things of navigation as I have never gotten us lost and the one time she didn't listen to me we did get lost And yes I did, but you can have it back if you control your murderous impulses.
  10. Banned for Cabin in the woods.
  11. That's the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. On topic: Any ideas when we will see more lore?
  12. When I enter this thread I always wear a suit of plate armour with a bullet proof vest underneath. And I have now placed you rebar in a Tsar Bomba and I have a remote control for its activation.
  13. Many people in this thread have homicidal impulses, some more than others... At least you don't have to guide on your trips, when I went on holiday I had to guide my mother everywhere each time we went out in the car.
  14. Is Chobit trying to kill us? And what about you? You could give up sleep for a short while, but the future repercussions would be dreadful. Aren't road trips just joyous fun!
  15. 9/10 You live for off-topic forums.
  16. There sheer cost of making a ring that big let alone the cost of everything else. The amount of materials and costs need to get a small station in orbit are massive, let long one that surrounds it. How would hilarity ensure?
  17. 5/10 Seen you a bit around.
  18. Granted, but they are extremely corrosive and so a few seconds after eating one it falls out of your stomach. I wish to have a replica of earth.
  19. Because we can hide our intentions from the rest of the world!
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