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Everything posted by LeonG17

  1. You can live with your death? Painful death?
  2. I might then choose Germany as my second nation then. I want to try out the worlds first jet bomber!
  3. On topic: Is it me or is PfL progress increasing much more recently?
  4. They could follow this design: It was designed to carry the massive German gliders. Edit; We would have to follow the discussion somewhere. It's very interesting. And where do you live that's being bullied by NATO?
  5. *looks innocent* I didn't mean it like that! Honest! I'll take it down now okay? And theirs no need to insult other countries ok? Could you list the times the UK ignored the convention out of curiosity? Edit: There, its removed now. And I'm looking forward to the expansion on the lore section.
  6. You do love the Russians and their ways don't you satcharna How spectacular were these failures? Did the tank fall of the wings mid-flight and land on the research team?
  7. Screw the Geneva convention! Edit: Freya is a robot with purple insides?
  8. Why a team for a single faction and another for the rest? T60 with wings, what is the purpose? Some sort of delivery system? It would be better just to build a normal plane round the gun. Well, it does seem like Soviet thinking.
  9. The Soviets first did semi-jets to power their aircraft like the I-250 which were propeller aircraft with a rocket element. They were just prototypes but they could add them? Also, it would be nice if I could see some of you ingame.
  10. Only you would demand the kidnappers to kidnap you better... The lore is very nice, its good to have some backstory. And it should be fine as long as you don't make explicit references. Edit: I thought the purpose of kidnapping is to ransom the person? How could we do that if chobit's been sawn in half?
  11. You've put the http:// twice in that link.
  12. There's a TvTropes page on it? I know what you meant, it was clear in my cinema who was there for star trek and the rest. It all depended on their reactions to previous star trek references, there were none from the rest of the audience People probably gave you those weird looks as they would of subscribed to the stereotypical version of a star trek fan and you broke them all.
  13. Do you want Star trek discussions? Ok then, what did you think of Into Darkness?
  14. Don't the chobits come in different genders? If you look at enough comments you should be able to work out chobits gender.
  15. Check the lists on the first page posted by chobit for the available aircraft.
  16. It would end the debate of her gender. But isn't that a bit creepy?
  17. Here's some pictures of them to jog your memory: B-17 B-29
  18. Are you thinking of the B-17 or the B-29 by any chance? Also, my steam username is leon.galiano I am very unimaginative when it comes to usernames
  19. Or the next move for PfL after all the backstory and information is done?
  20. Is that mode by any chance a result of KSP? Edit: You have a...ummmm...interesting imagination Rage097.
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