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Everything posted by LeonG17

  1. Awwww, all 3 of my cats were strays. Also: Star trek cats!
  2. Banned because panning is where you sieve water for gold.
  3. I just want to see trekkettes reactions to these.
  4. Do you mean non-violence or just non-shooter?
  5. *bleaaaat, bleaaattt, bleaaat, tttttoolllll, bleaaaaaat*
  6. *bleaaattt, bleaaattt.* Kittensitting? That's the greatest idea ever! Why would the claw bother you if your feeding them? With my cats they stick their head in the bowl if you try to put something in it.
  7. Try some sunglasses *gives Rage097 sunglasses*
  8. *gives Rage097 a riot shield* There you go, now you must lie in wait and not give anything away of your intentions.
  9. You could follow the roman way of volunteers, they would sacrifice a goat to appease their gods but the goat had to volunteer to be sacrificed. So they would place a carrot in front of it and if it stretched its neck out to eat it then it volunteered.
  10. You have the options:release the stress somehow like punching a pillow or through suppressing it.
  11. And the way they twist good old Queens English into that confusing speak. Dreadful!
  12. Just be original with your sacrifice choice and method for once ok?
  13. I've just done the singe mission- Eagle Day, solo. Having to face 29 He111 with a few AI partners in a Hurricane is quite a challenge but then I had to land with the damaged aircraft. The engine damage was on black but I thought that meant the engine was broken but it worked to get back across the channel and land.
  14. and everything and everyone which ever existed before or in the future.
  15. Banned for trying to get people to be beta testers.
  16. That happens sometimes to me but I power down my engine so much I can't pull up from the strafing run and I crash into the ground. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I love the damage models in the gaem.
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