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Everything posted by LeonG17

  1. I got the Mun for the first time in 0.20. I also got a rover there but it has a annoying flipping problem.
  2. Looks like the kraken is expanding past KSP and into our computers.
  3. Trying to rest our minds to get ready for the next wave of insanity.
  4. Banned for talking about that.
  5. Granted, but they forgot how to hold it together. I wish for a Spitfire.
  6. Banned for disregarding physics.
  7. If only the world was run by engineers and scientists... *sigh*
  8. *knock knock knock* Brain bleach *knock knock knock* Brain bleach *knock knock knock* Brain bleach
  9. Do you watch it often? (I did get the joke, just decided not to reply. Sheldon falling down the stairs then playing the bongos again )
  10. 10/10 You seem to be omnipotent in the off-topic forums.
  11. This thread is getting insaner each day. At least we are always on topic then so we can't be locked. Hopefully
  12. Oh, good. I'll get it tomorrow then, its getting late and when I get a new game I play it non-stop from anywhere from a few days to a month. Planned Username: LeonG17 Favourite aircraft: Have to try them first but likely a Spitfire. Would like to try out the Fw190 and the A6M.
  13. Ok, Ok, calm down chobit. Could you answer my previous question? Does Warthunder need any system requirements as a result of the graphics?
  14. You and your ways to kill me.
  15. Get a skin transplant from another part of your body or grow some of your skin in a lab.
  16. Does Warthunder work on all computers? Any system requirements for the excellent graphics?
  17. Granted, you get sniped all the time now. I wish for a miniature version of the Earth with WW2 happening on it.
  18. Then should we force you to stay on TvTropes 24/7 for a month?
  19. I thought you were trying to avoid TvTropes to get more work done? You've given in to the temptation then.
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